Off the ourt with Cathy Quilico

Sept. 22, 2009

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - Junior defensive specialist Cathy Quilico (Thousand Oaks, Calif.) has been a mainstay in the Nittany Lion lineup this year appearing in all 12 matches, starting three. As Penn State heads into the Big Ten portion of its schedule, Quilico has totaled 39 digs (1.22 digs per set), five aces and four assists. Read on to find out more about Quilico.

How did you get into playing volleyball?
"I was in sixth grade and my principal, who I was really close with, would always try to get to me to play a bunch of different sports. He told me I should try volleyball. I ended up really liking it."

How did you first become interested in Penn State?
"The first time I met Coach Rose I think. I was at a club tournament and my club coach knew Coach Rose. Coach Rose made a joke, I can't remember what it was, but I came and visited in the summer and I really liked it. I liked the staff, Coach Rose and just everyone involved with the program."

What is the biggest thing you have learned since coming to Penn State?
"The biggest thing I've learned is what it's like to be away from home. Volleyball-wise, I've learned a lot. My passing has improved a lot. I'm still working on it, but I'm trying to not hop when I dig and learning to sprawl."

What has been your favorite class at Penn State?
"That's a tough one. It would probably be my Business Communications class I took. I like business and I'm a communications major. I really liked working on cases and case studies. It was a good learning experience."

What would your dream job be?
"Probably working for ESPN or Fox Sports or just something to do with sports, communications or public relations."

What is it like to be lifted up to start the blocking drill during warmups?
"It's fun! I'm always going to be the shortest, so it's good for the three years that I'm here that I get to be the one that's lifted up. I'm always the short one so for once I get to feel tall."

What do you miss most about your hometown?
"Being close to the beach and having it be sunny all year round."

Describe your hometown to someone who has never been there?
"I would say it's like a bubble. Nothing really happens and there's not a lot to do there. You're close to the beach and there are a lot of malls and shopping. It's always sunny."

When you're not at practice or at class, what are you most likely doing?
"I'm either sleeping or watching a recorded TV show with my roommates Alisha and Jess."

What is something you're known for on the team?
"Being short and probable my nicknames like Stewy, meatball and Bobby. Megan just started that one."

What is your favorite memory from the 2008 season?
"My favorite memory was winning the national championship. That was definitely my favorite memory and the best night. It was great hanging out with all the girls, boosters and the parents. It was definitely just an unforgettable night."

Do you have any hidden talents?
"I used to play hockey. It's probably something not everyone knows about me. I played because I wanted to be like my brother."

If you could click your heels together three times and go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
"Probably Europe again. I think going to Europe and seeing all the sights again and finding new ones would be fun."

Describe your personality in three words.
"Happy, energetic and sarcastic."

What is something the average person might not know about Penn State women's volleyball?
"I think that we're all really close outside of volleyball. Whenever we do have some time off, we all tend to hang out and go out together."

Do you have a favorite quote or personal motto?
"Not really, just have fun and be happy."

What is the hardest thing about being a student-athlete?
"Missing those Friday classes and trying to catch up. On the weekend's we're just so busy with volleyball that it can be hard to get your homework done. It's hard balancing it, but you get used to it."

What is your favorite sport to watch besides volleyball?

What is your favorite place on campus?
"Otto's. I love the Southwest Wrap Tuesdays. They're my favorite."

What is your favorite aspect of the game of volleyball?
"Playing defense. I love playing defense and digging the ball."