Penn State Alamo Bowl Defense Quotes

Dec. 27, 2007

Tom Bradley, Assistant Coach

Feelings on players that are missing:

"You know, to me, football is a game of attrition; they can be here one day and gone another so I never worry about it. It's an opportunity for someone to step up and just play and show us what he can do. And some of the guys who haven't been a part of the first two units can now get in and it's a good opportunity for them, so I never worry about that."

Rolling with the punches on and off the field:

"Well, we have to. We don't have much choice with that matter. I don't worry about if they're not here or who's going be here because, you know, it's just a chance for somebody else. That's football. Guys get hurt; we lost (Jerome) Hayes, we lost good football players early in the year and a guy has to step up and play more."

On Michigan State:

"You know, we used have a lot of depth but we don't have as much depth anymore. Obviously some key positions, I think a lot of it, you got to give the guy (Brian Hoyer) credit, especially the throws he made. Some were sensational throws; one in the back end zone was just a sensational pass. And that's going happen. They're good players and they make good plays.

On handling issues with West Virginia: "I'm flattered that I am mentioned in those circles, it's such a great university. I'm out in that area a lot and so sometimes it's a natural rumor that gets started."

On if he was interviewed for West Virginia position:

"It's all the speculation that goes on about all the different things."

Jeremy Boone, Sophomore, Punter

On difference between punting indoors versus outdoors:

"I've only been in a dome once before and that was when we went to Minnesota last year. The thing with a dome is, it's a great opportunity to see how your technique is because you don't have to worry about weather or anything. When we went in there the other day, it was just to see what I really have to work on. The biggest thing is just getting the ball in the air."

Dan Connor, Senior, Linebacker

On Jorvorskie Lane:

"Yeah. It's going to be hard. It's always a challenge when you've got a big guy and he moves pretty well, too, so, it's a challenge going in but, like you said, we played a couple of big backs. P.J. Hill, the Michigan State guy (Jehuu Caulcrick) and a few other ones earlier so, I mean, we've got a little taste of it. I mean, he's going to be the real deal coming down the hill at 270, 275 pounds. You've really got to buckle up and be ready. No. 3 (Mike Goodson) is a talented player, too; fast, athletic and I think they compliment each other really well which is going to add another dimension to their offense.

On effect of long lay-off:

"It doesn't seem like it's affected us in practice. I think it's helped the defense and has helped us defensively. Practice is going at a fast tempo, a lot of intensity and the most physical practices we've had. I think that the rest helped us. We needed it in a 12-game grind of the season in one of the toughest leagues, so it helped us defensively. The offense, anytime we've played against them, they looked sharp. They looked ready to go so, in my opinion, we needed it and it's helped us a lot so far."

On effect of defensive teammates that did not make the trip:

"It doesn't affect us at all, to be honest with you. We've got a ton of talent at every position right now, the D-line. Going into the season, we knew how deep we were, so losing a guy here or there and losing a couple of guys to injuries, too, we haven't missed a beat. Phil Taylor is doing a great job, Abe Koroma, Ollie Ogbu. D-line looks real good. Linebackers are deep. It's tough to not see your friends up here and being with you, but at the same time we haven't lost a step."

On how important this game is:

"Games like this are huge for the seniors, going out with a win. We still do have a bad taste from the Michigan State game. So the seniors knew this is a game we've been looking forward to, trying to pull it together and by the same token, the upper classmen, it just gives them the momentum they need in the off season. I know it helped us a lot last year, going out and beating Tennessee. It leads us right into winter conditioning and we go with a lot of enthusiasm and I'm real excited about spring ball and it starting up again. It's big for the seniors and the upper classmen. We're real excited about this. We've been waiting for this for a while now."

On A&M running game: They have a strong running back. The first thing we have to do is stop their power run... As soon as you do that it's not as complex a game...The key to a game like this is to stop the power run.

On playing in a dome: I don't think (it will affect the team)...It's a good field, we practiced on it on Tuesday, so it's a good environment. I feel good in it.

On last game for Penn State: It's going to be tough...it's my last game in Penn State colors but at the same time I'm excited about it...At the same time it's something I'm looking forward to...It's my senior year, bowl game, beyond that, this is what you love, what you grow up to love.

On the younger players: There's a lot of enthusiasm in the younger scout team players...These guys are pumped and ready to play...I'm just as excited to see them play next year.

On focusing on future plans: It's (my mind) all on this game right now...I'll have plenty of time for that other stuff after the game...This whole week I've just been enjoying San Antonio and practicing, and (thinking) about the game.

Maurice Evans, Sophomore, Defensive End

On expectations for game:

"I think our scout team gives us a great look so we could expect anything on the field. It just comes down to being ready for the game on Saturday. That's what it comes down to."

Josh Gaines, Junior, Defensive End

On the effect of the long lay-off:

"Speaking for the defense, all I can say is a long lay-over helps, because I was real sore at the end of the season, you know, those 12 games. I came back ready to practice. I was a lot faster, moved a little quicker off the ball, and we should be ready to go."

Justin King, Junior, Cornerback

On Stephen McGee:

"He's a really good quarterback. You can tell he's got great leadership and demands a lot of his players. He is a presence on the field, which is a factor that a quarterback is usually known through stats for, but you can tell that he's the leader of the team and, like Sean said, he's two-dimensional. He can run and pass. He's just a very key asset to their offense."

On offensive expectations from Texas A&M:

"We just need to coordinate and just be prepared for the option and run. It's our job to cover people so that's our first responsibility. And we've just got to stay on our toes and just play it like it's our last."

Sean Lee, Junior, Linebacker

On Team Day at SeaWorld , December 26:

"Oh, yeah. I got to swim with the beluga whale which was fun. I kind of got lucky. It was supposed to be three people. I just kind of saw them walking in, I jumped in and they let me swim with him. I was in the water with him and holding him and it spinning me around like we were dancing which is kind of a cool experience."

On Stephen McGee:

"He's a great athlete, a great playmaker. Can make plays throwing, running, you know. He's the toughest type of quarterback to play because he's not one-dimensional. He can beat you in a lot of ways. He's got a great drop and scramble, so we're going to have to watch out for that."

"I got to see him at the FCA breakfast this morning. He's a pretty impressive kid. Seems like he's a good leader for them."

On getting back on the field:

"Yeah. We're excited. We're really excited to get back on the field."

On thoughts about Michigan State game:

"I think it's been in the back of my mind a little bit because we kind of went out on a bad note and we want to prove ourselves again. I mean, it's been more of a motivating factor than it has been a negative. It hasn't hindered us at all, so I think we're ready to go out and try to prove ourselves."

Anthony Morelli, Senior, Quarterback

On his absence from Dec. 26 press conference:

"It was just a lack of communication."

On his feelings about comments made about his absence:

"It doesn't matter to me. This is my last game. I'm going to focus on my team and what I need to get done. I'm real excited about this game. It was just a mix up. No big deal."

On whose idea it was to come to press conference today:

"I was going to come today. It was just a bit of a mix up. I went to SeaWorld with the family (yesterday). I'm here today. We can put that behind us and focus on the game now."

On the legacy that he will leave at Penn State:

"Let's talk about the game."

On what he is doing in practice that is different since the Michigan State game:

"Just working hard and executing."

On his last game:

"It's crazy. Time flies. I'm excited about it, but it will be sad to leave. I'm going to miss my friends at Penn State."

On plans after the bowl game:

"Once I'm done with school, I'm going to get ready for the next step."

On his degree:

"Recreation, Parks and Tourism Management."

On Michigan State game:

"Of course. I was down like everyone was. But we've put that behind us and are ready to focus on A&M."

On being a quarterback at Penn State 'off the field':

"I'm the type of guy that likes to lead his team and work hard in practice."

On Pat Devlin and Daryll Clark:

"I talk to Darryl a lot. I am willing to help both of them with whatever they need. I'm just a phone call away."

On telling Devlin and Clark about his experience at Penn State:

"You're going to have your ups and downs. At Penn State everyone's favorite quarterback is the backup. You're going to hear your 'boos'. When you win you're going to be the best quarterback in the world and when you lose they're going to be looking for the next guy."

If he feels like he has been unfairly judged:

"No, I don't. People have their own opinion. They can say what they want."

Anthony Scirrotto, Junior, Safety

On the secondary in the Michigan State game:

"I feel like we did a great job, actually. We knew coming into the season that we were going to have some difficult tasks ahead of us, replacing a guy like Donnie Johnson, but we've done a great job. We're a close-knit group and we practice hard throughout the week to get prepared for the game on Saturday and I feel like we did a good job. We can do better. You can always do better, but we're excited to go this weekend and we've been working hard this whole week.