Football Players Transcript

Nov. 13, 2007

Gerald Cadogan, Junior, Tackle

Coach Paterno spent a lot of time talking about how long the season is. Going into Week 12, how do you feel and do you wish you would have had a week off during the course of the season?

A week off may help your body as far as getting beat up, getting banged up. You know going into the Big Ten season you are going against some big teams and it's hard hitting every week. So, it would have helped your body but you look forward to it because you only have so many games here in your college career. So, 12 games, even though it seems long at times, in the big spectrum of things, it's not many games in your whole college career, so we are looking forward to it.

With the success of the offensive line so far this season, what is the prospect for next year's offensive line?

I really haven't thought about next year because we are not done with this year yet. Only losing one person on the offensive line, in regards to graduating, it gives us a lot more time to develop. But, we are not looking ahead too much because we are not done with this year yet. We have a big game coming up this weekend and a bowl game.

How would analyze how the offensive line is doing this year?

You analyze that with how many points you put up on the board and how effective the offensive unit as a whole is doing. I think that is how I evaluate how the offensive line is doing.

You have a 1,000-yard rusher and a total of 2,000 yards rushing as a team. Is that a significant component of how you guys evaluate your line play as a whole?

Yeah, I think that shows that we are able to do our job and get the job done and get those yards, which is a great accomplishment for our offensive unit as a whole.

How often do you guys think about what bowl game you are going to be in, especially with a New Year's Day bowl in question?

Right now we are focusing on Michigan State. In order for us to go to a solid bowl, we need to win out. So right now, we are focusing on Michigan State and let the chips fall where they want to fall. But our focus right now is Michigan State.

Number 94, Jonal Saint-Dic is one of the best pass rushers in the conference. What do you expect from him on Saturday?

The same thing that I expect out of Maurice Evans or Josh Gaines. You know going against some the best in practice everyday and even going against the scout team, they do a great job of preparing us for what we are going to see. There are many great defensive ends we have played against in the Big Ten. I expect it's going to be a physical game.

In terms of competitive balance, is Michigan State your biggest rival?

Whoever we play on a Saturday I would say is our team's biggest rival.

Coach Paterno brought in two offensive lineman from junior college programs. How well did they do this season running the system overall and do you think it was a big challenge for them to go from junior college programs to the Big Ten?

The two transfers did a great job this season coming into the program and doing what is expected from them, from studying film and asking questions. They have done a real good job to contribute to the 1,000-yard rusher as he pointed out earlier. It's a full team effort and they have done a real great job stepping up to the plate.

With the build up for this game, has the Land Grant Trophy ever come up in conversation?

That's in the back of our heads, but right now we are just thinking about winning. That's what we are thinking about. We aren't thinking about the trophy, I'm thinking about getting a win, knowing the plays I have to do, or if this happens or that happens. But, it's in the back of our mind.

You had the biggest challenge of stepping in for Levi (Brown). How would you evaluate of how you have done this year?

I think you may want to ask me that question at the end of the season. The season is not over yet, and I can't give you a full, true evaluation until I have played all the games and been able to sit and reflect on things. I don't want to say "yes" or "no" at this point because there are more games to be played.

Sean Lee, Junior, Linebacker

How has Jeremy Boone's punting helped the defense this year?

He's been huge. There have been a lot of situations where we have been pinned back and he's changed the field position, and that let's us make a few mistakes, let's them get a few more first downs. It helps us a ton.

Any one (punt) that sticks out?

The 70-yarder against Illinois. That was huge for us because Illinois was driving on us, they had a ton of momentum. That helped us a lot.

Joe said yesterday you just worked on the kicking game and such. What does that mean for the linebackers and the starting defense?

I think it gave us a little bit of a break. It's a long season. We don't necessarily need a bye. It's always good during the season to get a break once in a while.

What did you do instead?

Well we went over a few defensive plays. It just wasn't a full practice. We just took more mental reps.

Talk about Michigan State's tailback tandem and how difficult is it to prepare for two running backs?

It's extremely tough because you need to know the traits of both. You get the big guy (Jehuu Caulcrick) in there, he is just going to be more downhill. You are going to have to get lower and just tackle better. If you get (Javon) Ringer in there, he's a little quicker and you can't commit to holes because he can bounce it anywhere. So, coming into the game, you have to realize what they are bringing to the table and how you play against them. Which is hard because usually you have one back and you know what he can do when you play against him.

You have discussed this a little bit, but for the record, will you be back next year?

Yeah, I'm going to be back for my senior year. I'm very excited to come back. We have a lot of guys coming back and I'm ready to have another great year next year.

For people to think that you have the ability to leave for the NFL, how do you feel about the perception the people have for your career so far?

I feel that it is good in some sense, but I don't feel like I'm ready. I feel like I have played well to a certain extent. I could play a lot better. I necessarily don't like it because I could play better than I have normally played, if you know what I am saying.

When you watch Michigan State on tape, do you see a 6-5 team?

No. I see a very talented team. It's funny that you say that because when we watch them, they have a ton of talent. Especially offensively. They've had drives where they have been on the field for a lot of the time. That's something that we've had trouble with. We haven't been able to get off the field. They have two really talented running backs and a quarterback (Brian Hoyer) that is poised. A huge offensive line, a really good tight end, and if you look at them, it's really going to be hard to stop them.

Were you even considering leaving?

I didn't really even know that I would have the chance to go. I didn't really look into it too much at all. But I never thought I would really be considered to go to the point where I would be able to go to have a nice opportunity.

You seem to be reaffirmed to come back next year. How much does it have to do with all the guys coming back next year?

That is huge. Coming in as a freshman, being able to play with these guys all four years and having a great senior year is really important to me.

You saw Paul Posluszny break the tackle record and then you saw Dan Connor do it again this year. A lot of people think you are the next guy in line to break that record. Does that have a factor in your decision to come back and do you ever think about that?

That really doesn't factor into my decision. The biggest factor is playing with guys that I have played against and working hard together in the off-season and trying to go for a Big Ten title and a national title. Stuff like that is more motivating. For the stats, I don't think I will come anywhere close to it. But just being on a list with all those guys is a big honor.

Does the Land Grant Trophy mean anything to you?

I just want to get a win. Not really (laughs).

You've seen it haven't you?

Yeah, I think it's upstairs, in the (football) office.

Penn State doesn't seem to have a rival. Does that bother you guys?

No, I don't really mind it. People may be putting too much into rivalries. Each game is the same, and we try to prepare the same. I think that's better not to get too high or too low for a game. Putting too much into a rivalry game can hurt you.