Congratulations to the 2008-2009 Penn State Lionettes Dance Team

April 28, 2008


Kailin Armeny (32)
Nicole Bautz (10)
Katleyn Berardi (18)
Karley Chism (1)
Amanda Jo Cannillo (27)
Alex Costello (8)
Jenny DiNardo (16)
Chelsea Dolchin (26)
Caitlin Donnangelo (17)
Amy Duray (42)
Megan Ebmeyer (12)
Monica Endy (20)
JoAnn Esposito (14)
Kristen Fedeli (39)
Alyssa Guttendorf (2)
Ashley Herbick (3)
Megan Highfill (36)
Ashley Hinson (25)
Kayla Kollman (21)
Sydney Klein (29)
Christina Liebert (15)
Caroline Molloy (19)
Marisa Pollock (37)
Natalie Sarver (34)
Allie Scott (22)
Erin Zoch (11)

**The first team meeting for the new team will be held on Wednesday, April 30 at 5:00 p.m. in 113 White Building. If you are not able to attend the meeting, please email Sue Sherburne (src122@psu.edu) no later than Tuesday, April 29 at 5:00.