Penn State's Rose Bowl Media Day- Player Quotes

Dec. 12, 2008


Click Player Name to Jump to Rose Bowl Media Day Quotes

#3 Senior Wide Receiver Deon Butler
#76 Senior Tackle Gerald Cadogan
#17 Junior Quarterback Daryll Clark
#47 Senior Defensive End Josh Gaines
#21 Freshman Running Back
#23 Senior Kicker Kevin Kelly
#59 Sophomore Defensive End Aaron Maybin
#22 Sophomore Tailback Evan Royster
#46 Senior Linebacker Tyrell Sales
#7 Senior Safety Anthony Scirrotto
#57 Senior Center A.Q. Shipley
#2 Senior Wide Receiver Derrick Williams
#61 Sophomore Guard Stefen Wisniewski

#3 Senior Wide Receiver Deon Butler

Q : Did you talk to Pat recently?
A : I talked to him yesterday, I mean he is doing good nobody wants to treat him any differently or make it a sob story. I mean people transfer all the time. It's not the first time someone has transferred from here.

Q : Talk about the challenge ahead?
A : It's definitely going to be a great challenge. Everyone already knows USC's caliber so it's kind of like `how do we stack up?' Obviously, we feel like it's kind of like an us-against-the-world mentality. I was laughing with Jordan and Josh when we watched Maybin on TV and they showed the little America voting thing and one little Pennsylvania state thought we were going to win. If you want to be the best you have to play the best.

Q : Does the offense enjoy the extra time to get ready for an opponent?
A : Oh yes we can definitely do a lot of wrinkles with the offense and that's one of the things Coach Paterno does a good job of. It's important to not turn it into a negative thing.

Q : Is it time to reflect on the past four years?
A : Definitely, it's been a long ride. It's been a fun ride. I couldn't have asked for a better atmosphere, for better teammates, coaching staff. I think my fellow seniors have also had a blast.

Q : There are six teams in the BCS with one loss. Do you feel you got snubbed a little bit?
A : Obviously you kind of feel like that but there's a lot of other teams with one loss, Texas, Texas Tech. We get the least amount of respect of the one-loss teams and everyone that says that doesn't give us a chance. We have a big chance to get some respect against USC.

Q : What could a win do for this program?
A : It will do big things. It will help not only our program, but the Big Ten in general. People think the Big Ten can't really hang out with the other conferences, but it will definitely help this program out that we can go out and play with any team and any conference.

#76 Senior Tackle Gerald Cadogan

Q: The offensive line took a lot of criticism when you got here, but it really came together this year. What was the key to the turnaround this year?
A: I think the main thing is the experience and our camaraderie. Rich Ohrnberger, A.Q. Shipley, Stefen Wisniewski, and Dennis Landolt, those are my buds and my brothers. Having that mindset has had a large part in our success this year.

Q: It's going to be a burden for both the offense and defense. Can you help make each other better for the challenge that USC presents?
A: We've already started competing again in the sprints and the weight room like we were in the offseason. We just have to come together with our A-game for this game.

Q: What do you think is the most underrated thing about this football team?
A: I guess the variable of the coaches and how much they do behind the scenes as far as preparing us for the game, watching film, getting films ready, and going over plays. I would say the whole practice thing along with our scout team this year. The scout team, this year, has been one of the best. They're basically like our key to success because they've been giving us great looks on defense. They've been doing a great job.

Q: Some people are saying you don't have a chance against USC. What are your thoughts about that?
A: Nobody expected us to win the Big Ten championship this year either. They had us like fourth or fifth in the Big Ten. We believe in ourselves. We're working hard and we're not concerned about what other people are saying. We're going to play and let our play settle all of the talk.

Q: How key is it for you to keep USC's defense off of Daryll Clark?
A: The battle is going to be won in the trenches. The coaches have been harping on that all season. This is just a continuation of the season. We're just going to go out there and do what we do and have been all year.

Q: Can you talk about the tradition of the Rose Bowl?
A: I grew up in Ohio, so the Rose Bowl is the Granddaddy. That's all you heard growing up. It's an honor to be a part of this year.

#17 Junior Quarterback Daryll Clark

Q: What are your feelings of playing for Coach Paterno?
A: He is still kicking. It's funny you brought up the recruiting process because I remember him and Coach Jay Paterno in the Athletic Director's office of my high school with my parents and he had made a promise that he would not retire like everyone thought he would. Jay, along with Joe, have stuck in my corner ever since I was recruited. It has just been a great experience, coming in, knowing the situation that I wasn't going to play. Just learning as much as I can. Whenever I get the opportunity to play, just seize it the best way possible. He has been great, not only as a coach. For the first 20 minutes that I met him, we just talked about life in general, and not every coach does that. I think that separates Joe from all the other college coaches. That is why he is Joe Paterno. He is a friend, and he puts his teammates and his family before himself mostly all of the time. It has been a very, very great experience and I look forward to playing for him one more time next season.

Q: Were there specific people that told you he wouldn't be there when you would be a senior?
A: No. No one. I believed everything that Joe said. Everyone that is a fan or a fan of football...a lot of people would say, "Why are you going to Penn State because Joe is not going to be there?" But Penn State was the only school that really took the time, and took a chance on me. Obviously, I had to go to prep school for a year to take care of business and what not, but when other schools found out how my marks were, they shied away and didn't want to take the risk, and Penn State did. That is one of the main reasons why I chose to come here.

Q: Did you have any indication that Pat Devlin would be leaving?
A: I really didn't think of it as him transferring at all. It was never a thought. I didn't think he was thinking of it. I had heard it in the papers and on the Internet, but I didn't think to even ask him about it. Pat made his decision, and you have to respect it. We wish him well at whatever school he goes to. Obviously, he felt a certain way about staying here.

Q: Discuss USC's defense.
A: Talent. They have talent all over the defensive side. We have been watching film on them a lot. They just scrap it up and play. They have a lot of guys that can run to the ball. We have a lot of things that we are going to do to succeed against their defense. Coach Jay Paterno, once we figured out that we were going to play against USC, he had already broken down about four or five tapes of them. I have no doubt in my mind that we will be ready for those guys. Great team, great organization, and we are looking forward to playing them.

Q: You are the only scholarship quarterback coming back next year. How much will Pat Devlin leaving effect the way next season will unfold?
A: I guess they will do a little recruiting to bring some guys in and see how that works out. You really can't feed into that too much. You just have to take control of what you can take control of with the offensive line and the young wide-outs. We'll just get together as soon as you can when we have free time and get those guys to gel immediately because we are going to have a little inexperience in there, so it is important to take advantage of it early.

Q: Have you thought about the fact that if you get hurt, it can put the team in a tough spot?
A: I would say that the recruiting will be important for us. We have a couple of walk-on quarterbacks that no one really knows about. You have to take that up with Joe and see how that pans out. But you can only control what you can control. Once this season is over with and we come back from Christmas break, it will be time to get back to work.

Q: How important was it for you to play well against Michigan State?
A: I think it was very important for two reasons. One, it was senior day, and you have to play well for the seniors. Two, it was a confidence booster for whatever bowl game we were going to play in. As you said, I stumbled here and there for a couple of games in a row, and you just have to get back and concentrate extra hard in practice, add a little extra spunk and extra excitement that I have missed the previous weeks, and let it all hang out.

#47 Senior Defensive End Josh Gaines

Q: What are your impressions of the Rose Bowl, how much do you know about it? Did you watch it growing up as a kid?
A: Watching the Rose Bowl growing up, in my eyes it was always a National Championship. It's something I always looked forward to doing. I always placed myself putting a rose in my mouth. I always dreamed about doing that. It's going to be a fun game, I've never been to California before.

Q: What has it been like playing for Coach Paterno? In terms of how resilient he's been in the last couple years with the sideline injury and his hip replacement.
A: For a man of his age, to bounce back from the surgeries he had and to be walking around like that, he's a beast. He's a warrior. You can't help but to go out and play hard for somebody like that. But he's a hard-headed guy. He doesn't really listen to doctors. He knows what he wants. He's definitely resilient though. I respect him and look up to him.

Q: Are you or any of your teammates disappointed that Pat Devlin is leaving and that the decision came just a few weeks before the Rose Bowl?
A: Not necessarily, it's a personal decision on his part. He did what was best for him and his family. That's what he wanted to do so I still respect Pat and he's still a great quarterback. I'm looking to see great things from him in the future.

Q: Why did you think the Big Ten has struggled so much in the Rose Bowl in past years against the Pac-10?
A: I'm not sure. People get so caught up on the speed, but I'm not sure it's just the speed. It might be the names. A lot of times, people get caught up with who they're playing against. Different teams fit for different people. Last year was Illinois and Illinois likes to use speed. I don't think you can beat USC on the edge and try to use speed and try to use some of the stuff that they use. That's my personal opinion. I feel that if you want to go against USC you have to hit them right in the mouth. You've got to run straight at them. Look at Oregon State. In the Oregon State game they took the ball right at them. That's the only way you can beat them I think is to go right at them and use what we've got. I feel that with our line and our running backs we definitely can have an advantage.

Q: Lydell is from California, has he told you anything about what to expect out there?
A: I haven't really talked to him about it. I've never been to Cali, I've just watched a lot of TV. I'm looking forward to seeing what it's really like. It should be fun. I heard the hotel is nice. So, it's going to be fun.

Q: What's the one thing you want to visit when you're out there?
A: I just want to see the Hollywood sign.

Q: How does this experience now compare to 2005 when you played in the Orange Bowl when you were a freshman?
A: I can't really compare yet because we need to go out there and we need to play the game. There's so much more that's going on. The only thing is that nobody is expecting us to win this game, so that's pretty fun.

Q: You were talking about Joe earlier and his injuries. When you see him like that on the field, how does that change you as a player but also as a person, knowing that this guy is in his 80's and he's willing to do all these things for you guys as people?
A: I sat out for an ankle injury for a few games, it made me feel real soft. To see him walking around... I mean, he had his hip replaced and the next day he's coming back. I didn't even know he had his hip replaced. I was back home watching ESPN and I saw it on the ticker. So I go back to school and we have a squad meeting and he's walking around with a cane and I was just, "oh my gosh. Didn't you just have surgery?" And I'm sitting there crying about an ankle injury. It definitely motivates you to play through injuries and little things. It definitely makes you stronger. This is a strong team. Everything we do around here makes you stronger. That's one thing I can definitely say about this program. When you leave here, you're going to leave a different person.

#21 Freshman Running Back Stephfon GreenQ : How does it feel to get your legs back over the break?
A : It feels real good. We still lift and we still run, just not as much as we did during the season. So your body is fresh, so you just feel real good going to the bowl site.

Q : What do you look forward to doing in California other than football?
A : Just having a good time with the team. Just hanging out with those guys.

Q : If you had to say one thing to Penn State fans who are going to be out there what would you say?
A : Just enjoy yourselves, it's going to be a great game.

Q : You told us preseason that you were the fastest player on this team so how do you think you stack up against USC?
A : They are just as fast as me. So I wouldn't know, we will just have to see when it comes game-time. I just can't wait to get out there and play.

Q : What about the tailbacks?
A : That's Tailback U out there. That's a great trio of running backs out there.

Q : You sort of fit the mold of some of those guys, do watch them as a fan at all?
A : No this is my first time watching USC other than when they played Ohio State.

Q : Are you impressed by them?
A : Oh yeah, of course. As I'm watching them you get amazed it seems like they get tougher and faster as the game goes on.

Q : Has this year been tough for you? Did you think you were going to get a lot more carries than you've gotten?
A : I didn't come in here with any expectations. I just put myself in the position wherever the team needed me. I'm a little disappointed but then you got to get back into the off-season and work hard. With a kid like Evan Royster, you can't duck your head or anything like that. He's just a better player right now.

Q : When you look at it, he's still got two years, what do you have to do to become the better player.
A : I just have to keep working hard. If you really look at it, it keeps both of our legs fresh when you have a player like that in the game. And you just switch it up in the game. We enjoy sharing time. I guarantee he is talking about the same thing over there.

Q : One of the reasons Pat Devlin left is because he was only going to have one year left. There is a scenario where Evan Royster will be the starter for two years and you may only have one year as a starter. Has transfer ever entered your mind?
A : Look, me and Pat are two different people. Pat made his decision. My name is Stephfon Green his name is Pat Devlin. I wish the best for Pat wherever he goes, but me and Evan have talked about it. You can't have that type of attitude. Anything can happen. So I'm just going to ride out my chances. I'm going to stick it out.

Q : What would a victory for you mean for the program?
A : A whole lot. It would silence all the doubters. I mean, we had a little slip up against Iowa and if we didn't have that slip up we'd be playing against either Oklahoma or Florida. If we get this win it will silence all the doubters.

Q : How can a win in this game help the Big Ten?
A : A lot. USC beat Ohio State earlier in the season and if we beat them they can't really say the Big Ten is weak. We kind of have Ohio State's back on this one.

#23 Senior Kicker Kevin Kelly

Q : Have you began to realize that you will soon be all over the record books in the Big Ten and even the NCAA?
A : I've started to. I never thought this when I came in, even up until a couple weeks ago, I would just focus on the games.

Q : To get the chance to be the starting kicker for four years- you don't get that kind of record if you are only here for two years- how fortunate are you to be able to play as a freshman and then play the whole rest of your career?
A : I was real fortunate to play at a program like this with all the great kickers we've had. Everything fell in line with Robbie being a senior, and I was able to come in on scholarship too, just given the opportunity that I had.

Q : Go back to the Orange Bowl, the struggles. What did you learn from that and how will you handle those kinds of kicks in the Rose Bowl?
A : I learned a lot. Over the last four years, I haven't been in a situation I can't handle, especially in the end of the year with the snow. I think that's the first snow game I've played in. I shouldn't have to expect that in California (laughs). Being able to reflect back on those experiences like the Orange Bowl, noticing a little bit of wind and trying to aim rather just going up there and kicking the ball.

Q : How often do you get a chance to watch Robbie Gould, do you take that opportunity?
A : Every chance there is a game on with a field goal opportunity that I know of, I will definitely take the opportunity to watch it.

Q : Does that sort of inspire you, knowing that he was here basically right where you are and now he's been in the Super Bowl?
A : Yeah, definitely. It's definitely a huge motivator, and even with Jeremy he just got picked up this week, because I have closer contact with him. It's something that I really look forward to.

Q : Regarding Pat Devlin, did you see this coming?
A : I didn't know. It's tough for someone to be in the situation that he is. Fortunately for me I've never been in that situation so I don't know exactly how it feels. But for him, being such a high profile athlete I guess he made the best decision for him.

Q : Talk about your career here I mean now you're the leading scorer could this have gone any better for you?
A : Not at all, I mean I started off with a BCS game and ended with a BCS game. It doesn't get any better than that. Just the opportunities I've had have been awesome.

Q : Do you kind of have day dreams that `hey it might come down to me in the Rose Bowl?'
A : Yeah definitely, I hope that happens just so that I can get that experience again.

Q : What about playing USC? Are you guys glad that it worked out that way because you played Oregon State, and these guys are the huge Broadway type deal?
A : Yeah, definitely, I mean we like to play anybody. Whether it was USC or Oregon State. we just wanted to get to the Rose Bowl we just wanted to show everybody how we play, and the fact that we're playing USC presents a new challenge for us.

Q : Do you feel like you're getting any respect?
A : We just have to go out and play our game. The coaches keep us very level headed. We're the underdog, we know that, and that's just something we're going to have to deal with.

Q : How would you describe your ideal ending for a game like this?
A : I'll take anything, any field goal. I've struggled with field goals over 40 yards in my career, so I'd like to have something over 40, like 44 or something like that.

Q : Is there any different preparation?
A : We usually get a few days before the game to get a workout in to see how the field is playing out.

Q : How important could the kicking game be with two defenses like this?
A : It's going to be huge. Their defense is great, ours is great. When you have defenses like we have it definitely overtakes the offense, so special teams is going to be huge. Especially with their guys returning and we have Derrick returning kicks. We just have to look out for them and they have to look out for us.

#59 Sophomore Defensive End Aaron MaybinQ: Are you looking forward to the Rose Bowl?
A: We are definitely looking forward to it. Especially with me coming back from the road trip in Orlando. I was around a couple of USC's guys. We spent some time together, but everybody's really excited.

Q: Their defense is No. 1. Your defense is right up there, as well. Talk about these two great defenses matching up against each other. Do you want to play better to outplay the No. 1 defense?
A: Well, that's our kind of ballgame. We are looking forward to it. They have an outstanding defense, and we've got a great group of guys here. We're going to come out and give our best game to give everybody a great show.

Q: Is this one of those statement games for the Big Ten, too?
A: Well, every game is a statement game for us, especially this game. We've worked hard all season. It's really a combination of all of our hard work. So we're hoping to have a good time.

Q: Do you get the sense that a lot of people aren't giving you guys respect
A: I really don't pay attention to any of that. My teammates will say the same thing. We're just going to go out there, play our game, and we'll be ready.

Q: Some of them are saying it's a motivator. Is it a motivator?
A: People look at it different ways. It doesn't matter what the media says because, at the end of the day, we both have to come out on the field and be ready to play.

Q: Is it better to be an underdog, in terms of motivation? Or doesn't that matter?
A: I guess so. It does give you an extra sense of motivation. But really if you need any help in terms of being motivated at this point in the season, then you are in the wrong business.

Q: You put your name into the NFL Advisory Committee. Does that mean you're not going to be coming back next year?
A: Well, it's a good thing just to get evaluated. Just to see what people are saying, what you need to improve upon and all that. As far as leaving, I am focused on the Rose Bowl. I am focused on my team so we can play a great game against a great team. That's what my main focus is right now.

Q: Do you see yourself back here next year?
A: Definitely. Penn State is a dream school. It's where I committed to come. It's been a great time for me here. All plans are on me coming back here next year. If anything changes, it will be after the bowl game because that's what I need to focus on.

Q: Aaron, not many players have been as good as you this year in getting to the quarterback. Could you talk about the art of getting to the quarterback? What goes through your mind as main priorities when the ball is snapped? What are you trying to do?
A: Well, obviously, as a defensive end, you want to make dynamic plays. I look to try to get my team as much of an edge by making game-changing plays, trying to get in there to change the tempo of the game and really make a play that could change the momentum in our favor. I really think that being able to rush the passer gives us that opportunity. That's something I take pride in - rushing the quarterback and creating havoc in the backfield.

Q: Talk about what you've seen from USC's offense so far this season.
A: They are a great offense. They have a lot of team speed. They are coached very well. They do a lot of things well. They pay attention to detail. Overall, they just have a great amount of talent on that team. Probably one of the best teams we've ever played against. We definitely have to make sure we're ready, we're well-prepared and we're ready to go come game day.

#22 Sophomore Tailback Evan Royster

Q: What is the key to your running style?
A: We work on patience. We work on timing out the plays. I just try to do the basic things right and hopefully other things will come.

Q: Talk about going up against this USC defense. Does going up against your own defense help?
A: Going up against our defense every week is definitely going to help us out in the long run. We've seen Oregon State play them and we saw them beat USC up with the inside running game. We're looking to come out and do the same things.

Q: Are you getting more comfortable as a running back? Do you still get nervous?
A: I don't get nervous any more. Last year, going into a game and not really having a feel for the game was kind of tough. After being able to be the starter for the games this year, it's really helped out. I'm going out there with a little more swagger for myself. I'm a lot more calm.

Q: Do you ever want the ball more?
A: Definitely. I always want the ball. I always want to be able go out there and help my team out. I'll be begging for the ball on the sideline, but I'm sure they're not really listening to me.

Q: How fired up are you to get out to the Rose Bowl and play USC?
A: We're really excited. We have the chance to play one of the best teams in the country and prove ourselves as one of the best teams in the country. We're really excited to do it and play in that environment and hopefully beat them up a little bit.

Q: What makes USC's defense look so good?
A: They're all fast. Their safeties are big and they can run. Their linebackers are big and they can run. It's going to be a tough game for us, but we're going to try and beat them up a little bit with the inside running game.

#46 Senior Linebacker Tyrell Sales

Q: What are your impressions of seeing USC's offense?
A: I haven't seen a team with more athletes. They have three or four different guys that are always making plays. They have a lot of good receivers. In the Big Ten, there are a lot of good players and you'll see a lot of good players every week. For USC, they have four or five guys that are very athletic. They're explosive guys that can make a lot of plays. That's one thing that really sticks out to me. They're very deep at the running back position and wide receiver positions.

Q: What makes the Penn State defense so good?
A: I think we have a fast, athletic defense. More than anything, when comparing our defense to other defenses across the country, it's the fundamental aspect of the game. We don't miss a lot of tackles. We're really sound in our schemes. You can have a lot of athletes and guys can go around making plays, but it's going to come down to being fundamental. I think that's the mark of our defense for the last five or six years. We've been fundamentally sound with good athletes and great coaches. We bond together during the summertime and we go out there as a unit and stick together for the entire season.

Q: What is the key to stopping USC's running backs?
A: We've looked at them. It's going to be a challenge to tackle them. The main thing for us is to do the same thing we've been doing all year. We run to the ball and be relentless in the pursuit. They might make one guy miss, but if three or four other guys are on their way, it's going to be tough to make all of those guys miss. That's the one thing we've been able to do. We play team defense and get to the ball. If we do that, we'll be successful.

Q: Talk about playing in the Rose Bowl.
A: It's a pleasure to be a part of it. It's a big game. Penn State doesn't play USC a lot. Both teams are storied programs. To be part of playing in the Rose Bowl where Big Ten and PAC-10 champions play, I couldn't ask for anything more to finish the season.

Q: Do you like the under-the-radar feeling?
A: I love it. You can say what you want, but the guys in the room, they know who's going to go out there and what we're capable of. We're going to study the film. We'll leave it to the media. We'll leave it to whoever wants to say that we're underdogs and that we don't deserve to be on the same field. We're going to show everybody how good we actually are.

#7 Senior Safety Anthony ScirrottoQ: How many times during your recruitment process did you hear that Coach Paterno wasn't going to be there during your senior year?
A: I didn't hear that at all. When I was being recruited by Coach Vanderlinden, that topic did come up. Coach did plan on being here throughout my entire career, and he kept his word, and he is still here, and I don't see him going anywhere anytime soon.

Q: Are you surprised at how resilient he has been in the past few years?
A: He is one of the toughest guys I have ever met. I have seen him, we've all seen him, take some tough hits from some big guys. He is the type of guy that doesn't even want help getting up, no matter how old he is. So he is a very tough guy, and it is amazing to see him bounce back injury after injury. Whenever he is going through anything tough, he is not asking for help. He is just asking that we stay focused and keep our goals set and keep striving for what we have ahead of us.

Q: What are your impressions of the Rose Bowl? A: I didn't follow it much growing up, but as soon as I got to play at the collegiate level, I realized how big of a game it was. I believe my freshman year, USC and Texas played in it for the National Championship. Ever since then, the Rose Bowl has been the biggest of them all from my aspect of it. It is very exciting to be able to play in this game against a great opponent who has some experience playing at this site. They play there every year, at least once. It will be a great game against a great opponent, and we're very excited.

Q: Discuss USC's defense.
A: Obviously, the accolades and everything that is said about them is very well deserved because they are a great football team, especially defensively. Physically, they have players that not a lot of teams in college football have. The size, the strength, their athleticism... it is great to be able to go up against a team like that and be able to compare ourselves to a team that has a defense that great. We'll be able to see what kind of defense we have as well.

Q: Do you feel like you are getting snubbed with not being in the championship game, considering you have one loss as do both teams in the game?
A: No. It's tough, but if we didn't lose that one game, we would probably be in there right now. You have to take everything for what it's worth. It is what it is. Like I said, this is a game we are meant to play in. We are going to play in it, and be excited. This is our National Championship. We are playing against a great opponent and a lot of people are going to be watching this game nationally.

Q: What is Lydell Sargent saying to everyone about California?
A: Lydell is from Cali so he has some friends out there, and knows a lot of places where we can go and have some fun. I'm really excited because I've never been out there. I've always wanted to go to the west coast. It will be a fun trip, and we are going to have things to do. But we are out there for one purpose: to play a football game. We have to realize that we are out there to play a football game and can't get caught up in the glamour and everything else that is out there in L.A.

Q: How much emphasis is put on the fact that this is a game of respect for PSU and the Big Ten?
A: This is a huge game on a huge stage. We are playing against a team that has been ranked in the top 10 for the past several years. To have an opportunity like this is great for us and great for our school, our university and our football program. If we can go out there and do what we do best and play hard, physical, Big Ten style football game, then I think we will be pretty evenly matched. We are playing in this game for a reason; obviously they think we are one of the top-ranked nationally in the BCS. Win or loss, it will be a battle, and I think we will earn respect from a lot of people after this one.

#57 Senior Center A.Q. Shipley

Q: You got to be here and seen the resurgence of the Penn State program. How much would it mean to end your career by beating USC and gaining a lot of national respect? There's a lot of respect riding on this game. I'm sure you know that.
A: It's big for not only us, but (also) for the Big Ten, in general. We've developed a black eye for the past couple years. We got a feel from that down in Orlando. You've got the SEC, Pac-10 and all those guys talking. I was talking to James Laurinaitis from Ohio State and if we win both of our games, we're back on the map. It's going to be a challenge for both of us, but we both think we can do it.

Q: Can you expand on that? What was the conversation like in Orlando with the SEC and Big 12 players? Did you actually hear anyone say, "The Big Ten is down"? Was that a topic of conversation?
A: Not so much a topic. But Kurt, before the show, saying the Big Ten hasn't won the Rose Bowl since whatever. You just get it all the time, and it's consistently there. I don't know what the perception is, but we need to change that.

Q: Then they put up the graphic that said Pennsylvania was the only state picking you guys. It drew a lot of laughter from the crowd, and Josh [Hull] said he immediately jumped up and got all excited. What does that do? Is that a little bit of a slap in the face?
A: I would've been disappointed if we weren't up there. I'm glad we got one state.

Q: What's your response when people say the Big Ten is too slow as compared to USC?
A: Maybe top to bottom, maybe. Teams haven't proven otherwise. Michigan went down to Florida last year. We beat Tennessee two years ago. Teams have beaten SEC teams; teams have beaten Pac-10 teams. We beat Oregon State. They were one of the top teams in the Pac-10 this year. The misconception is there. I don't know where they get it from, but it's out there. You have to deal with it.

Q: What's your favorite Rich Ornberger story that you can tell us?
A: Probably the best is the one we pulled this year with the switching places. We were talking about it for a while. One day, I was tired, and I said, "Do you want to be me today?" He said "Sure." I was taking a nap during the whole conference call. I heard he used a lot of "You knows" and Pittsburghese to the fullest extent.

#2 Senior Wide Receiver Derrick Williams

Q: How did you find out that Pat Devlin was leaving and what kind of effect will it have on the team going into the Rose Bowl?
A: I just got it from word of mouth. We had a meeting about two days ago where it was said Pat was going to leave. Pat was a great player and he did what was best for him and his family, so we still support him. He's going to do good wherever he goes.

Q: Are you taking snaps under center or as quarterback?
A: I don't know yet. Coach Paterno, I know that he has some things planned, but I really am not sure yet. Maybe when we go to meetings today or tomorrow we'll hear some more about what's going to go on.

Q: Can you talk about the match-up with USC? Did you get any chance to see them play during the season this year?
A: Yes, I've watched them. USC has a talented team. They're one of the teams that you want to watch on TV, they're very exciting. They have great players and have a great defense. We know that it's going to be a tough game. But we're going to go out there with confidence and we know it's going to be a match-up that everybody wants to see and we're going to try our best.

Q: How much does this game mean for respect for Penn State and for the Big Ten?
A: It means a lot for respect, but all this year we've tried to gain respect from everybody. You put us in front of any challenges, I think we did pretty well coming out with a good outcome. A lot of people say that the Pac-10 has had our number for the last few years, which they have, but USC is a good team and it's a different year this year. We know that it is going to be a tough game.

Q: You were named to the Walter Camp All-American team, what does that mean to you?
A: It meant a lot. Not only for me, but for all the guys on the special teams unit. Everyone that's in this building helped me out a lot with our weight program, our speed and conditioning program and the coaches. It meant a lot. It was an accomplishment for the whole program.

Q: USC has Joe McKnight, do you see any of yourself in him?
A: Joe and myself are our separate ways. He's a good player and a very exciting player. He makes plays and I make plays too.

Q: Derrick, you were a freshman on the team that won the Orange Bowl and the Big Ten Championship a few years ago. For you how much does it mean to play in this game? Can you compare between that feeling then and this feeling now?
A: I think it's very different. All of us were young guys, we were freshmen and redshirt freshmen. Right now, it's kind of like our team because we're upperclassmen. So it has a different meaning to us this year. We're looked at as like the big brothers right now and we don't want to let anybody down. It definitely is a different feeling. It's a different vibe in the locker room. We've been working out very hard right now with our break, just getting together even when we're not scheduled to go out there and work out. We're getting together and trying to get things in order so we can go out there and play our best.

Q: What about USC's defense in particular? They're number one in the country for several categories.
A: USC is a great team. Their defense, they have a lot of great athletes on their defense. I think it's going to be a good match-up for us to display our talent. They have a defense that has been very hard to stop this year. They show a lot of blitzes and have great coverage. Everything is positive for their defense. We just have to go out there and play.

Q: What does it mean to play in the Rose Bowl for somebody who grew up in Maryland, a little bit detached from Big Ten country? Is it a game that you growing up were watching?
A: Yes, it was a game that I grew up and watched. There are so many feelings I have towards playing there. I've never been on the west coast. Playing against a team like USC, those are the games that you dream of when you're a little kid. The only thing that I knew about was the ACC when I was growing up. My brother played in the ACC. The big games there were the Orange Bowl and stuff like that. But to go out there, I'm in shock and my whole family is in shock. My brother always tells me, "I can't believe you're going to the Rose Bowl."

Q: Do you feel as a one-loss team you should have had a chance to play in the national championship game?
A: Personal feelings, yes. Like I said, every obstacle that everyone could throw in front of our face this year, I think we did a good job of coming out on top. Like I said, everybody has a loss that's above us, we have a loss. It would have been great for all of us to play each other and see who would come out on top.

Q: You've never been on the west coast? What's the furthest west you've been? How do you envision the west coast being?
A: Midwest, maybe Oklahoma. My family is from Oklahoma. I imagine it being beachy, like shorts and sandals, just very wild like a different world. One of my best friends, Lydell, is from the west coast and he keeps saying, "Come on I can't wait for you to come home." Everything that he's saying to me right now is running through my head because I've never been over there. I didn't take my visits to USC or UCLA.

#61 Sophomore Guard Stefen Wisniewski

Q: How are you physically? Is it your knee that was bothering you?
A: Yeah. It's feeling great now though. It hasn't been bothering me for a month now. I'm feeling great and ready to play well in this Rose Bowl.

Q: Which knee was it? How much did the time after the season help heal that injury?
A: Left. It helped a ton. The week off after the Michigan State game was big. I did a little rehab here and there. It's really helped out a lot.

Q: After the season, a bunch of guys on the offensive line earned post-season recognition. What kind of pride do you take with that? A: We were very excited about that. We felt like we had the best offensive line in the Big Ten. The All-Big Ten team showed that. We were pretty excited.

Q: What do you see in USC's defense that makes it so good?
A: I think the thing about USC's defense that makes them so good is that they have so many athletes. Their linebackers are big, but they can run. The defensive line has a bunch of really good athletes. For us, being physical is going to help. With the skill guys we have on offense, we feel like we can match up with any athletic defense. We don't mind if the defense has some athletes because we have some of our own.

Q: Is it going to be nice to get back to California for you?
A: Oh yeah. I'm excited to be somewhere warm. To be out in Los Angeles should be a great experience for us.