Registrations Now Being Accepted for 'Happy Volley Club Championships'Registrations Now Being Accepted for 'Happy Volley Club Championships'

Registrations Now Being Accepted for 'Happy Volley Club Championships'

Dec. 15, 2008

University Park, Pa. - The Happy Volley Club, a division of Penn State Summer Sports Camps, is now accepting registrations for the second annual Happy Volley Club Championships. The championships, which will be held over the 2009 Memorial Day weekend, is the premier volleyball event for girls 12-18 years of age.

The Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) sanctioned tournament of 306 teams not only guarantees a fun-filled weekend at Penn State but offers your choice of on-campus or off-campus housing, tournament play located on campus in our state-of-the-art facilities, seven matches (guaranteed) for each team, medical trainers assigned to all venues, and the opportunity for your team to interact with our 2007 NCAA champion women's volleyball team and coaches.

Due to the success of the 2008 Club Championships, all fees associated with the tournament have not increased.

The $550 entry fee includes a $100 nonrefundable deposit. Entry fee, along with team rosters and medical release forms, will be due by March 2, 2009.

For further information you may go to and then choose the "Happy Volley" link; or you can e-mail the Penn State Sport Camps office at