Toney Reflects on Four Years of PSU Soccer, Looks Toward Future

Nov. 5, 2010

Throughout the 2010 season, Penn State will feature a student-athlete before every home game. This week, two features will be in the program for the Michigan match (Sunday at 1:00 p.m.) with Megan Monroig and Danielle Toney the subjects for Senior Day.

Kayla Inserra, GoPSUsports.com Writer

Senior Danielle Toney joined the Penn State women's soccer team as a freshman in 2007 and although Toney only started in just three games as a forward, she played in the majority of the games looking up to the seniors at the time for comfort and support.

It was her amazing teammates that helped her through the nerves and stress of starting on a Varsity team as a freshman. "The girls I was playing up top with immediately welcomed me," the Northville, Mich. native said. "I just had to find that comfort level."

Today, Toney enters the Michigan game with a total of 37 goals and 19 assists. As a senior this year playing with several freshmen she has become that role model to them advising new incoming teammates to stay strong mentally.

"Do not get inside your own head about stupid stuff," said Toney. "Play for the love of the game all the time."

Toney has been playing soccer for over 15 years with her family and two older sisters, Camille and  Simone, being her biggest influences. Her family plays a huge role in her soccer career from supporting her every decision to attending almost every single game as a player.

Coming from Michigan, Toney's parents make the six-hour drive to every home game as well as every game on the road. Almost never having missed a game, Toney's parents and family are her biggest fans on and off the field.

Her athletic influence stemmed from her sisters' passion of playing sports together since middle school. While she started out at a young age taking swimming lessons and playing softball and basketball her love of soccer became her main focus after high school.

"Playing soccer is definitely just a natural thing for me to do," Toney said.

After looking at a variety of schools during her senior year of high school Toney was unsure of where she could best pursue her soccer career.

Nevertheless, Penn State's incredible atmosphere and the strong personalities of the women on the soccer team led to her final decision of choosing Penn State University.

"Everyone loves each other and it's a really great place," said Toney. "I seemed to really fit in well here."

Even though it is difficult as any student-athlete to get involved in other extracurricular activities, Toney wouldn't trade the experience for anything in the world.

"We get involved with THON and other athletic groups," Toney noted, "but other than that we have to find time for our school work."

Toney loves this aspect and likes to keep busy because playing soccer for Penn State is what has shaped her to be who she is today.

"It would have been such a different experience had I not played soccer," said Toney. "It has made such a huge impact and will leave influential memories that will last forever."

One of Toney's most memorable games at Penn State was her freshman year in 2007 during the second round of the NCAA Tournament against Hofstra University. The anxiety and nerves of the players were heightened by virtue of the game being rescheduled due to a snowfall a few hours before the game. Nevertheless, the game continued the following day, with Penn State losing 1-0 with 30 seconds left in the game. Toney and her teammates feared the game to be over and lost.

"I remember being on the field," Toney recalled. "and being like, `oh my gosh 30 seconds left. Oh no, we cannot lose this game.'"

Consequently, the play developed and Penn State scored with 14 seconds left in the game. The game went into overtime and Penn State scored within one minute giving them a victory and a chance to continue forward in the tournament.

"It was crazy. It was an absolutely amazing feeling," Toney remembered. "I will never forget it, we won the game and it was a great memory."

Along with many other amazing memories, Toney is going to miss her teammates and the camaraderie they share on and off the field. From supporting each other every practice and every game to teaching younger players and staying positive, Toney has made great friends that she considers her family.

"Everyone helps each other through everything and we are great friends, " said Toney. "I will really miss that."

After four years of playing for the Penn State women's soccer team, Toney has contributed her heart and soul into the game.

From the beginning of her career she was acknowledged for her outstanding performance as a player and cherishes the recognition she has received thus far. Her most gratifying reward was during her sophomore year in 2008 playing in the Big Ten tournament. Toney received the Big Ten Tournament's Offensive MVP award and remembers it vividly to this day.

"I just remember playing so well," said Toney "and it felt so good to be recognized for all of the hard work I put in that weekend."

Despite Toney's years as a Nittany Lion are coming to an end, she plans to continue working hard as an athlete and a soccer player after graduation.

Toney plans to continue playing soccer after college, but is unsure of where to best pursue her goal. She has been interested in the fashion industry and would love to attend fashion school after graduation. Finding a job within a fashion company and working her way to the top is one of her main career goals thus far. Although her career goals are flexible, she looks forward to a future where she can integrate her love of sports and fashion.