Penn State Offensive Press Conference

Dec. 29, 2008

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Offensive Coordinator Galen Hall

On USC's defense...
"They have exceptional talent and exceptional speed. The front people have good height and can knock a lot of passes down. They cover well. This is an exceptional defense. It will be a great challenge for us and we're looking forward to it."

"They run so well. You look at this defense and it really doesn't have a glaring weakness. They're down people can run. Their speed is exceptional."

"They can come after you with just three people because they are so physical. They drop eight but there is still pressure on the passer because their down people are active. They get rid of a block and they have enough speed and quickness to get the quarterback."

On Penn State head coach Joe Paterno coaching from the press box...
"It's probably easier with Joe [Paterno] up there in the press box because he can see things. We have an extra set of eyes. He can write a note down. The communication is better."

On the pressure on quarterback Daryll Clark...
"Daryll set the bar very high. I think he was around 68 percent for a while. Everyone is comparing him to the last game. We've had confidence in Daryll all along. He might have needed it more than we needed it in him. He might think he doesn't need an incomplete pass. He doesn't think he should do something wrong. He is probably tougher on himself than we are. He set a very high bar early."

On watching film of the USC's loss to Oregon State...
"We looked at the Oregon State film. Are we going to be able to do what Oregon State did? I don't know. We'll try some of it. We won't try all of it. We're a different football team than Oregon State. It's helpful but is the answer to beat Southern Cal? No. We've got to do what Penn State does and hopefully it's good enough."

Quarterback Daryll Clark

On concerns about the Rose Bowl Game...
"USC is really tough, really good all the way across the board. We worry about what they are going to bring to the table. We worry about how the offense is going to execute. Once the game starts, you have to go out and play your best and hope for the best."

On USC's defense...
"You have a lot of guys who can slide to the ball. They have a bunch of talented players who get after it each and every time they're out there. Those guys are very intense in the game and the statistics show. It will be all about execution. It will be really important, every time we have an opportunity to score points, we do it."

"[USC is unique in the] frequency of their blitzing and how successful they've been getting at the quarterback and stopping the run."

On practicing against Penn State's defense...
"As I've said, time and time again this season, `If things are going well against our defense then we're doing pretty well'. I think our defense is one of the best, hands down."

On Penn State head coach Joe Paterno signing a three-year contract extension...
"I knew he was coming back. I didn't know for how many years but there was no doubt that he was coming back next year. Signing a three-year contract was icing on the cake. I keep trying to tell everyone, `he's not going anywhere'. He's still on top of the game and still doing very well. He looks very very well after the hip surgery. He's walking around. He's trying to get himself in shape to be able to be out there on the sidelines."

Wide Receiver Jordan Norwood

On playing USC in the Los Angeles area...
"It's almost like a road game. We've played on the road before and we've played in tough stadiums. We played Florida State in Florida. Texas A&M in Texas. We've been down this road before and we're looking forward to the challenge."

On playing in his fourth bowl game in four years...
"It feels like it has come full circle, from playing in the Orange Bowl our freshman year. It's a little bigger stage than that [at the Rose Bowl]. We look forward to the challenge and we just want to finish our careers on a great note."

Tailback Evan Royster

On if the season has exceeded his expectations...
"We knew we could come out and have a great season. We felt we had a good team. We felt we could go all the way. We still have all our dreams in tact. We are playing in the Rose Bowl Game, you can't really complain. I came in wanting to do the best I could for my team. I have to give all the credit to my [offensive] line. They've done a great job this year. I would say they have exceeded my expectations."

On USC's defense...
"They are definitely a great defensive team. They come out with a lot of athletes and they play together well as a unit. We've found some holes in their defense, so we can open it up and try and run the ball against them."

On his health after the end of the regular season...
"I felt pretty good. I was getting around 20 carries per game. They [coaches] really did a good job of keeping me fresh [during the games]. I never felt horrible after any games."

On how practice has been leading up to the Rose Bowl Game...
"I feel like there is more intensity. We know it is a big game. We are coming out and practicing hard. I think we have really buckled down the past couple of days. We are just trying to prepare and get better."

Wide Receiver Deon Butler

On his career coming to an end at Penn State...
"After the Michigan State game, we realized that was our last home game and now we have one last time to put on the jersey. It has definitely hit us so we are putting in a little extra effort."

On USC's defense...
"I've seen what everyone else has seen. They have a lot of athletes that run to the ball. They are well coached. Their defense definitely stands up to the name it gets. They run fast. They rally to the ball. It is going to be a real challenge. They are going to make you drive all the way down the field and not make any mistakes. I think their defense plays very similar to our defense."