2008 NCAA Volleyball Pre-Championship Press Conference

Dec. 19, 2008

OMAHA, Neb. -

Penn State Press Conference
Head Coach Russ Rose
Student Athletes: Alyssa D'Errico, Roberta Holehouse

Head Coach Russ Rose
Opening Statement
"Well the morning after I still have a headache from all the yelling and screaming. It's great to still be playing. We look forward to hopefully getting rested and prepared to play a match against a great opponent.

Head Coach Russ Rose
About history playing vs. Stanford
"It's always been great challenges. Don Shaw, the previous coach, and I continue to be good friends as I continue that with John Dunning. We've played a variety of matches over the years, alternating playing at each other's universities. Last year, we elected to play at Yale instead of Penn State because I knew they were going to be one of the top teams. If we had our sights on winning the national championship we were going to have to demonstrate that we could beat Stanford at a neutral site. We didn't, but in that match we certainly had opportunities to do that."

Head Coach Russ Rose
About adjusting the game plan last night
"I thought we had to make changes early in the match. We won the first two games I thought relatively handedly. I thought the kids were running out of gas in between the second and third games. We threw the jump serving out except for Roberta (Holehouse) and Nummy (Alyssa D'Errico.) Nebraska is a very fine opponent as is 17,000 fans rooting on their side. When you combine the two it was a heavy burden the players had. We were uncharacteristic in a lot of areas, but I think the problems that we had last night were reflective in the strengths that Nebraska had. The fact that we were able to come back is a good indication that put in that situation the players can do that. I thought the players were really tired."

Head Coach Russ Rose
About Nicole's float serve that resulted in six points in arrow
"I'm not sure she had a lot left in the tank. Earlier in the match, I thought one of her jump serves was labored. I didn't feel that after the first couple of games that Nebraska was going to side out as high of a level as they needed. We didn't need to help them by doing our traditional one-to-three ace-to-error ratio. It just so happened that in the fifth game, maybe the stress of the night switched to the other side, and all the sudden they had a little trouble ball handling and we had a couple opportunities to convert. All of the players can serve. Sometimes we need control. Sometimes we just need some reckless abandon back there. Nick's usually the person I just say go for it back there. I thought she was making a couple mistakes in the front row. I didn't want her to have the burden of being the leading scorer for the other team as well as being our leading scorer."

Head Coach Russ Rose
About whether it's fair to play Nebraska in Omaha
"Is it fair? The way I look at things I only look at things I can control. We all knew the championships were going to be in Nebraska. There are not a lot of places in the country going to generate the type of fan support. That's one of the risks. I don't think we should be here permanently. It increases the recruiting advantage significantly. We knew coming in it was going to be tough. In the past that's why we've come to play at Nebraska, we've gone to play at Hawaii. There are three or four schools in Big Ten Conference are in the top 10 in the country in attendance. We're accustomed to playing n front of large crowds. Last night's crowd was very loud and very influential in assisting Nebraska. Nebraska had that little extra fight that they needed in putting the pressure on. I thought that the two (players) that are up here handled their responsibilities very well and that's why there are here. I thought that I would go short today and brought my two back row players in."

Alyssa D'Errico
About how mentally draining last night's match was
"The mental aspect of losing the third and fourth games for the first time all year was a good challenge for us to basically take it on as a team and know that we've gone through it together. Looking in each other's eyes in the fifth game was a confidence booster and emotionally stabilizing effect. I think that helped a lot."

Alyssa D'Errico
About whether she expected to play Stanford
"They're great competitor and we had the possibility of meeting them somewhere along the way. I figured so much that they would get a top seed and be in the final four. They're a great team. I wasn't sure when, but I'm glad we get a chance to play them again. It's going to be a great match."

Alyssa D'Errico
About the historical significance of this season
"We take it one match at a time, one game at a time. The ultimate goal is to win a national championship. Whatever happens along the way happens. Losing a game last night for us was a challenge because it was the first time it happened. It's a good mental confidence boost for us to know that we can come back from that. The records right now aren't what we're looking for. What we're looking for is to win our last match of the year."

Roberta Holehouse
About how mentally draining last night's match was
"It was an emotional rollercoaster for sure. I think it was a good test if we had the willpower to play after losing the third and fourth set. It was definitely draining, but I also think it was a good test for us."

Roberta Holehouse
About her jump serve
"When I was 11, I had a beach player work with me on my arm swing. We actually worked on a jump serve. I've jumped served ever since then. Alyssa and I both were hitters in club volleyball. I hit for six years, so I think that helped a little bit."

Roberta Holehouse
About the historical significance of this season
"It's definitely exciting to set a record. We as a team had a goal to set a national championship. I think that is the most important thing to us right now. It is exciting, but we have a bigger picture to look at."

Stanford Cardinal Press ConferenceHead Coach John Dunning
Student-Athletes: Foluke Akinradewo, Gabi Ailes, Cynthia Barboza, Alix Klineman

Head Coach John Dunning
Opening Statement
"Yesterday I think was a pretty amazing day for our program. As it was for the other three teams that are here. More than that, from all that I heard from all the people that we watching our sport across the country, it might have been one of the biggest days in the history of our sport. It was an amazing crowd last night, the people of Nebraska once again stepped up to show us where the state of volleyball is at. I know the television coverage was amazing, so many people said they watched. It was one of the highest, if not the highest in history in terms of people watching. So it was just a great day for our sport and we are happy to have been part of it and certainly happy to be still playing tomorrow. We are looking forward to it."

Head Coach John Dunning
On topping last night in the Championship Final
"I sure hope so, that was amazingly exciting. The Penn State / Nebraska match was fun to watch, not just from the point of view of trying to figure out what we are going to do tomorrow, but it's just great for volleyball. Topping it? Yeah, I think tomorrow is the championship match, so it will top it."

Head Coach John Dunning
On how important passing well and staying in system is against Penn State
"That's kind of the key for every match. Volleyball is a serve and pass game, we know we have to come to the court ready to do that tomorrow. We have to be aggressive, they are aggressive. Our passers can handle it, I know we are going to come ready to deal with what they have to throw at us. It's going to be fun, we are looking forward to it. But there is no question, that is every volleyball game, so it will be the game tomorrow."

Cynthia Barboza
On how important passing well and staying in system is against Penn State
"I ran into Jordan Larson at breakfast this morning and I went up to her and congratulated her on how well she played and how well she led her team to fight against Penn State. The only thing she said back was serve tough, get Penn State out of system. It is all about serve and pass."

Gabi Ailes
On watching the Nebraska match last night and its effect on her
"I came here knowing that there were a lot of people out there supporting us. It was really exciting to have that many people there behind us. It's exciting to play here in front of my home crowd and I hope we can go all the way."

Alix Klineman
On the effect of both matches going five
"I think it is pretty much a wash. I think it's safe to say that all four teams are exhausted after last night, I know I am. I think no one really has an advantage and it will be a dogfight."

Foluke Akinradewo
On the effect of both matches going five
"I'm pretty sure every one is pretty sore right now, I know I am. Five game matches are definitely draining, I'm sure the same thing goes for Penn State and how they are feeling, especially after winning in three for so many matches. I think it will be an even playing field."

Gabi Ailes
On the history with Penn State
"In the past year we have played them twice and it has been two great matches. Like Alix said, definitely a dogfight both times, us coming up short the last time. I'm really excited to play them tomorrow and I think our team is."

Alix Klineman
On the history with Penn State
"One thing that is unquestionable about the Penn State team is that they have so much talent. Trying to find a way to match that will be really tough, but it's going to be really exciting at the same time."

Cynthia Barboza
On history with Penn State
"Foluke and I have played them three times and I think it has been five games each time. We're ready for a battle, we're ready for another five gamer, we're ready for every point to count."

Cynthia Barboza
On if her career is a "failure" if Stanford does not win the title
"It wouldn't make much sense to have that mentality going into a match where there already is a lot of pressure ... Calling our careers a failure if we don't win tomorrow would just be silly. We've done incredible things with this program. We've done things that have never been done before in the history of the NCAA. We played in one of the toughest conferences in the country and we have won the past three straight years. I would absolutely not call our careers a failure not matter what the outcome is tomorrow. It will be a success if we lay everything we have out on the court and if we play as a team. That is the bottom line for anyone that competes, it is not about wins and losses it's about how much you put out there."

Foluke Akinradewo
On if her career is a "failure" if Stanford does not win the title
"Cynthia pretty much summed it up. We've fought since our freshman year. We've just climbed and climbed in our talent, Regardless of what happens tomorrow, knowing what we have accomplished is enough for me. I'm sure it goes for the rest of the seniors, we've put our hearts out there and as long as we do that tomorrow I'd say we are pretty successful."

Cynthia Barboza
On getting to the third straight Final Four
"This is the first time we are not supposed to win this Final. This is the first time we are the two seed, this is the first time we are in the black jersey not the white jersey. So that is kind of fun."

Head Coach John Dunning
On the effect of Penn State losing two sets to Nebraska
"I'm not one to invest a lot in that kind of thing ... We're just watching them, trying to match up what advantages we have and what advantages they have, how to feel about the match. What [the players] just said sums it up, they're not thinking about that. They are thinking about being aggressive, they are thinking about their team and how everybody on our team can step up in whatever way they can. They are thinking about how cool it is to be here and what a great opportunity it is to play at this level. They're thinking about all they have done in their whole career, especially the seniors. To prepare for each moment, but certainly this moment. There are so many neat things that go into this it ought to just excite you and push you to want to play each play. Penn State is prepared to play the match, Nebraska played a great match against them last night, there is no question it was so fun to watch. The records, the streaks are all aside."

Foluke Akinradewo
On the effect of playing Penn State in the 2007 Final
"The team we were last year is completely different than the team we are this year. I think we are bringing back the same players, but it is a different mentality. When we approach playing Penn State this year, we are taking it completely different. We know what it takes, we are a lot more confident and we have a lot more trust in each other."

Alix Klineman
On the effect of playing Penn State in the 2007 Final
"At the same time I think it is an advantage having played them already. I think we were a little bit blind sided, playing them in the championship last year. We watched them on film, but I don't think we realized how fast their offense is. Having experienced that first hand is going to be an advantage and not be shocked when we go out there, we know what to expect know."

Cynthia Barboza
On if Stanford is more battle tested than Penn State
"I'm always going to say that I think my team fights harder than any other team ... I know after last night that this team is going to fight ... we are going to do everything it takes to win."

Head Coach John Dunning
On Omaha as a site for the Final Four
"I think Omaha is a great site. This facility is ridiculous it is so perfect. The city, the support of the state, Nebraska volleyball helping out, everything. There are 10 amazing people that dedicate themselves to our sport, the volleyball committee. It is in their hands to decide what is supposed to happen in the future for the sake of volleyball. They know a lot more about what is going on than I do, I trust them, I think they are going to do right by our sport. If they say its going to come here every so often, because it's a great place, than I think they have wisdom to choose that."

"I am not going to question if it should be here every year, because our sport has always been kind of a grass roots growth sport. Where we move it around to try to influence the state of volleyball in different areas of the country and I think that is a good way to go to. Even though [Omaha] is wonderful, I think it should move and it is in their hands and I trust them."

Alix Klineman
On if Stanford is the underdog
"I think everyone thinks we are the underdog. I think we are confident that we can do it. I think the pressure is off a little bit. Last year everyone expected us to do it, but this year we don't have that pressure and we can just go in there and play loose and relax. We know that we can do it and that is all that matters."

Foluke Akinradewo
On if Stanford is the underdog
"It is a lot different this year, no one expects us to win. That is a lot pressure off of us. It is kind of fun being the underdog once in a while, being able to take people by surprise. That is our goal for tomorrow."

Cynthia Barboza
On if Stanford is the underdog
"I can't say enough about the season Penn State has had. That is really incredible to make it all the way to the semis and not drop a set. They've got fantastic players on their team, they are loaded with talent, they showed last night that they have a lot of fight. I thought going into the tournament that they deserved the one seed. We are just going to go in there and fight. They are an incredible team, we are an incredible team and it should be a fun match to watch."

Gabi Ailes
On if Stanford is the underdog
"I'm just excited to be in the underdog position tomorrow. Every team we've played this year has been the underdog to us and they have given us their best game. You're just going to see a great game from us.

Gabi Ailes
On growing up in Nebraska
"I've talked to my team about it a lot. Growing up in Nebraska, we don't have pro sports, so everyone knows you when you are walking around if you are a big deal in the volleyball world ... In California, they don't really know who you are if you go to Stanford and play volleyball. Growing up here, people just love this sport and it is really exciting to come from something like this.