Success with Honor: Christa Harmotto

Dec. 3, 2008

By Lena Bettis, Athletic Communications Student Assistant

Balancing school and athletics for a Penn State student-athlete can be difficult but the rewards that come with it are indescribable.

Just look at Christa Harmotto. Harmotto has been just as successful off the court as she has been on. As a current player on the Penn State women's volleyball team Harmotto was part of the National Championship team in 2007 and Big Ten Player of Year. Off the court, Harmotto has excelled in her academics and was named the 2008 CoSIDA Academic All-American of the Year.

Once her collegiate volleyball career is complete, Harmotto will take on a new challenge when she will student-teach in West Sussex, London from January until April. Harmotto is an elementary education major but that wasn't always her major. She started out as a meteorology major. Even though the weather does interest Harmotto she knew teaching was the route she wanted to take, "it's been my calling for a while."

When making her decision to student-teach overseas Harmotto called former Penn State volleyball player, Erin Iceman. Iceman also did her semester of student-teaching abroad. When Harmotto asked Iceman for her opinion, she was relieved to hear the good news, "She couldn't say enough good things about it." From then on, she knew it was what she wanted to do.

For Harmotto teaching has always been something she has wanted to do and feels it is very rewarding. "You have the opportunity to help and reach out to people," Harmotto said. Harmotto has had the chance to lead a big group and she is currently a co-captain on her team.

Harmotto's coach, Russ Rose thinks she is the perfect candidate for the job because of the great captain and leader she is and that she always makes good decisions. When speaking about Harmotto as an athlete and a student he couldn't say enough good things about her.

"All the facets of Christa cross over and what makes her unique is that she puts hard work into anything she does; if its at practice she is involved 100% and if it's academics she is involved 100%," Rose said.

Harmotto honestly hasn't thought a lot about leaving her friends and family in December because she just wants to focus on the present and her last season as a collegiate volleyball player. When she does sit down to think about it, she knows it will be a new start.

"I am prepared to leave, I guess just not ready," Harmotto said. "I'm not just leaving Penn State, I am leaving the country."

Some things Harmotto said she would miss when she leaves are competing in Rec Hall and the atmosphere that comes along with it. Also, just doing all fun things with her teammates outside volleyball.

The things she will look forward to the most when student-teaching in London is teaching the kids over there about herself and where she came from. She also looks forward to taking back the new ideas and curriculum and applying it when she someday leads her own classroom.

Harmotto has always been passionate about teaching and she has been the same about volleyball. For now, Harmotto is focused on the present and finishing her season out with a bang, and hopefully that bang will be winning a second-straight National Championship on December 20.

Harmotto will graduate after she completes her student-teaching in the spring of 2009. She said winning a national championship and being able to student-teach abroad will put the icing on the cake.

"Student teaching will just complete my overall experience here at Penn State."