Penn State Alamo Bowl Offense Quotes

Dec. 26, 2007

Penn State Offense Press Conference
Valero Alamo Bowl

Galen Hall, Assistant Coach
Opening statement:
"We're very honored to be here and to represent the Big Ten Conference in the Alamo Bowl. It's a great privilege for us. We're looking forward to a very good challenge and a good game against Texas A&M University."

On Anthony Morelli not attending the press conference:
"I wouldn't have any clue. We were told to come and this was it. Anthony, I'm sure, if he would have been requested or something, would have been here. He has played very well for us this year. The only quarterback in Penn State history, I think, that has thrown for over 2,000 yards in his two seasons and a very, very good player for us, underrated by a lot of people."

On Morelli not being available to media for since November 10 and whether that is bad example for a captain and senior quarterback:
"I haven't thought about that. That's probably a good question that you people would have to answer. I mean, you have your own opinion. We don't think so. He's been a leader for us. He's a leader on the field, a leader in the football games, he leads -- you know, he's the leader of this football team and we're very happy with Anthony and there's not anything there to even be discussed about."

On getting ready for the game and balancing next year's potential quarterback:
"Well, we started early working wit the younger players, but we're here to win the football game. We're going to go with what has carried us this season. That's Anthony at quarterback, that's the rest of these guys. We're not looking forward to next season. We're looking forward to the game on Saturday night, and it'll be a very difficult game. The crowd and everything is probably going to be A&M and it's going to be a very, very difficult game against a good football team."

On his friendship with Gary Darnell:
"I've talked to Gary, I think, once or twice since it's been announced. Gary played for Oklahoma State back in the late '60s, I think, was a starting linebacker for them. I was at Oklahoma then. I knew Gary whenever he coached on Jim Dicky's staff at Kansas State. Gary joined me at Florida in 1988 and coached for me two years there. So I've known Gary -- knew about him whenever he -- he's from Moore, Oklahoma, and knew about him when he played at Oklahoma State and knew him whenever he was with Kansas State with Coach Jim Dickey. So I'd say I've known Gary for about 30 years, probably. A very good coach, does a good job. Will have A&M ready to go play."

On Anthony Morellli's media absence:

Jordan Norwood, Junior, Wide Receiver
"Just like Coach Hall said, I'm not really sure. We personally don't pay attention to when guys have talked to the media. I'm not sure when the last time I talked to the media was, so we're not really paying too much attention to that. But, I mean, we're just -- as a team, as an offense, looking forward to playing on Saturday."

Derrick Williams, Junior Wide Receiver
"Today was the first day of really hearing that. You know, we really don't pay attention to that and like Coach Hall said, Anthony's doing a great job with leading the team and everything and just getting the offense prepared for a tough team that we have to play this week."

Galen Hall, Assistant Coach
On players that didn't make the trip to San Antonio:
"Well, I think those are things that Coach Paterno has to answer, and there are some players that aren't here for various reasons, and I think that's his place to answer and I'm sure he'll take it -- tanswer you whenever his time is."

On his coaching status for next year:
"I hope so. I plan to be back. I think we're all -- you know, we're not looking -- we're not looking ahead to next year, but as far as I know, I will be back and I'm looking forward to it. I think we have a chance to have a good football team, but, again, no, there's nothing out there with me. That's...I don't even bring it up. I mean, there's no sense. I plan to be back. I don't have any time frame at all. Time frame will be whenever Coach Paterno decides that maybe, he...we don't even discuss that. I mean, that's not even a factor in our being here. I mean, it really isn't."

On what concerns they have about A&M defense:

Derrick Williams, Junior, Wide Receiver
"Just like every team that we play week in and week out, it's going to be a tough game. They're going to be physical. They're just as excited as we are to get out there on Saturday from a long break and, you know, to have great players and to have a new coaching staff and I know they want to do good for their new coach, so it's going to be a tough game and I think that we're -- we're prepared and I think that it's going to be a challenge against the defense. The only thing we've got to do is just go out and play with the confidence we have and we've been working really hard this week and everything should come together."

On the rushing attack and what kind of role it'll play on Saturday against the A&M defense:

Rodney Kinlaw, Senior, Tailback
"From the tapes, they have two great defensive tackles, so we're just looking forward to going out there and playing the best game that we can play."

On A&M's defensive scheme:

Galen Hall, Assistant Coach
"They have four down linemen and they have two linebackers. There's three linebackers, however, you want to do it the same thing Gary's been playing. In our league Michigan State is very similar. The team we last played. It has a very similar scheme to them. Just from -- everyone in our league is usually a four-man front, though, so our guys are very familiar with the four-man front. They play different configurations in the secondary with different people than we see but we are, you know, problems, yes, problems are big, strong, they're quick, two inside linebackers that are very good and play the hashes."

A.Q. Shipley, Junior, Center
"We've seen the scheme before like Coach said. Very similar scheme to some of the teams that we've faced this year. They do different things where they might bring in a nickel instead of one of the linebackers but, all in all, it's really the same. The same scheme that we've really seen all along but like they've said before, they're very physical up front they've got two very good down kids inside and they're going to pose some problems with the linebackers as well. We've got to challenge them we've got to be able to handle them when the time comes."

Rich Ohrnberger, Junior, Guard
"The same thought. It's nothing that we're not prepared for. We've been going against this defense now with our scout team for weeks. Their front six or front seven, depending on what personnel they have, are aggressive big guys and they play hard football and we're going to have to play our best game against them."

On shared offensive coaching role:

Galen Hall, Assistant Coach
"Yes. And that's probably about the simplest form you can put it. The thing about it, we're up there together and we sort of plan out a series or say hey, "we're going to do this on the first and 10 and we want to throw on second and I want to run it no matter what it is on second" and things like that against what we think we're going to get in those situations so it worked very well. No problems and it's been very smooth for us."

"Has it worked, yes it's worked. We haven't had a disagreement yet so I don't know how that's going to work. But yeah, it works. I think Southern Cal... I mean there are people that do it they do it in the pros they do it in major colleges. What it does is gives me more time to focus on the run game, Jay more time to focus on the pass game. I think it's very efficient."

Jordan Norwood, Junior, Wide Receiver

On Alamodome turf:
"It is something we think about and after practicing on yesterday. It is not too much different than Illinois or Michigan."

On a win in the Valero Alamo Bowl carrying over to next season:
"It definitely carries on. We are going to be starting off-season workouts, probably about less than a month from now. So it definitely carries on."

On a win making up for disappointments this season:
"I don't know if a win makes up for anything. We do want to win the football game and avoid anymore pain this season."

On A&M crowd:
"We're not really worried about it. I know we are going to travel a lot of fans also. To tell you the truth I'm not even sure it is going to be a majority A&M crowd. Is it going to be? We played in the Orange Bowl and had more fans than Florida State did, in their own state. We're excited to see how many fans come out."

On how he is liking San Antonio:
"Some guys have spent time on the Riverwalk. I'm really enjoying my time here. I have some family down here. This isn't my first time down here."

On his dad's new job at Baylor:
"It's a great opportunity. I'm excited for him. I flew down here a couple days early to spend some time with him. My whole family flew down here."

On not spending time with family for Christmas:
"It wasn't really something I worried about. I'm fortunate to be able to spend time with my family."

On dad's excitement about new job:
"He is very excited. The decision making process is always him asking myself, my other siblings, my mom what we think about it. We all gave him the go ahead. He's excited to get down here."

On quarterback Daryll Clark:
"He is an athletic guy, has a strong arm, he can do a lot outside the pocket."

On if his is a Michael Robinson:
"That remains to be seen."

On Pat Davlin as a quarterback:
"Pat is a lot like Darryl, he's athletic, with a strong arm, a real student of the game. He's an athletic guy. I've seen him on the basketball court."

On dad at Baylor:
"He's been there a few weeks now. I flew down here a couple days early so I could go up to Waco for a day. He's actually in San Antonio now."

On preparing for the game:
"We've had over a month off. During some of the earlier practices, we worked a lot of the younger guys."