Dan Connor Football News Conference

Oct. 24, 2007

No. 40
Dan Connor, Senior Linebacker

How exciting is a week like this for you?

It's real exciting to be around an atmosphere like this on campus. Coming up to the stadium right now and seeing the tents out there and all the guys waiting there for there tickets. It's neat. It's a great atmosphere to play a game and as a player it really energizes you and helps you play at your best.

Ohio State has a great linebacker in James Laurinaitis. Do you get any extra kind of kick, any extra motivation for that kind of match-up?

Not really, it doesn't seem to really have an effect on the game-me versus him, or Sean versus him...that stuff plays out. I think its more neat to see a guy like that play. I'll be able to see him on tape this week with a couple offensive guys. It's more just a neat experience to see another linebacker play and watch his technique.

Do you watch College Game Day? What does that show being here add to the week? I don't usually watch it that much. Usually on game days I won't watch football stuff in the hotel before we go out there. But the fact that it's here energizes the campus, it energizes the team and lets us know that it's a big game and eyes are on us and there's pressure on us. We're real excited for the challenge.

Players always say, "Every game is a big game." Is this game a really big game for you guys?

We know it's a big game, playing the top team in the country. This is a huge opportunity for us. This is the way we're looking at it. To play it at home and in front of our crowd is going to be an advantage for us, so I'm happy about that. But at the same time, when the whistle blows, it just comes down to playing football. The crowd will help us, obviously, but that's just up to a point, and then it's based on our focus and our preparation all week long.

You've been banging heads with some of these guys for the last few seasons. How do you feel about facing the Ohio State offensive line?

They're good. Every year, Ohio State has the top offensive line in the Big Ten and probably in the country. Going into a physical game like this you're always going to expect a dog fight, where you're going in, banging heads every single play. Linebacker or D-line...same thing. We're ready for a tough, physical game and we're prepared for it. We've been in a couple this year so far and I think that's helped us, too.

Dan, what have you seen from their quarterback?

We haven't watched a ton of tape yet on Ohio State. We kind of just covered our past game on Monday and we went over the game plan and we'll go over it more today. Obviously, he has the highest passing efficiency in the Big Ten. He's a guy who can sit in the pocket and pick you apart. They'll do a great job setting up the pass game with a great run game. So it's the juggernaut of teams. They can do everything and get prepared for all kinds of looks.

How has the emergence of Maurice Evans helped the defense and in particular the linebackers?

Maurice Evans has been doing an unbelievable job and not only him, but the defensive line. Watching the tape of the Indiana game, I couldn't take my eyes of some of the defensive lineman making plays. They are light on their feet, playing aggressive, and really just flying around the field. Those guys are doing a great job. Yes, it takes pressure off the linebackers and we didn't have to make a lot of tackles. The better they play, the easier it is for us to play our best. So I'm proud of them and I knew they could do it. They are a great group of guys.

You talked about the opportunity you guys have. Can you elaborate on that?

Just playing a great team and having it on national TV and that whole thing, I mean that's where the opportunity comes in. That's what it comes down to. Playing in a tough game like this is something we have been training for and looking forward to. So it's a great chance for us to take on what the best in the nation has to offer right now.

How much do you feel you have grown up as a leader?

A ton since I came here. I have definitely matured a lot. I've been here forever, so I feel like an old man. So, I feel like I have come along way. I've learned a lot from Paul (Posluszny) and Mike Robinson and the guys from the past - Zack Mills, Derrick Wake, the captains before. So I've been around a lot of guys, a lot of football, and I think that has made me become a good leader.

Have you had any physical or lingering ailments this season?

My knee was filling up with fluid a little bit and I had to get it drained a couple times, but the medical staff at Penn State did an excellent job. It didn't fill up at all this week. I've been getting it treated and looked at, so this past week I didn't have to get it drained and it feels good, it feels 100 percent.

Have you talked to Jared Odrick since his injury on Saturday?

Yeah, I talked to him a little bit after the game. He's going to be upset, it's a tough thing to deal with. But at the same time, he's going to have to be a leader and help out some of the defensive linemen, to guys that have as many plays as he has. So, he's a good leader and he's a great player so, I think he's going to help them a lot and turn into another defensive line coach.

How big of a loss is Odrick being out?

It's a big loss. He's a playmaker and one of the big things about him is he's an unselfish player. He takes on the blocks, and he let's me, Sean, and Ty (Tyrell Sales) run around free. So that is one thing that he does not get noticed on too much. But D-Linemen that can do that are a linebacker's dream. Yes, it's going to be tough playing without him.

What do you remember from the 2005 game against Ohio State?

That was the loudest crowd I have ever been around and the most energized I've been at going into it, going through that pregame. It was the first huge game I played in here, so it was a great feeling and it should be the same this year.

Are you expecting the same kind of defense this year?

Yes, two good defenses, in the game. It may be a similar type of game as we had two years ago. So, defensively, we are prepared for a tough physical game, and prepare to play a lot of plays, and that's how we go into every game. So, I think we'll be ready.

I am sure you were happy with the win on Saturday, but you gave up 31 points. How did you digest that?

Yeah, it was tough to swallow. It wasn't one of our best wins and its tough to deal with. On the road, you have to win any way. So it was an ugly win in my opinion. Defensively, I don't think we did a great job, but it was a win and it gives us a chance to see what we need to improve on different aspects of the game.

Can you describe the similarities and differences between Maurice Evans and Tamba Hali?

They are both hard workers. Tamba, in practice and games, he had a motor, he was going full tilt no matter what we were doing. Maurice is the same way. He works hard in practice and he works hard in games. He's relentless to the ball. That's the similar qualities. Coach Johnson does an unbelievable job with the defensive line. He gets them going and works them hard. He molds them all into that style of player which is similar to Maurice, or is similar to Tamba, and similar to Josh (Gaines) and the other guys we've got now. So it's personality-wise that I would say is different. They are pretty much the opposite. Tamba was a pretty serious guy, he goofed around a little bit. Maurice goofs around a lot. He's funny, a hilarious guy in the locker room. So, playing-wise they are very similar. They are the same style of player and same style of performer.

What is Joe Paterno like in the week leading up to the big game?

Yeah, big games like this, when we are playing a really good team, he's excited. He always talks about when he goes into a game, he doesn't want to play somebody who isn't up to Penn State standards. He wants to play the best. He always wants us to play above our heads and go against the biggest teams. I know he's excited to go against the number one team in the country and get a chance to play, and the team is too. We are all excited to play the best team in the country.