Women's Soccer Alums Embark on Soccer Without Borders Internships

Sept. 30, 2009

GRANADA, Nicaragua - Penn State women's soccer alumni Zoe Bouchelle and Kay Adami have begun an eight-month stint with Soccer Without Borders (SWB) this week. The organization, which many in Penn State soccer are associated with, fosters youth development in soccer in third-world countries as a vehicle for positive change.

The two women's soccer graduates, who earned the very first internships in the SWB program, will continue work in Granada, Nicaragua for the organization. Main priorities of the SWB project include equipment, instruction and participation of the local youth, especially young girls.

In recent years, assistant coach Ann Cook, as well as other members of the PSU women's soccer team, have volunteered their time to the effort in Granada. The initial experience inspired Bouchelle and Adami, who have received much attention from the college soccer community and even earned a feature piece on ESPN.com by Graham Hayes.

Since arriving in Nicaragua on Sept. 23, both Penn State alums have continued their blogging, documenting their day-to-day travels and experiences in the country.

Bouchelle and Adami capped off their pre-internship duties States-side with a host of fundraising opportunities and clinics across the Northeast in August and September. Such places that helped the cause were the Penn State women's soccer team, Bucknell women's soccer team, Messiah women's soccer team, Centre Soccer Association, Rapid Transit Sports (State College, Pa.), and Jack's Place (Avalon, N.J.).

Read the Adami/Bouchelle SWB Blog here: Granada Blog

Read Graham Hays' Story about SWB here: Hays' SWB Story

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