Swales Set For Month of Paralympic Bike Racing

June 3, 2011

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - Penn State ability athletics standout and Wounded Warrior Chris Swales (Centre Hall, Pa.) has a busy June ahead of him, racing in multiple events.

Swales opens his racing month in Philadelphia in the Amateur Time Trials for Paralympic Bike Racing on Saturday, June 4. Swales is racing with a bike funded by the Christopher Reeve Foundation, a grant that was written on behalf of Penn State Ability Athletics. This is his first official opportunity to try and make the USA Paralympic National Team.

Additionally, Swales will be taking part in the Race Across America (RAAM) starting June 18. Swales will be part of a team that races against fellow wounded warriors in a relay system. The 30th annual event commences in Oceanside, Calif. and is expected to end at Annapolis, Md. in eight or less days.

Swales joined PSU Ability Athletics just over a year ago playing wheelchair basketball, participating in throwing and weightlifting. While Swales is no longer bound to a wheelchair, he uses a cane to get around and has become one of Ability Athletics' best athletes.

To follow Swales, visit raceacrossamerica.org for more information.