March 30, 2017

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University Park, Pa.
- The Penn State All-Sports Museum will host its second annual Battle of the Student Sections on Thursday, April 13 at 6 p.m. The event will be held at the Penn State All-Sports Museum and admission is FREE. The event is being planned and implemented by members of Penn State's Recreation, Park and Tourism Management 356 class.

Throughout the evening, student sections will compete in various competitions, such as sports jeopardy, sauce toss, football toss and many more. The winner from each game will earn points towards the ultimate prize: the Fan Cup. The student section with the highest total will be crowned the 2017 Champion of Penn State All Sports Museum Battle of the Student Sections. There will be free refreshments and ongoing prize giveaways throughout the evening.

The Battle of the Student Sections event is great opportunity for students and the Penn State community to take advantage of the Penn State All-Sports Museum. "Founded in 2002, the Penn State All-Sports Museum preserves the legacy of the Nittany Lions' achievements through three centuries of competition. Located in Beaver Stadium, the heart of Nittany Nation, the Museum highlights each of Penn State's varsity sports, past and present, and is ever changing as new stories are created each day on the field, court, and floor".

The Penn State All-Sports Museum is located on the southwest corner of Beaver Stadium. A long canopy leading from Curtain road marks the museum entrance. Parking in the adjacent Lot 44 is free after 5pm. This event is free and open to the community. Visit us on the web at goPSUsports.com/museum, as well as on social media platforms under PSU Sports Museum.

About Recreation, Park and Tourism Management 356
Each semester, RPTM 356 students collaborate with 10 local non-profit organizations, campus organizations and state parks to plan, promote, implement and evaluate special events. Generally free and available for to the public to enjoy, students acquire practical event planning experience, while agencies benefit from a special event. The class instructor is Kathleen Raupach, MS. Ms. Raupach can be reached at kjr103@psu.edu.

About Penn State All-Sports Museum
Every sport has a story and Penn State's All-Sports Museum is here to tell it. Beyond the cool marbled hall of academia, and outside the venerated field of Beaver Stadium, the legends of blue and white are gathered to share the memories of all at the All Sports Museum. At the Penn State All-Sports Museum, visitors encounter, firsthand, the athletic history and heritage of one of the greatest universities in the nation.