Home Page - Nittany Lion Club

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Support Penn State Athletics

Our student-athletes devote themselves wholeheartedly to their academic endeavors, rigorous training sessions, and demanding practice routines, all the while upholding the proud legacy of Penn State.

Your generous support is paramount in helping them to achieve their aspirations. It ensures they have access to top-tier medical care and nutritional programs, academic support services, state-of-the-art facilities, and essential scholarship aid.

Stand with our Penn State student-athletes by becoming a member of the Nittany Lion Club today and enjoy exclusive opportunities while making a meaningful difference!



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Levi Lamb (Annual) Fund

Levi Lamb (Annual) Fund

Through the Levi Lamb Fund, our donors make transformative investments towards addressing Penn State's greatest needs including scholarship support, medical expenses, operational support, and nutritional needs for our 850+ student-athletes. This unrestricted annual fund is vital to the sustained success of Penn State Athletics, ensuring that our student-athletes have the resources they need to excel both on and off the field. By contributing to the Levi Lamb Fund, you help our student-athletes achieve peak performance, support their well-being, and elevate the overall excellence of our athletic programs.

Capital Projects

Capital Projects

Through capital giving, our donors make transformative investments towards the construction or renovation of athletic facilities which are vital to the sustained success of Penn State Athletics. State-of-the-art athletic facilities and amenities play a key role in recruiting the best student-athletes and retaining top coaching talent; help our student-athletes hone their skills and achieve peak performance; and elevate the fan experience at competitions.

Sport Excellence Funds

Sport Excellence Funds

Sport Excellence Funds are designed to empower our head coaches with the resources needed to address their most immediate strategic priorities, positioning their teams to compete for championships. At the head coach's discretion, these funds can be allocated to a variety of needs, including scholarships, student-athlete marketing opportunities, or other initiatives that provide our team with a competitive edge.

Teammates for Life

Teammates for Life

Teammates For Life is a Penn State Women’s Athletics initiative fueled by a powerful mission: to support the success of incoming, current, and alumnae Penn State women’s sports athletes by celebrating, elevating, and engaging decades of successful Penn State women. Teammates for Life will foster connections between current student-athletes and the global network of athletics alumnae, fostering lasting relationships and paving the way for professional success.

Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Planned Giving helps you meet your personal, financial and estate planning goals by making a lifetime or testamentary charitable gift. A planned gift is one of the easiest charitable gifts to make. With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift be made to Penn State Athletics as part of your overall estate plan.