Women's Golf Blog: Surprise PartyWomen's Golf Blog: Surprise Party

Women's Golf Blog: Surprise Party

Have you ever had someone throw you a surprise party?  If you are anything like me, it comes with some trepidation. There is always a little angst about the spotlight and the expectations, were you surprised? Did you have any idea? Did you prepare to be in a crowd? You know, did you dress okay that day or how did you look? Okay maybe not all the concerns that everyone would have, but certainly for some of us these questions have lingered in the back of our minds. More times than not, the surprise was not stressful after all and you had more fun than ever imagined.

That may have to sum up my most recent trip with the team over the spring break period.  Having coached for over thirty years, I have had my share of spring break trips, and for the record, they can at times, be challenging.  Much to my "surprise" the past twelve days on the road were simply enjoyable. It doesn't mean that we didn't meet some challenges. It just means we were able to "pivot" and find solutions with little complaining and mostly group cooperation. The itinerary for our trip included; two collegiate tournaments, eleven days of practice and play at various facilities and courses, six flights and several miles traveled in vans packed with luggage, a one day excursion to watch The Players Championship at TPC Sawgrass, and even a laundry day! At the bottom of the itinerary, also pack your patience and your humor.

It started with our flight to Jacksonville, Florida.  Our first leg was delayed, and it appeared we might miss our connection in Philadelphia. We sprinted through the airport, I am pretty sure people thought we were the Penn State track team, maybe not all of us! Ha! We pull into our hotel at a very late hour, only to find the desk manager telling me we were not in their reservations. The team patiently waited after a long day of travel. I pulled out my trip locater from our fabulous travel agent, Becky Jones, and handed her the confirmation numbers. "Surprise" there we were! Whew!

After practice the next day, I thought we would take advantage of the beautiful weather and told the team we would head over to check out the beach.  Of course, they were thrilled. I should not have been "surprised" when I saw two of them dive into the water! We usually have a hard time keeping Mathilde, our player from France, from taking any opportunity to dive in whenever we travel to ocean destinations. I always say, "how you do anything, is how you do everything." I am not sure why she was surprised that her sunglasses were swallowed up by the waves.

The next few days we competed in the University of North Florida's tournament. Selecting the line-up in the spring is always a difficult task, having not played many recent rounds. However, I was not "surprised" when our individual, Taylor Waller, posted a 1-under, 71, right out of the gates!

I know my team loves to compete, however, I think the one day they looked forward to most was our "field trip" to watch The Players Championship at TPC Sawgrass. It was a beautiful start to the day that turned into thunderstorms quickly in the afternoon. We had planned to hit the shops on our way out, so we wanted to wait out the storm, rather than scurry to our car like so many spectators were doing.  We found shelter outside a restroom and took cover. Despite the prodding of some of the working volunteers to evacuate, it still seemed safer to stay where we were, rather than make the long trek back to where were parked. It only took a short time before the sun started to peek through a bit, however, they had to cancel the rest of the day due to water on the greens. As we waited for the "all clear" horn to begin our exit, a couple of workers drove by with a carryall full of leftover pizzas and hot wings! "Hey girls", would anyone like some pizza and wings?" Are you serious, we asked, of course we would! "Surprise, surprise, there we were, the Sawgrass course to ourselves while we munched down on free pizza and wings! What a great field trip!

The next day we were scheduled to play Deer Creek Country Club. We arrived early to a dark sky and empty parking lot. The staff could not have been nicer and more accommodating. We started out, on a beautiful golf course all to ourselves. Upon playing our fourth hole, we heard thunder. I thought of course we will hear a horn, if this storm is close to us and they want us off the course. Not soon after, we saw lighting. I called the shop and asked if they had a storm detecting system, they did not! Yikes! We got out of there in a hurry. The radar indicated clear skies by the afternoon, so we went to grab a real breakfast at one of our favorite eating establishments, First Watch! We went back to the hotel to take a breather, no complaints. I called the course as it looked like the storm had passed. They had to close for the day, due to the heavy rains. I decided to call the course we were scheduled to play the next day, and they were able to get us out! Great news, since the next day looked to be a complete wash for any golf or practice. It was not the same quality course we had just experienced that morning, but nonetheless, the team embraced the experience, had some quality competition and a few laughs along the way.

Our final day in Jacksonville was rained out. We took advantage of the time with a good work out and caught up on schoolwork. Most of us had been craving fish, so Sarah found us a place called Dockside Seafood. I do appreciate the adventurous nature of the players to explore places outside of the chain experience. Which in my opinion, "chains" are not really an experience, no "surprises" there! I had a good feeling about this place as we pulled in next to a harbor full of fishing boats. 😊 We walked in and the first thing you notice is a case full of the fresh catches of the day. Viol'a! Perfect! The catches are listed in chalk on the board, and you place your order at the counter. After seating yourself at one of the various picnic tables, your food is delivered in the iconic "fish ware" paper products that you would find at most authentic fish eateries. I happen to get one of the fresh catches of the day, Trigger fish tacos, delicious!
Later that evening we were to begin the second half of our extended trip to Charleston, South Carolina.  When we got to our gate in Jacksonville, we were told our flight would be delayed, thus making our connection in Charlotte, very tight. Becky, got right on holding rental cars for us in both Jacksonville and Charlotte.  No surprise she had checked in with me when she saw the delayed flight. Suffice it to say we had made four reservations and canceled four reservations in the matter of a few hours. We took the chance on the flights and again, Surprise, we made it! So did all our luggage! Hurray!

We caught up with Penn State alum from '56 Art Glenn, member of Briar's Creek, the course where our next collegiate tournament was to be played.  He had arranged for us to play with him. That day happened to be twenty-five to thirty mile an hour winds, with gusts even stronger. The temperatures were falling with each hour, but again, no complaints, the players layered up, got their sticks and tee'd it up. Did I mention Art just celebrated his eighty-eighth birthday and was out there keeping up with everyone! Yes, I was surprised, pleasantly surprised!

We competed and finished in the top ten of a strong field of eighteen teams. We had some small "wins" along the way, and I was proud of how the team managed themselves and stuck to their process. We landed in Harrisburg and loaded up our van for our last leg up to State College. I noticed something that was so fluid, so honest and so real. Every single player was helping Andy load the van, grabbing bags regardless of it was theirs or not, no comments about having to drive home now, just pure cooperation.

As we pulled into the Penn State golf courses in the wee hours of the night, we were once again "surprised" as we watched a family of five deer, gingerly making their way across the road, and dash into the night across the fairway. Our trip was over, we had made the trek, we had created some great memories, and in my opinion, we grew as a team.  A pleasant surprise!