Spotlight: Blair Brown

Nov. 3, 2008

Sophomore opposite Blair Brown has started every match this season and ranks fourth in the Big Ten in hitting percentage, attacking at a .406 clip. Read on to learn a little bit more about Blair, including how she got in to volleyball, where you can find her if she's not in class or practice, and her favorite part of the season, off the court, so far.

What is your favorite thing about being a Penn State student?
"The amount of support we get from our professors and our academic support staff, everyone is always there to help you out."

What is your favorite thing about being a Penn State student-athlete?
"It would be the same thing. The amount of support from people like our academic advisor, Jim Weaver, and his staff, they work with us if we're having trouble and they help us out."

Why Penn State?
"Because everywhere else I went, I compared it to Penn State immediately, and no where was as good as Penn State. The staff here incredible and I think Rec Hall is the best place to play in the country, and the girls are incredible."

What has been your favorite class at Penn State and why?
"My Brit Lit class last semester because it was one of the most challenging."

What is your favorite place on campus and why?
"The library was, but then I found Panara, so now that's my favorite. I go there and study. I need background noise to study so that's where I go to study and do work."

When I am not at class or practice, I am ...
"At Panara, doing work."

What have you found to be the biggest differences between club and college competition?
"The level of your competition. The players on the other side of the net in college are just as competitive as we are."

Since coming to Penn State, what has been the biggest thing you have learned, in the gym?
"I've learned a lot. I think the most important is to be more rounded, especially being on the right side. I've learned to become a better blocker, not just a better hitter."

Since coming to Penn State, what has been the biggest thing you have learned, out of the gym?
"To be responsible. In a lot of areas, like school, with your friends, socially, academically, everything."

What has been the hardest part of practice and why?
"Maintaining focus. It's a long season and it's sometimes a challenge to maintain your focus throughout every practice."

At what age did you begin participating in volleyball, and how did you get into it?
"I started playing competitively when I was a freshman in high school. One of my dad's friends made me try out because I was 14 years old and 6-1 and he said I would be good."

How would you describe the personality of the team this year?
"Goofy. Goofy all the time. It's amazing. It's great because it keeps things so much more fun. The freshmen class is unbelievable and out of their minds, in a great way."

Who is the craziest person on the team and why?
"Tice. All the time. Because she is always upbeat and always has a great attitude and personality, and she makes everyone really happy."

What is your favorite part of volleyball and why?
"Defense. Yes! Weird huh? Although I do mean blocking defense. Backrow defense is fun too. But I like defending what is coming at me and trying to stop it."

What advice would you give to young volleyball players?
"Be more rounded as a player. I think that's important as a player if you want to continue on to a high level. Play as much as you can."

What is your favorite sport (other than volleyball) to watch at Penn State and why?
"I like men's basketball. I sit with Kelsey and we enjoy it."

What is it like every time you put on a Penn State jersey?
"It's unbelievable every single time. Even from the first time, it's still kind of surreal. To play in Rec Hall is the best feeling."

What has been your favorite moment of this season so far?
"Off the court it has to be the team free-styling that went on during the bus ride to the plane last weekend after the Northwestern match. It was fabulous."