Thank You Seniors

Nov. 18, 2007

#1 Nicole Fawcett Maggie-Moo: Writing this to you reminds me of my freshman year sitting in the Waring computer labs with you and Hoover trying to figure out what I was going to be saying to K, Sam, and Kim because it was so hard and now it's your turn ... it hasn't gotten any easier for me! I am going to miss you so much, you have so much going for you and you deserve every good thing that you get! I'm going to miss you next year!
Kate: You and Girl have taught me to embrace and love awkward moments--I'm not so sure that is a good thing, but that's the way it has got to be! You are and will always be ridiculously funny and I'm not quite sure who is going to be able to push Coach to the furthest of limits quite like you have and still do. There is never a dull moment with you and I love it! It is never going to be the same without you wanting Arby's, Qdoba, Jimmy Johns, or having a chicken breast pita at Pita Pit! Good luck with everything and I hope for the best for you!
Girl: I still question the fact that you and Kate claim that you are more sane than me and Christa. You have made me laugh more than anyone but I know that you are also the most caring. I'm not quite sure if I am going to miss the wake up calls in the summer at 7:30 in the morning to make coffee, (I still to this day do not understand why I didn't put my phone on silent) but I know for sure I will always miss the mornings that you did! I hope that you succeed at anything that it is that you want and always know that you will always be my girl. Oh yeah, SNEED.
Melon ball: I'm pretty sure my dad is going to be missing you just as much as I am, after all, is there any other dad that is just as crazy as mine is in the stands!? I am going to miss you so much! You always know how to make things better and always have a positive outlook on situations no matter how bad they are and that is such an amazing quality to have. I know you will go far and know that I can always be your model, even if that it means an even larger crowd staring at me laying in the lawn of Rec!
Nana: If you even need a screw driver to get out of a building, know that I will always be a phone call away to laugh about it and find you a window to crawl out! You made it so much fun here and I will never forget my freshman summer- I'm thinking that you made the mornings and nights more interesting than anyone with late night walks and taking blankets, blue to be exact. HIGH FIVE! I hope that you accomplish everything that you want and I will miss you!

#3 Christa Harmotto
Kate: I still remember the first time I met you at a USA Volleyball Tryout. You were wearing fluorescent multicolor pants and the next thing I know you and I were beating up on people in a red, white, and blue backrow attack game. I thought "I can't wait to play with this girl" and made sure I was on your team every time. Thank you for all the memories, especially the summer tiki torch nights with Nic and our dinner buddies and the Tuesday nights that led to Wednesday morning recollections. I will continue to make sure there is a three day break in between your shopping days until you leave this place, and you know I will be there to put on Ice Age for you to fall asleep and then restart several times throughout the night. I will miss you and wish you all the best!
Mel: I recall the first time I met you was in Sam and Kaleena's room on a visit in 10th grade. I won't continue. Haha. Your bouncy personality has been great to know over the past three years and continues to make me laugh today. Don't forget the double flash photoshoots, talks with the nutritionist that led to trips to GNC, trail runs with and without headlights, your dairy product promotions, and the crazy middle hitter syndrome you started and gave to me. Success is written all over the upcoming years and I wish you nothing but the best. Just because California is calling your name, don't think my craziness won't show up for a visit!
Kara: Thank you for always being there to make me laugh. I will miss the text messages that mean trouble, the ones that prepare me for a horrible frizzy hair day, and the ones that welcome me to the darkside. Spring will bring more hilarious memories, chips and salsa as the main course throughout the week, and the purchasing of more Wella products. Your fun-loving personality will make you a wonderful teacher one day (or dj if you wish), and I wish you all the best! I will miss you.
Ann: It is my two! I will miss the exciting word battles during serving and my favorite partner for two person. Thank you for always being there to make me smile. Spring will bring many more memories of finding your lost friends at the Rath and completing our favorite math problem. Your personality and people skills will make you a successful manager or whatever you wish to pursue one day. I will miss you and I wish you nothing but the best!
Maggie: Thank you for always being there for me. Even though you could not play, you were there for me when I was hurt. I really means a lot to me. Your work ethic and determination will make you a wonderful speech therapist one day and I wish you all the success! Can't wait till New Years!

#4 Roberta Holehouse
Mellon!: Thank you for always being an example to me of what a leader is, you've always been there to encourage and motivate me, and to me that has meant everything. I'll miss our verbal tiffs and our deep conversations. I love you (and your block) and will miss you dearly!
KP!: You and I both know that I've thoroughly driven you crazy these past 3 years, but regardless you still pick up my slack when I'm having an off day. I can honestly say it is not going to be the same without you. You do what you want! Love you!
Annie!: I can't tell you how much I'm going to miss sitting next to you every day stretching and hearing the most hilarious stories. That pre-game/ pre-practice laugh is what I look forward to. You have made this year so much fun and I'll never erase from my memory the idea of you in that yellow cutoff! I love you and I'll miss you incredibly!
Kara!: I can't begin to list the number of times you have made my sides hurt from laughing. From tackling the fan, to our little talks, I'm going to miss them all. You have just made this experience so worthwhile, and something that I will never forget. Your constant encouragement on the court has also been such a blessing to me, I don't know what we're gonna do without you. Love you!
Maggie!: I just want to thank you for all the encouragement, advice and support that you've given to me personally. Having you standing on that corner in left back shouting and coaching me has always been something that I can count on each and every day. Your perseverance and diligence have been truly an inspiration to me! Love you!

#5 Alyssa D'Errico
Ann: Thank you so much for all your words of advice when it comes to defense day, coach, and anything else that came across as confusing for the freshmen. I've had a fun time hanging out with you off the court and of course during preseason when things got crazy. Just remember you started the ridiculous cheering during warm-ups from accelerations with Dennis that one day in Main Gym. That was all you. Congrats girl, four years here and gone.
Kara: Whenever somebody needed something to laugh about you were there, whether it was purposeful entertainment or not, you seemed to provide it on a daily basis for the team. I will NEVER forget your speech at Nebraska, it touched my heart and to this day it has affected my mentality towards this team and season. I can't believe this season is almost over, it seems like only yesterday we were fighting through preseason together. I am so sad to see you leave but happy I had the chance to play with you this year. Thanks for the constant words of encouragement, they will never be forgotten.
Kate: From preseason where I passed with you (but wouldn't necessarily call what I did passing) to the regular season now where I watch you in awe, there has never been a dull moment. I have greatly appreciated every word of advice you have thrown my way when it comes to confidence and passing. Your mentality when you pass is one that I constantly try to emulate. Thanks so much for the speeches in during the season that seemed to be perfectly timed and bring the team back into focus. I learned to never take this team, or my time training here, for granted. And rightly so, this year has flown by. Good luck in your future and know that you have left a mark on this program.
Mel: You have been the greatest help to me on and off the court. We've spent time talking about volleyball, academics, college majors, boys and everything else. We even made extra gym sessions together after escorting me around downtown (how easily I get lost). You've truly been a HUGE help to me. "Acceleration Nation" is now a relatively easy drill thanks to your encouragement and words of advice. Being strong about my spot in four person and of course you'd ALWAYS be the first one to say, "Was that one hand Nummy?" Every time I have ever needed anything I know that I can turn to you. There aren't enough "thank yous" in my vocabulary that can express how much you've impacted my life and short career here at Penn State. But thank you seriously for everything you have done to help out your little freshmen buddy. Even the team has changed from the beginning of the season to end thanks to your motivational ideas. Thanks for sharing all your wise thoughts and ideas with me. You've been like a sister to me and made my adjustment to the college life so much easier. Good luck in your future and always remember you're a fighter and you've got a friend in me!
Maggie: Ok so you're my twins sister so maybe that makes us sisters?! Haha, since I have known I was coming here I have cracked jokes and had fun with you at camp as well as during the season. Whether it was hiding in your staircase from a certain someone coming into your house, or it was talking to you in the sidelines during practice, this season has been a blast. I wish that you would have had the chance to travel with us because your presence was greatly missed. You're a pretty tough girl and I couldn't imagine playing alongside you for a season. Either way this year wouldn't have been the same without you there to tell Ari and I to control our balls during pepper! I'll miss you dearly next year and can't wait to see your smiling face throughout my career back at PSU. Good luck in the future!

#6 Alisha Glass
Kate: First of all, I'm going to miss the Michigan connection! I've had so much fun over the two years that I've gotten to spend with you. I love that you have become such a sarcastic being...it makes life so much fun don't you think? But understand that we're on the same team in the game of sarcasm, no ruining the joke before the other person catches on! SARCASM! Haha...but in 4-person, we are not on the same team, so I will fight you to the death girl! Just remember, I got most of those balls! :) I will miss seeing you everyday if you leave us, but remember, if something funny comes along, you can always take a picture with your phone! Love you punk...!
Mel: It's been a great 2 years that I've known you! You're my locker buddy! I don't know what I'm going to do next year, between you and Kara leaving, I'll be all alone. Remember, that if you are planning to take a lot of pictures sometime, I don't necessarily want to be involved in being the subject...as I'm guessing you've noticed! Unless there is a hair pulling war, then I'll be involved, but you might become a distraction to the pilot on a turbulent flight! ☺ I wish you the best of luck in everything you do! I know you'll go so far! You will be missed!
Kara: Of course you make me laugh with the random great things that you say! However, especially this past season I have enjoyed getting to know you better and seeing what you're all about. I've enjoyed having our chats from time to time! You are such a fun girl and are stronger than you give yourself credit for!! I will miss having my locker next to yours...it will be hard to replace! I know you'll be a great teacher! You better come back and visit us often!!!
Maggie: I'm sad that I didn't get a chance to play with you! But from just being around you, I can tell that it would have been fun! I'm glad that you are around the program so that your competitive spirit rubs off on us! I know you've had a rough season as far as your health and your headaches. I hope that everything changes soon! You better keep me posted when you leave, I have a feeling you will take the world by storm!
Ann: What to say...ya know I don't really spend that much time with you, but I guess I can think up something to say! Haha I have loved you being on this team. I wouldn't be who I am as a person and player right now, without you in my life! As cheesy as it sounds, you have been there and I really value our friendship. Although you're leaving this team, I will still get to see you roommate!! Enjoy you're senior night, I love you!

#7 Arielle Wilson
Melissa: What can I say? We haven't had a lot of time together but we sure have shared some artistic moments. I would also like to thank you for helping me understand everything that has gone on in practice and during games. I truly am very honored to have been your teammate and to have known such I unique and outgoing individual like you! I wish you the best of luck and remember "Our Lip Gloss Stay Poppin!"
Kate: I will miss you laughing at me when I am acting crazy. I have had so many good memories with you and I am sad that I have only had one season with you. If there is anything I have learned from you it is that I should always look you in the eye after every kill. I also want to thank you for your wisdom of the game and want you to promise me that whenever something is not going right or things seem to crumble that you will always keep a positive outlook on life. I will miss you and your willingness to get to know me! I thank you for that.
Maggie: I will always remember you, Puss-in-Boots, because we shared so many laughs. It's hard to believe that this is your senior year and I have only been in your life for several months. Just know that whenever you need smoky eyes or your nails done I will be here for three more years, feel free to call or come visit me. It was great getting to know you and I wish you the best of luck. Love Ya Black Betty!
Kara: You truly are an unforgettable person. It was so nice coming to this team and finding out that me and you had something in common, and that was we both are from the Midwest. I just want you to know that you always put a smile on my face. I will never forget you, I wish you the best of luck and I am so glad I was able to have had this season to spend with you.
Ann: I will definitely miss you as a teammate, classmate, roommate, true friend, and most of all a wonderful person. Gosh, where do I start? You were always there to help me through tough times and no matter what the situation you always made me smile. I feel like I have known you for so much longer but its only been several months. I want to thank you for being a true friend and wish you the best in life. I will never forget you Naylor and you will be missed!

#8 Kelsey Ream
Kate: Thank you for always making me smile! I am going to miss you during practice, you always had a way to make everyone laugh and lighten up the mood. I'll be sure any time I am at TJ Maxx you will be the first person I call if there is anything good. It's been fun, I'll miss you next year!
Kara: Travel Buddy! It was great being able to room with you on all the away trips. You are such a positive person and can always make me smile. I am going to miss all the dances you have when celebrating a big point and the energy you bring to practice and games everyday. I'll miss you girl!
Ann: I had a great time with you this year, thanks for helping me with HRIM and giving me some advice. I am really going to miss the energy and competitive style that you brought to practice and games everyday. I'll miss you!
Mel: You always have interesting stories and things to tell, I am going to miss listening to them. Thank you for always being there to help me with blocking or hitting. I want to see all the pictures that you have taken that have captured our greatest moments! I'll miss you next year!
Maggie: Keep Dancing! I hope there is more dance parties at your place and anytime there is in the future I better get an invite. Thanks for everything you do in practice and at home games! I'll miss ya!

#9 Blair Brown
KP: Oh, Bestest, you've taught me so much these past couple of years. I'm not quite sure what I am going to do without you next year! I won't know when to get the bands, when to start peppering...and Dennis won't look creeped out because of your innate ability to know when to switch during two passers. Seriously, you are a great player and I have been so fortunate to be able to play with you : ) Right side love. P.S. stop 3 passing my serves...thanks. P.P.S your gbff loves me more.
Nay-nay: My locker partner, whose clothes somehow seem to creep over onto my side (and vice versa), you have been someone that I can depend on to come in to practice and be as competitive as possible and work hard everyday. You push all of us to be better and I appreciate it so much now that I realize I won't have it there for me next year. I am going to miss you, especially during camps when you made everyone's day because you slowly became just a little crazy (and rightfully so). Good luck with everything in the future and stay around Happy Valley, please!
Kara: I am going to miss you so much. Your away messages always apply to my life, and I appreciate each and every one of them. I don't know what I would have done without the words of wisdom my freshman year (you may not even remember this). I don't think you realize how much it has meant to have you there and to be able to go to you no matter what/when/where. I know you would be there and I appreciate that more than I can say. Good luck in everything in the future and keep that amazing positive outlook. I know you will do well in all you do...and if you end up in Fairfax (raking in the teaching money) look me up in VA!
Melly: Roomie! I will sincerely miss our mind altering life discussions, even though they usually lasted hours too long and deprived me of much needed sleep. Some of my greatest times at PSU have been the random outings that occur as a result of our boredom. MFL for life. I better see you next March...or else. Oh, and just for future reference, IT WAS MARILYN.
Mags: I do not know what to do without you here next year. Who will I share lengthy Starbucks chats with? Who will go with me to eat unbelievable grange fair food? Who will go on endless Rita's runs? And most importantly... who am I going to have unforgettable dance parties with?? I am going to miss you so much and I wish you luck on whatever you end up doing, I know you will do well in whatever that may be!

#10 Caitlyn Hess
Mel: Words can't even describe how wonderful of a person you are. I have learned so much from you in just a short period of time. You have taught me the importance of leadership and spirit. Your leadership this year has enabled us as a team to do many great and successful things together. You are always encouraging everyone and always lending a helping hand to someone that needs it. I will miss you next year in many ways. I will miss having someone on the team that plays with such heart and dedication. I will always remember when you called the whole team into the meeting room and had all of us watch the motivational speaker. I want you to know that even though sometimes you might feel that things go unnoticed, that I was always watching your hard work not only as a teammate, but as our captain. I always saw you helping Arielle, cheering everyone on during drills, and always putting in extra practice time for yourself. The signs in our lockers that motivate us are because of you and I just want you to know that you have really lead our team to greatness this year. I know that coach always felt that he could depend on you and I just want you to know that as a young teammate it was nice to always be able to depend on you as a leader, teammate, but most importantly a dear friend. I will miss you Mel!
Kara: I don't even know where to begin with you! I just love everything about you. I remember the first time I met you when you asked me to lift weights with you at camp. I was so nervous, but after talking to you, I felt so comfortable just being in your presence. I want you to know that I think you are going to be such a successful young woman. I admire you in numerous ways. I admire that you stayed on the volleyball team, not because you were on scholarship, but that you really wanted to be there. I admire how hard you work as an individual and how tough of a person you really are. I just think that you are so kind and have such a caring heart. I always knew that if I ever needed someone to talk to you were there for me. I am going to miss you a lot. I will miss our laughs at practices and I will miss looking over my right shoulder at practice and not see you serving next to me during two person. I know that you are ready to move on and believe me I know what a success you will be in life. I know that your students will love you just as much as I do. It just won't be the same without you Kara!
Kate: It was an honor to play with a teammate like you. You lead our team this season in so many ways. I admire your tough and courageous personality out on the court. I will always remember how you played with such swagger and just wanted to kick some butt! However, what I love most about you is how sensitive and real you are as a person. I want you to know that I was always listening to your talks to us as a team, because I knew it was sincere and real. I will miss having someone on the team who will snap us back into the reality that you can never get time back, that this is now or never. I just think that you have so much to offer as a young woman and will achieve great things in your life. I admire your strength and determination as a person. I want you to know that even though it was a short time, I cherished being your teammate and I will sincerely miss you Kate!
Ann: I just love you Ann! Seriously, I don't know what not to love about you. I love how you are such a fun and loving woman. I love your sense of humor and how much you made me laugh. I love how hard you work and how much dedication you have put into the team. I love how all of the sudden you know when to be serious and what you need to do to get the job done. I just want you to know that I think you did a great job this year in many ways. I can not even begin to explain how much I admire you for just being on the team because you wanted to be there for all four years. You always were cheering and encouraging everyone on the team. You did a great job at picking people up when they were down. You were always there to help someone or give great advice, especially to me. I just want you to know that your words and motivation really helped me through this season. I loved and enjoyed every second just being around you, Ann. I will miss seeing your smiling face next year. Thanks so much for always being there for me. I love you so much and will miss you! P.S. Vinny and I are going to come visit you at your luxurious hotel where ever you end up!
Maggie: My dearest mommy! I don't know what I am going to do without you. I am going to miss you so much. You truly have been my second mom throughout this season. You were always there to help guide me and comfort me whenever I needed you. I thank you for always bringing a smile to my face. I will miss your lovable personality and seeing you always dancing around being goofy! I love that you are such a great time, but such a focused young woman as well. You have such wonderful qualities as a person and I know you will be such a great success in whatever life bring to you. I love you and will miss you so much! I just don't know what I am going to do without my dearest mother!

#11 Megan Hodge
Ann: Well Naylor these last two years have been great ... more this past year I would say. I think talking like a 5 year old has really rubbed off on me and I don't know if it's going to have the same effect once you're gone. I must say that I'm going to miss our dates to Facia and our long talks about everything. But what I'll definitely miss most is playing with your CHIN PUDDING!! Love you!!
Kara: Girl I thought you were crazy before, but now that I live with you I think my mind has changed. You are such a wonderful person and I admire your ability to go with the flow. We've definitely had plenty of laughs and you're really good at giving advice. In honor of you, I plan to implement the `superman falling from the sky' into my defense and running into a huge fan/ trampling a huge fan for next season. You're really a one of a kind girl and I love it!
Mel: First and foremost I just want to thank you for everything you've done over these last two years not only for me but for the team. I think you have one of the biggest hearts out there and you honestly enjoy helping others. I think you've been a good captain and our long talks during preseason and even my freshman year when things got tough will stay with me forever. I'm gonna miss you Mel ... and I might even start trying organic food (...maybe not but we can pretend).
Kate: Where do I start...geez....these past two years with you have been very entertaining, to say the least. Not just entertaining, but you really have taught me a lot. Whether it's passing or just trying to keep cool during practice, you've always been the one to help me out and that means a lot to me. I can't believe my time spent doing 2 passers with Kate is almost over ... I'm not going to know how to pass with anyone else! It's been fun and I know I'm going to see you around next fall anyway so it's not really goodbye. Thanks for everything and I'm looking forward to some more entertaining moments in the spring. Love u!
Maggie: Even though we never actually played together I feel like you were right there with us the whole time. You care so much about this team and I really appreciate that. Whether it's running to the scale so you can get my weight or those days when I'm really hungry and you hook me up with a chewy, you always have my back! Love u!!!!

#12 Jessica Yanz
Kara: My Chicago girl! By far my favorite moment in pre-season last year was when you dove into the fan for the ball and came out completely unharmed. I am going to miss our pre-practice talks during stretching next year! Thanks for helping me out with my Photo assignments, and they turned out awesome because of you! Wikki wikki!
KP: I would first like to thank you for stealing my assists in right back. I'd also like to thank you for passing such perfect balls during two passers, which would result in Alisha throwing balls at my face. Point! Pre-game stretching won't be the same without your band ritual next year. Two words: CHEWWWY BARRRS!!!
Mel: I remember being at Juniata four years ago playing the name game and meeting Melissa mashed potatoes. That seems like forever ago, and time has sure flown since then. You work so hard each and every day and are such a strong leader, and I am honored to have played with you. Thanks for all the lunchtime heart to hearts!
Anne: Thanks for always being ready to hit back row attacks, although I think we've learned that the `A' ball works much better the pipe. Is there anything you'd like to work on today? You have been such a great teammate these past two years! I am going to be visiting you in LA whenever I get the chance!
Maggie: My roomie! I feel like I have become so much closer with you this year! I can always count on you to be there to talk to, to watch Law & Order with, and for late night runs to Rita's. Good luck with graduate school, and I can't wait to refer to you as `Dr. Case' in the future!

#14 Michele Osterrieder
Mel: Thank you for being a great role model and always finding new ways to motivate the team. You put so much effort into being the best volleyball and all-around person, and encourage others around you to do the same. You will be missed next year!
Kate: Thanks for a great year! You taught me to always strive for what I want and not let anyone stand in my way. You were always there to push everyone to play their best and keep us on track. You will be missed.
Kara: Thanks for always being there for me this year. Talking to me, keeping me motivated to keep going, and helping me write my to-do list for when I get home from trips. Rooming with you on the road was always great. You work so hard and are always positive. I'm so glad I got to know you and will miss you next year!
Ann: Thanks for teaching me about playing the next level of volleyball and helping me adapt to everything that was happening on the court. You are a great motivation to show how hard work and a dedication to the team pay off in the end. I'll miss you next year!
Maggie: I've known you the longest out of all the girls on the team, having you stay at my house and chaperoning my high school team at Juniata. You were always fun to be around, keeping me out of trouble. Although I didn't have the honor of ever playing with you, it was great to have you around helping out and keeping me on task. Good luck with grad schools and I'll miss you!

Some very special people (who went through senior night last year) also wanted to add some words to the seniors:

To All The Seniors!
I can't believe your Senior Night is already here. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was going through it all with Cass and Fid. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about all the amazing memories we all had over the course of the years. I miss each and everyone of you every day. You all made my time at Penn State a very memorable experience that I will never forget. I am so happy for each of you and I wish you all the best of luck. Always remember that whether we are across the country or even on a different continent from each other, we will always have the memories of being together and we will forever be a part of the Penn State Family. Love, Krissy

CONGRATS girls! You made it through four impossible preseason that you (and I) never though we would live through, but you are alive, and a million times stronger for it. You all know I love all of you more than anything, but just for a PG memory refresher let's reflect...Annie, your smile not only keeps coach happy but brings hope to your teammates and friends and I will always love you for it...and many other things. Kara, my love, I miss our locker room times (you know) PENN STATE will not be the same without us (fingers crossed Nic can hold down the fort). Mel, you are an amazingly strong woman and a great friend. Kate, my favorite passing buddy. I miss you all SO much! Play your hears out tonight because Rec Hall, Penn State, the fans, the boosters, the coaches, and the team will never be the same once you leave. You have each individually left your mark on Penn State's history and will always be part of the Penn State family. Come visit me, I miss you! GO STATE! Fidler

Ann, Kara, Kate, Maggie and Mel:
Tonight you will be showered with flowers, cards, hugs and best wishes. Your teammates will share funny stories and inside jokes that you had always (naively) hoped would stay inside. You will brainstorm possibilities for revenge in the form of Facebook humiliation. Those same teammates will say how much they are going to miss you, causing you to rethink the severity of your counterattack. Loyal fans who have been behind you for nearly half a decade, win or lose, will stand and applaud your contributions to Penn State volleyball... and someone you have never met may tell you how much your career has meant to them. Your parents will stand beside you center stage on a hardwood floor that has become your home, and they will see that not only did Penn State take good care of you, Penn State loved you. And when all is said and done, you will play your last Big Ten match beneath your three Big Ten banners as you chase your fourth...and something more. Enjoy tonight. Enjoy the emotion and the energy, and most importantly, enjoy each other. I wish you the very happiest of happy endings to your chapter in a story that never ends. I love and miss you--all of you. Cassy
P.S. Somebody mail me some cake.