Live at Jeffrey: PSU-Pitt Updates 8/15

Aug. 15, 2009



0:00 Pitt made a valiant effort towards the end, but couldn't find an equalizer. Solid all-around performance heading into Friday's opener vs. Virginia.

1:00 Last minute of play.

8:21 GOAL Pitt scores off a through ball from midfield. Nice play, and the lead is cut in half by the Panthers. I'd give you their names, but after the starting 11, none are wearing their normal uniform numbers. PSU has most of their substitutes in the game right now.

14:01 A nice shot by Molinda is skimmed by a Pitt defender, but a good buildup with Rago, Toney and Costa before Molinda's blast was saved. Toney on the run again before Costa hits it high..

23:25 PSU is ramping up the pressure again and getting some looks on net. Toney's shot just went wide from the top of the 18.

32:00 Penn State still holding possession, looking for an opportunity to get behind the Pitt defense. So far Pitt's D has been solid.

42:35 GOAL! Ali Schaefer heads home a free kick from Nikki Watts that gets through the keepers' hands. PSU up 2-0.

43:00 Amy has just come by with the official attendance. 432 is the mark for the day.

44:59 And we're off again.

45:00 Just about the start the second half.

0:00 And we're at halftime. Here's a rundown of the stats (PSU:PITT)--Shots 11:6, Shots on Goals 6:1, Saves 1:5

3:50 Nearing the end of the first half, play has really slowed down. The players are definitely getting tired out there. It is a really warm day, not much in the way of a breeze as the game continues on.

11:51 GOAL! Alli Rago scores off a Danielle Toney pass in the penalty area. Rago's shot from the right side went to the lower left. Jackie Molinda made the initial pass to Toney. Penn State 1-0

16:00 A Danielle Toney volley is blocked, goes out for a corner. Lexi Marton's header is saved, so far PSU has a 3-1 edge in shots on goal.

22:00 Nikki Watts receives a beautiful ball from the midfield but can't get it past the keeper. Corner kick by PSU leads to a Melissa Hayes attempt that skims wide. Alli Rago and Jackie Molinda make their first strides on the field.

30:00 Pitt has avoided a goal despite some defensive miscues. Penn State's defense has been top-notch thus far, stopping any Panthers attack.

35:00 A beautiful cross by Megan Monroig leads to a header by Danielle Toney, but right into the hands of Pitt's Kephart.

37:00 Nikki Watts caught offside, almost had a one-on-one, PSU still on the attack.

44:00 The kickoff and we're going. Penn State has controlled possession for most of the first four minutes. PSU is in white with blue numbers, Pitt in navy with gold numbers.

3:50 p.m. The starting line ups have just been announced and here they are...

PSU 1-Alyssa Naeher 2-Maura Ryan 4-Melissa Hayes 7-Tara Davies 11-Ali Schaefer 18-Lexi Marton 19-Maddy Evans 23-Nikki Watts 25-Emma Thomson 26-Megan Monroig 28-Danielle Toney

PITT Maura Caslin Liz Carroll Katie Caslin Katelyn Ruhe Ashley Habbel Kat Weiler Christina Nicassio Brittany Pfaff Morie Kephart Abigail Baldys Maura Romano