FEATURE Q&A - Meet the Volleyball Freshmen

Sept. 11, 2007

How excited were you leading up to the start of preseason?
AD: "Excited doesn't even begin to include all the emotions heading into preseason. Even though I was excited to start out on a new path after waiting two years to be here for good!"
CH: "I was so excited for the start of preseason. We all have practiced and worked really hard. I'm excited to see what the outcome of this season will be. I have no doubt in my mind that it will be a successful season."
MO: "I was really excited and nervous to finally get everything started."
AW: "I must admit I was more anxious than excited, but once preseason started I was pumped to finally get in the gym to work."

What is something your parents said when you left for preseason?
AD: "Work hard and never, ever, let yourself give up. You've gotten this far for a reason and never forget all the people that made it possible for your dreams to come true. Keep in touch with everyone back home and let them know that you care!"
CH: "My parents told me to, of course, try my hardest and to strive to be the best that you can be. They also told me that God never puts you in a situation that you can not overcome or accomplish. Also that God put me here for a purpose and for me to strive for achievement this season."
MO: "I was already up at school taking summer classes, so they said good luck with preseason and to make sure I was finishing all my schoolwork too."
AW: "While seeing that I was here for summer session, when they dropped me off, the said work hard and stay positive."

What is something that most people outside of the volleyball world wouldn't understand about preseason?
AD: "How mentally challenging it is. Everyday you get up and go to practice and work your butt off trying to prove you can play with the best of the best. Then you eat, try to rest up, get treatment and go back to the hottest gym of course, South Gym, and do it all over again for another three hours. It is not by any means recreational, it is your life, but if you love it, you live it!"
CH: "I feel that most people would overlook how much time and dedication we have put into preseason in order to have a successful season this year."
MO: "That it gets really hot in the gym and we spend almost all of our time with the volleyball team during those first couple weeks."
AW: "How stressful and mind-boggling it is."

What is the biggest difference between high school and college, volleyball-wise?
AD: "The challenge to always be perfect. At this level there isn't any time for a mental breakdown or lapse on the court. Perfection is always the goal while before a mistake was more easily forgiven due to your advanced skill level. Now you're among the best and perfection doesn't just happen, it's practiced on a day to day basis."
CH: "The biggest difference between college volleyball and high school volleyball is the tempo of the game. The speed is much faster in college."
MO: "In college the hitters are hitting harder than in high school, so you have to be more disciplined when playing defense."
AW: "Well, my high school team could not even compare to college volleyball, so everything about it is different, for instance, the level of play."

What is the biggest difference between high school and college, non-volleyball-wise?
AD: "Time management is much more necessary then ever before. There is no time to just do nothing. When you're off, you're either in study hall or doing work. When you're not off, you're in the gym working on getting better. The study hours are much more demanding, leaving no time for procrastination."
CH: "The biggest difference for me in college compared to my high school is the size of the student body. My high school was so small that you knew everyone in each grade, where as here at Penn State you meet a new person every day."
MO: "The biggest difference is probably just the amount of work you have to do outside of the classroom."
AW: "In college you're on your own and nobody tells you what to do."

What is the biggest thing you have learned on the court so far?
AD: "That perfection, although almost unattainable, is the only option when wearing a Penn State uniform. I love the fact that the expectations are so high because although you might not meet them, you've achieved more."
CH: "The biggest thing I have learned on the court so far is the importance of communication and playing as a team. We have such talented players on the team, everyone brings something important to the game. Volleyball it is not about the individual talent, but the talent as a whole. So, I have found that playing together and communicating as a team is an important aspect to achieving success this season."
MO: "To keep your feet stopped when the ball is being hit and to always be talking."
AW: "I haven't seen the playing court but in practice court awareness is everything."

Why Penn State volleyball?
AD: "I grew up here and I love the challenge that exists from coaches to players. I loved the competitive atmosphere as soon as I was thrown into it at the summer camp sessions."
CH: "I chose Penn State volleyball because of the reputation. Penn State volleyball is known for greatness and who wouldn't want to be a part such an awesome program?"
MO: "Penn State volleyball has a great reputation and I wanted to be a part of this winning tradition." AW: "I chose Penn State volleyball because I wanted to take my game to the next level on a successful team."

(from left to right) Arielle Wilson, Caitlyn Hess, Michele Osterrieder, Alyssa D'Errico

Do you have any hidden talents?
AD: "No, unless a hidden talent is the fact that I used to hit front row for 12 years prior to switching for college."
CH: "Some talents of mine besides other sports, is singing and dancing."
MO: "I did gymnastics for 7 years, so I can still do some of those tricks."
AW: "I have really good hands and I could be a good setter."

Who is the funniest person on the team and why? AD: "Arielle because she is so spontaneous and random with her comments that they catch everyone off guard. Plus, she IS NOT afraid to speak her mind!"
CH: "I would have to say Christa is the funniest person on the team because she words things in such a silly way."
MO: "Christa because of the random stuff she has said and how crazy she is."
AW: "Megan because I have known her for a while now and the things she says are so funny."
What's one thing you miss from home? AD: "My parents bringing me fresh fruit after school let out before volleyball practice started."
CH: "I really miss my puppy Bella. I miss just laying with her in bed and relaxing."
MO: "My family."
AW: "My best friends."

What three things would you bring with you on a deserted island? AD: "A volleyball, friends, and a cell phone kit (charger included so it won't die)."
CH: "I would bring my cell phone, my family, and food."
MO: "Cereal, my iPod, and a picture of my friends and family."
AW: "Lip gloss, extra food, and an umbrella (so that I won't get tanned)."

What would be your dream job?
AD: "Working with a pro sports team to do their advertisement and artistic designs."
CH: "My dream job would be to become a nurse in the emergency room."
MO: "My dream job is to someday be a stay-at-home mom."
AW: "Emergency Room surgeon."

If you could go anywhere in the world, where and why?
AD: "I would want to go back to Australia and New Zealand because they were both gorgeous with some amazing beaches!"
CH: "I would want to go to Fiji, because I have heard that it is so beautiful and I love Fiji water!"
MO: "St. Maarten because it is so relaxing to just lay on the beach."
AW: "The Virgin Islands because everything is gorgeous there."

What is something you're known for on the team? AD: "Nummy, cheering crazily, and being a freshman."
CH: "I am known for always cheering and smiling! I enjoy making others smile and being in a positive atmosphere."
MO: "Being Dan's little sister and cheering."
AW: "Being spontaneous."

What are three words to describe you? AD: "Competitive, intense and hard-working."
CH: "Funny, down to Earth, and caring."
MO: "Determined, hard-working and friendly."
AW: "Shy, outgoing, and confident."

What is your favorite aspect of the game of volleyball?
AD: "The fact that a little excitement and intensity can change the match. One great play can shift the momentum and easily allow your team to become alive."
CH: "My favorite aspect of the game is being intelligent where you play the ball."
MO: "Playing defense."
AW: "Out-thinking the opponent."

What is the best advice you have ever gotten?
AD: "Never take more than you give (VFX Magic). It's always about giving to the team rather than taking away from it."
CH: "The best advice have ever received is that you determine your own destination."
MO: "Carpe Diem."
AW: "A person who is mentally tough looks at competition as a challenge."

What is your best memory of Penn State volleyball so far this year?
AD: "Beating Texas twice at home to start the season and watching us turn things around at the end of the Cal Poly match when we went up 8-0 in the fifth game!"
CH: "My best memory of Penn State Volleyball so far is all of my teammates. I love them all so much and sincerely enjoy being around such wonderful young women."
MO: "My best memory is probably just meeting all the girls."
AW: "Overcoming many challenges and obstacles."

2007 Feature Archive

WVB Feature Q&A: Meet the Freshmen

MSOC Feature: One Big Melting Pot