

Franco Harris Mosaic Posters On Sale Now!

Posters are for sale in the museum lobby for $30 plus tax. To have posters mailed there is an additional $9.25 shipping fee.

Email your request to, with name, address and phone number. The museum staff will contact you for payment within one week.

The mosaic will be on display in the museum lobby until November 2024.


Family Weekend Beaver Stadium Tours

Tickets go on sale Tuesday, Sept. 10 at noon.

Make It a Blue & White Birthday at the All-Sports Museum

Come celebrate your birthday at the heart of Nittany Nation! 

Birthday Party Tour- $250 for up to 15 guest

1 hour facility use
1 tour guide
Sports highlights guided tour
Access to Penn State sports equipment
Beaver Stadium team walk out, at field level

Parties are available during regular museum hours, Friday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Sunday 12 p.m.-4 p.m.

The week prior to a home football games, during the month of  April, July & August, the museum is unable to offer birthday parties.

The Museum requests a $50 non-refundable deposit upon reservation of the party.

For more information or to book your birthday party today! Please email: (We ask you to book your party at least 6 weeks in advance).