Statements from Penn State Acting Athletic Director Dave Joyner and Head Football Coach Bill O'Brien on the Freeh Report

Penn State Issues Statement On Freeh Report

July 12, 2012


Dave Joyner, Penn State Acting Director of Athletics
"Earlier today we received, along with the general public, a first look at Judge Freeh's final report. I have read the report, and will continue to review it in closer detail in the coming days. The report concludes that individuals entrusted to positions of authority, shunned the basic responsibility to protect children, and innocent children suffered as a result. Moving forward, we must do everything within our capacity to restore trust in Penn State, and the Athletic Department will play a central and leading role in that process. Through these difficult times, we remain committed to the highest ideal and embodiment of the student-athlete, and we will emerge a stronger institution."

Bill O'Brien, Penn State Head Football Coach
"Today we received the results of the Freeh Group's investigation into what transpired at Penn State. I am carefully reading the report and recommendations with respect to the football department, including any gaps that may exist, to identify what changes can and should be made. I stand with the University leadership in a shared commitment to driving a culture of honesty, integrity, responsible leadership and accountability at all levels and within all units of our institution. We can and we must do better. Nonetheless, I too remain proud of the accomplishments and character of Penn State's many generations of student-athletes, and I look forward to doing my part to ensure we emerge stronger than before."