Penn State Football at Iowa - Student-Athletes Postgame Quotes

Sept. 24, 2017

Penn State Football
at Iowa - Student-Athletes
September 23, 2017

Ryan Bates | LT | SOPHOMORE
"The beginning of the drive we thought it'd be us. We had to execute each play. O-line had to protect as long as it takes. Same old things that we believe in. We stuck to what we know and Juwan (Johnson) had a heck of a catch. That last play was kind of a play action thing and I stepped four steps hard ... and Trace rolled back out the other way, and I knew it wasn't coming this way so I just turned around and watched. I'm probably going to get yelled at when we're watching film because I just turned and watched the play and, you know, I saw Trace (McSorley) roll out and he was probably getting pressured a little it from the other side and I just see him launch the ball."

On when Iowa took the lead:
"I think we were all cool, calm and collected. We really kept our composure and really know what we can do. If you ask me, ask any of us, we're the best offense in the country and we played a hell of a team. That defense was probably one of the better defenses we're going to play all year and kudos to them because they were really good."

Jason Cabinda | LB | SENIOR
"We knew it was going to be a four-quarter game and we just played our hardest every last snap. That's what you have to do. It's not over until it's over. Defense played our (butts) off. Offense kept driving the ball down, driving the ball down and you're probably going to look at that film and see that the drive start probably played a major role in how that game went."

On Iowa's big plays:
"I mean it's tough. Tough calls. We just have to be better and you know that's really the best thing about it is the fact that there's room to improve. People might say we played really well but there's room to improve. Those couple plays we could be better. It's as simple as that. Obviously enjoy the win. It's a huge win and it feels great and all."