Inside Women's Gymnastics: Aslynn Satterfield

Jan. 29, 2008

A Q&A with women's gymnast Aslynn Satterfield, a senior from Boalsburg, Pa.

What is your favorite thing about being a Penn State student?
All the friends I've made and all the things I've learned.

What is your favorite thing about being a Penn State student-athlete?
All the pride we take in our sports!

Why Penn State?
Because it is my hometown and I have loved Penn State since I was a little girl ... and I also loved the gymnastics team!

What is/has been your favorite class at Penn State and why?
RPTM 236 Leadership because it was a really fun class and I learned so much about being a leader and running events.

What is your favorite place on campus and why?
Rec Hall, because that is where we compete and nothing is more amazing then having all your fans in once place cheering you on!

When I am not at class or practice, I am ...
Hanging out with my friends and scrapbooking.

What have you found to be the biggest differences between Junior Olympic and college competition?
That in college it is way more about the team instead of an individual, which is my favorite part. I love having a team!

Since coming to Penn State, what has been the biggest thing you have learned, in the gym?
Your attitude can get either help you or hurt you in any sport.

Since coming to Penn State, what has been the biggest thing you have learned, out of the gym?
How to manage my time even more wisely.

What has been the hardest part of practice and why?
All the conditioning because when I was in high school we didn't do much of that.

At what age did you begin participating in gymnastics, and why/how did you get into it?
My mom put me into it when I was three because my friend was doing it.

To someone who doesn't know gymnastics and is seeing a meet for the first time, how would you describe your sport?
You have four events: Vault, Bars, Beam and Floor and you have a different routine on each event. Within those routines you have certain requirements that you have to fulfill. Then you are judged by what skills you have and how perfectly you do them.

How would you describe the personality of the team this year?
I would describe it as a lively young and fun team. We love to work hard but also have fun while we're doing it!

What is your favorite event and why?
My favorite event is floor because it is my best event and I love to dance and compete it!

Who is the craziest person on the team and why?
I feel that we are all crazy in some way but if I had to pick I guess I would say Alex because I always can count on her to make me laugh and dance with me!

Who would you consider the leaders on this team to be and why?
I feel that we are all leaders on this team. We all contribute in some way and I feel as though I could look up to all of them or ask any of them for advice.

What advice would you give to young gymnasts?
Keep working hard and eventually all your hard work will pay off.

What is the best advice you have ever gotten, and from whom did you receive it?
My mom once said to me 'Aslynn it might seem like the end of the world, but it isn't.' Sometimes I let things get to me and I overreact and hearing that makes me realize that somethings are not that bad and everything will be okay.

What is your favorite sport (other than gymnastics) to watch at Penn State and why?
Soccer, because since my brother plays I have always grown up with it and understand it the best.

If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you go and why?
I would go back to Cancun because it is a beautiful place and I had so much fun there!

What are your hidden talents?
I'm not sure that I have any hidden talents. I've been working on my gymnastics talents since I was three!

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