NCAA Women's Volleyball National Semifinal Press Conference

Dec. 17, 2008

OMAHA, Neb. -

Penn State Press ConferenceHead Coach Russ Rose
Student-Athletes: Christa Harmotto, Nicole Fawcett

Head Coach Russ Rose
Opening Statement:
"It is privilege to be here representing Penn State, the Big Ten Conference and the teams within our regional last weekend. We are excited to be here and I know the players are looking forward to getting on the floor and hopefully playing well against a great opponent with a home crowd flavor."

Head Coach Russ Rose
On treating Thursday's match as a road contest:
"It certainly would be a road game. It's a long trip to get here and your playing Nebraska in the state of Nebraska, so sure it's a road game.

Head Coach Russ Rose
What are the keys to beating Nebraska:
"The strengths of Nebraska appear to be serving and passing. In the tournament that kicked off the season, the thing that everyone felt separated Nebraska from the other participants were how strong they were in those skills. To think that they have had some injuries to key players and they are still playing at that high of a level, reinforces the fact that they are both very good at those skills and at finding ways to win. I think the key is serving and passing, how we handle their aggressive serving, and we need to find a way to affect what they like to do offensively.

Head Coach Russ Rose
On Jordan Larson
"My two players here (Nicole Fawcett and Christa Harmotto) played with Jordan in USA programs when they were younger. As an opposing coach, we've played against her a number of times and I think she is one of the great players on the Nebraska team. I would be hard pressed to say that she is the only one. I think Tara Mueller is playing with great energy and confidence. Sydney Anderson is doing a terrific job with her responsibilities and leadership. Jordan has one of the best serves in the college game, she has great mechanics and always hits the ball well ... I've always felt she plays the game the way coaches like to see it played. She plays hard, she has great energy and interacts well with her teammates.

Nicole Fawcett
On losing to Nebraska in 2007 at the start of the season:
"I think if anything it was a wakeup call for us. We were going in a little too confident, and I think Nebraska showed that we were not the team we thought we were. We needed to focus on different aspects to be the team we wanted to be.

Nicole Fawcett
On carrying the burden of the target of being the defending National Champion:
"I don't think any of us look at it as defending anything, this year is a new year.

Nicole Fawcett
On Nebraska coming back from a 9-3 deficit in the fifth game at Washington last weekend:
"I think it is an incredibly difficult thing to do, especially in the fifth game, with so much at stake, it could be the end of some of their careers and of their season. To be able to do that in an environment that is home to Washington, I think it speaks immensely about Nebraska and the way they are playing. It is a great comeback."

Nicole Fawcett
On playing in hostile environments:
"I think it is something that we all thrive on. You play the sport, you practice all the time to play in front a crowd to show them what you can do in an atmosphere like this. Nebraska has always been known for having fans that supports good volleyball. It's great to be able to showcase what you do and that your team has gotten to this point.

Christa Harmotto
On not losing a set all season:
"We've got a lot of those questions about, but like Nicole said, we're not focused on that."

Christa Harmotto
On playing in hostile environments:
"Both Nicole and myself started our career here in front of a huge crowd. I definitely thrive on that environment, it's hostile, it's great. That's why you play sports. That's why you play college athletics. It's a great opportunity to have some fun and show your emotions and I am very excited for the opportunity."

Texas Press ConferenceHead Coach Jerritt Elliott
Student-Athletes: Ashley Engle and Lauren Paolini

Head Coach Jerritt Elloitt
Opening Statement:
"We are excited to be here, it has been a very successful season for us so far. This team has put in the effort both on the court and off the court and deserves to be here and really looking forward to playing a high quality opponent in Stanford. They have so much tradition and history. It is a fun reunion to match back up with them in the same city and at the same site. Our team is ready and relaxed, they've had good routines and are playing confident."

Head Coach Jerritt Elloitt
On the recent progress of the Texas program:
"First of all when I came to the program in 2001, this was one of the goals; to get Texas back and return the pride to Texas volleyball. It's been a long process. We've been knocking of the door the last two years and haven't been able to make that step. This year was the first time we have been able to do that. I'm very proud about the type of players we have recruited and the type of quality of people that we have and most importantly about the foundation that we have laid. This isn't the type of team that is going to just go away after one year. We've built this the right way, in terms of trying to return here every year for a national championship ... The season isn't just a success based on getting to the final four, we have the talent to compete here and to walk on the floor and win."

Head Coach Jerritt Elloitt
On the progress of the team since the last time they played Stanford:
"The first time we played was so long ago that they were playing in a 6-2 offense they were trying to find some adjustments, Foluke (Akinradewo) was a non-factor at that point because of the setting relationships. They have gotten significantly better. The are very similar in terms of the type of team they are. They have two of the best outside hitters in Alix Klineman and Cynthia Barboza, (Janet) Okogbaa has come a long way in their M2 spot and they play in great conference that allows them to be battle tested every night. It's going to come down to serve and pass, making the right decisions in terms of schemes and getting great out of system swings to score."

Head Coach Jerritt Elloitt
On the progress of Michelle Kocher:
"I was very impressed when we identified her as a recruit. She was very composed, very thought provoking and very steady in the way she approached the game. She wasn't too high or too low. Ashley set for us all spring. She had a phenomenal season setting. We had what we felt was one of the best players in the world coming in, a player from Crotia signed a letter-of-8intent, but she backed out and we had to make some adjustments at the last second. Ashley is kind of our do-everything player, we needed her ball control out there. She was a team player and said, I want to do whatever it takes to win coach ... It is a tremendous reward for Michelle to be here as a freshman. It is very hard to get here as a freshman and I don't view her as a freshman in terms of the way I have to talk to her before matches."

Ashley Engle
On playing Stanford early in the season:
"Michelle Kocher, our setter, is a freshman. Building relationships and trust and building some momentum is tough in the second match of the season. Now we have had quite a few matches under our belt, and we get along really well on the court and have great team chemistry."

Ashley Engle
On the extra motivation to get back at Stanford:
"Being in the final four is already so exciting that we just want to play anyway. This is the second time since I've been at Texas that we've played Stanford in the tournament. They are a great program and a great team ... but they did beat us in the same place in August and it would be great to use that as a motivational factor this time around."

Ashley Engle
On Penn State:
"They are really good. All the teams here are really good, but the thing that I find impressive is not losing a single set all season. I think every team will drop a game here or there. That just shows that they are not only talented, but they are mentally tough. That is a great combination."

Lauren Paolini
On playing Stanford:
"I just think for both teams our systems have come a long way. Just staying in system and working with our team has made a huge improvement."

Lauren Paolini
On Penn State:
"I think they've had a phenomenal season. It is really hard to go undefeated not even losing a single set. They're a really strong team. They have a good offense and a good defense."

Stanford Press ConferenceHead Coach John Dunning
Student-Athletes Foluke Akinradewo, Cynthia Barboza, Alix Klineman

Head Coach John Dunning
Opening Statement
"We're obviously very excited to be here. We're proud of what we've accomplished and how we've grown throughout the season. I know we're all very happy to be representing our institution at the championship. They put on a great event here the last time we were here. It's an amazing facility. I want to congratulate the other three teams that are here on what they've accomplished to this point. It appears as if we have some history happening here with Penn State. We're all chasing them here. I want to congratulate them on that. We're all in a hunt chasing down the Lions. We're looking forward to the tournament starting tomorrow."

Head Coach John Dunning
On recruiting Bellevue, Neb., native Gabi Ailes to Stanford
"That was a long time ago now in recruiting. Gabi had a pretty high level of interest. Her academic nature. She' s very successful in the classroom and saw Stanford as a place she'd be interested in early. We're very happy to have her. She's always had a great attitude, competitive, sacrifice for her team, energetic - the things you want as a libero. She's getting better every day we play because she always wants extra reps. It's great to have her on our team. She's really made a difference for us."

Head Coach John Dunning
On the effect of falling in the finals in each of the last two years
"I think that when you go through, particularly our seniors and our juniors, what they've gone through the past two seasons, getting to the final match, having great matches and having lost twice - I think that in itself initially is very disappointing. Most people, in the long run, it is educational. It can help you. If you do it wrong, the expectations alone can be a burden, can make you focus on the wrong things. For our team, what it's done is help us because one of the things we realized is we needed to be better together. They needed to interact together. They needed to care about each other more in order for us to climb the ladder that we wanted to climb to get back here. We are a significantly different team for having gone through them. But the rest of the world wants us to think that's a failure and it isn't in any way. You have to learn the right way from it. I think we have. I think we're a pretty darn strong, close-knit group, and I'm really proud to see the things they've accomplished this season."

Alix Klineman
On Penn State
"Obviously they've had a great season and we know they are going to be tough when we play them. We think that we've improved throughout the season and we offer something different, so we're excited for a rematch. But first we have to play Texas, and we're not overlooking them."

Alix Klineman
On difference between last year and this year
"I think one thing just from the start of the season, we knew we had to work really hard to get here. A lot harder than last year. I think we did. I think we came to practice every day knowing we had to focus, and our team did that and we really came together along the way. We searched a lot to figure out which system to run bouncing from the 6-2 back to the 5-1. I think we really found our team's personality along the way. I think the chemistry is really rolling with us. I'm looking forward to Thursday."

Alix Klineman
On Gabi Ailes being from Bellevue
"It helps to a certain extent to have the crowd behind you, but at this point, it's the team that's the most prepared. I think that's what it is going to come down to. It's great to have the crowd cheering for you, but we're focused on ourselves and playing the match."

Cynthia Barboza
On Penn State
Penn State has done incredible things this year. 3-0 all year is pretty amazing, but really our focus isn't on Penn State right now. If you talk to me in two days, maybe. But right now our focus is Texas, Texas, Texas. And that's about it.

Cynthia Barboza
On Texas
They're a good team. They come with a lot of fight and energy and a lot of fist pumping. We're excited to play them. It should be an exciting match.

Cynthia Barboza
On playing in Nebraska
Nebraska is a great place to play. The people here love volleyball. There's a ton of support and the fans are great fans. They love to see great volleyball. They're not evil and putting hexes on the team they want to lose. It's a fun place to play, but with a stadium that big, it just sounds like background noise.

Cynthia Barboza
On using the 5-1 or the 6-2
Right now in the past couple of matches we've been using the 5-1. With both of our setters, we're versatile enough to jump back into the 6-2 if we feel it is necessary or it could add something to our game. It's one of the benefits from have using both lineups during the season.

Foluke Akinradewo
On the rematch with Texas
"It's pretty ironic that we started our season here and we're back again. The team we were before when played them the first time is completely different than who we are now. I'm sure it's the same for Texas. Like Cynthia and Alix have been saying, we've grown a lot since the start of the season. We're really excited to play them.

Nebraska Press ConferenceHead Coach John Cook
Student-Athletes: Amanda Gates, Jordan Larson, Rachel Schwartz

Head Coach John Cook
Opening Statement
"We're excited to be here. We've had a great journey this season to get to this point and these three ladies here are a big part of why we're here. This process started last January. For this team to be able get to this point of the year to be able to play in the final four in Omaha. One thing I learned this week is that there are a lot of people who love Nebraska volleyball. Even the people who hated Nebraska volleyball are loving Nebraska this week. This team is so special and has done great things. It's a great story."

Head Coach John Cook
About saying that Penn State is playing like a men's team
"When you see the tempo they play with. They're running a faster tempo similar to what the men run. If you come to volleyball 101 this spring, we'll explain that and what that means and how that works. They have six really dynamic athletes out there that are allowing them to play at a very fast tempo. A lot of that relies on timing and precision. They're also running out of the back row. Some times there are going to be four hitters coming at us in some of the rotations. So many times there's two hitters we have to worry about. Now we have to worry about four hitters. So for a football guy they're running the spread offense and we're going to have to defend it. So (football) Coach (Bo) Pelini has been helping me all week."

Head Coach John Cook
About players saying they're focusing on having fun
"I think it's an opposite reaction for last year. These three kids decided no matter what we're going to enjoy this journey. Play hard and enjoy it. Ironically each three are very different personality wise. They decided that and that's a definite reaction to last year."

Head Coach John Cook
About the players not watching any tape of Penn State yet
"The first theory is they're called student-athletes and they've been in final exams. That's why this week is so challenging for us. We will start watching film on them tonight. We've been preparing for this match since Aug. 8 (the first day of practice.) We're training to play teams like Penn State every day. It's a matter of adjusting the game plan. We've played Texas twice, and we've played Stanford, and they're just as talented as Penn State. They're going to make plays. You just have to go on to the next play because there's nothing you can do about it."

Rachel Schwartz
About playing Penn State
"Penn State has had a great season so far and they're a great team. To be able to play against them is an honor. I think right now it's just we're just going to keep doing what we've been doing all season. Focusing on our side, focusing on the fundamentals, which is what Coach Cook talked about earlier in our 2 p.m. meetings. Keep doing the things we've been doing all year."

achel Schwartz
About her statement that it is an honor to play Penn State
"Any time you get to play a team like Penn State that hasn't dropped a game yet this year is a huge honor. We made it to the final four and had a chance at them. That's a great honor. The competition is going to be awesome and that's what every athlete wants."

Rachel Schwartz
About obstacles the team has overcome since last January
"I think it is different for every individual the obstacle that comes their way. How they perceive it is going to be different. For me personally I think it was just making everybody believe. After so many things happened to you, you have to somehow as a senior, as a person on the team, you have to make sure the belief stays there. That belief is what is going to get you through hard times. That's the most important thing."

Jordan Larson
About what impresses her about Penn State
"I haven't really seen them play. We know what they're going to bring. The tempo, the play. We haven't really seen that yet. But we are preparing in many ways and we have been."

"I think that's been part of our inventory as well. Look at what we did on Saturday. That was unheard of. Penn State hasn't lost a match, but we're going to fight. We're going to fight as hard as we can and find a way to get things done."

Amanda Gates
About obstacles the team has overcome since last January
"At this time last year we definitely didn't feel as good about our season. How do you change that mentality and where do you go from there? That was an obstacle we had to overcome right away to make sure we were starting off in January on a great note and making this team successful."

Amanda Gates
About playing Penn State
"I don't think it's that intimidating. Each team brings its own aspect to the court. We're just going to focus on our side. I think this is an opportunity. We'll go at it fighting no matter what."

Amanda Gates
About the seniors' legacy
"The three of us started our careers in Omaha and at the media day press conference I said that our goal was to end our careers here. I think that's really, really special."