Spotlight: Arielle Wilson

Sept. 29, 2008

Sophomore middle hitter Arielle Wilson, last year's Big Ten Freshman of the Year, is again a force for the Nittany Lions this season. She leads the team with 43 total blocks and ranks seventh in the Big Ten with a .375 hitting percentage. Read on to learn a little big more about Wilson, including how she got into volleyball.

What is your favorite thing about being a Penn State student?
"I like the teachers and the classes, the environment, and how we're able to plan and schedule everything."

What is your favorite thing about being a Penn State student-athlete?
"I like that everyone respects you. I also love meeting new people, and I feel that being an athlete helps with that. I love the fact that we travel a lot to different places."

Why Penn State?
"It was my last official visit in the Big Ten and I fell in love with it. (Former PSU All-American and a club coach) Bonnie Bremner also talked with me and helped me in the process."

What is/has been your favorite class at Penn State and why?
"My art class because it's a way for me to express myself and it helps me let go of stress."

What is your favorite place on campus and why?
"The library. It's nice and quiet and I can go study there, and there are always a lot of different people around."

When I am not at class or practice, I am ...
"In my room studying or talking with my two roommates."

What have you found to be the biggest differences between club and college competition?
"The level of intensity, the level of play, the players, my teammates."

Since coming to Penn State, what has been the biggest thing you have learned, in the gym?
"Practice makes perfect, give 100% and go hard every day."

Since coming to Penn State, what has been the biggest thing you have learned, out of the gym?
"Time management, which I'm still working on! Also, organizing everything with your schedule, talking to teachers and making sure everything is taken care of, especially when we travel."

What has been the hardest part of practice and why?
"Transitioning from AAU volleyball to Penn State volleyball, the level of play is the biggest change that I've had to adjust to."

At what age did you begin participating in volleyball, and how did you get into it?
"I started playing volleyball in fifth grade when the coach asked me to try out for the team. I started playing AAU in eighth grade because a friend of my mom's, her daughter got a scholarship to play at Wisconsin-Milwaukee."

How would you describe the personality of the team this year?
"Energetic. As much as you maybe don't see it on the court, outside of the court we're all crazy."

What is your favorite part of volleyball and why?
"I think hitting because there are so many shots that you can do. You can hit the ball, tip the ball, to all different areas and attack from so many ways."

Who is the craziest person on the team and why?
"I would have to say Tice. Christa used to be but now it's Tice. She's just goofy."

What advice would you give to young volleyball players?
"Continue to believe in yourself and strive for the best, never give up."

What is your favorite sport (other than volleyball) to watch at Penn State and why?
"I like both men's and women's basketball, football, and men's volleyball. They're the most interesting sports to me and the competition is so good, and I'm friends with a lot of the players on those teams."