College Night Out at The Penn State All-Sports Museum

Oct. 24, 2016 University Park, PA - Calling all coeds! Experience the Penn State All-Sports Museum come alive on Wednesday, November 2nd from 5-8pm! Soak in the history of Penn State and immerse yourself in the tradition of Penn State Intercollegiate Athletics. Learn about famous Penn Stater's such as Suzie McConnell, test your skills at basketball shoot out, and try on some gnarly 80's gear in our photo booth! Join us for an interactive night of FREE fun with games, refreshments, and chances to win awesome prizes! "This event is an awesome chance for students to come out and learn more about Penn State's athletic traditions while having the chance to win some pretty awesome prizes" stated Ryan Myers, one of the Event Planners. The museum is located at the southwest corner of Beaver Stadium opposite the Bryce Jordan Center. A long canopy leading from Curtin road marks the Museum entrance. This event is free and open to the community.About Recreation, Park and Tourism Management 356Each semester, RPTM 356 students collaborate with 10 local non-profit organizations, campus organizations and state parks to plan, promote, implement and evaluate special events. Generally free and available for to the public to enjoy, students acquire practical event planning experience, while agencies benefit from a special event. The class instructor is Kathleen Raupach, MS, kjr103@psu.edu.About Penn State All- Sports MuseumPast the time-honored bell tower of Old Main, beyond the cool marbled hall of academia, and outside the venerated field of Beaver Stadium, the legends of blue and white are gathered to tell their stories. At the Penn State All-Sports Museum, visitors encounter, firsthand, the athletic history and heritage of one of the greatest universities in the nation The Penn State All-Sports Museum is a two-level, 10,000 sq. foot interactive facility located in Beaver Stadium. The Museum features all 31 current varsity sports, and displays numerous trophies, awards, and equipment from throughout history (GoPSUSports.com/museum).