2009-10 Lady Lion Basketball Media Day- Player Quotes

Oct. 21, 2009

#1 Tyra Grant
Senior Guard

Q: When all these freshmen showed up, how optimistic did that make you for this year?
A: They've rubbed off on us. They have a lot of competitiveness and they've inspired me to be even more competitive than what I already am. They don't know that, but they're like our little spark plugs. They're going to give us a lot of energy and a lot of minutes and they're going to contribute a lot.

Q: What has Alex Bentley done so far to impress you?
A: That's my "mini me". She is the one that really brought the competitiveness out of everyone. I'm always competing with her; we're always competing with each other. That's like my little sidekick. She's brought a lot to this team and she is going to be a very big part of our success this year.

Q: How hungry are you to get to the NCAAs?
A: I really wish that for my last year we can do something like [Penn State men's basketball players] Jamelle Cornley, Stanley Pringle and Danny Morrissey got to go out with a bang, regardless of the fact that it wasn't in the NCAA tournament. That was still a big thing to be invited and to win something of that magnitude.

Q: Have you been using the men's success from last year as motivation?
A: Oh yes, we're using their energy and they're using our energy. We're all very competitive and they have a very competitive team. We have some really great athletes and we're just ready to play.

Q: How have you stepped into the role of a senior leader?
A: Just as I do every year. I feel that in some respect, I've had some sort of leadership every year I've been here. You just have to get some more confidence in yourself; you just have to step up a little bit more each year. I think I've gotten that little stepping stone each year to build up my leadership and I feel I'm ready to lead this team to victory.

Q: Defenses are going to focus on your until your teammates prove otherwise. How have you prepared for that?
A: Coach Washington talked to me extensively about that. In practice, having one, two three, even four people guarding me. Even having the guys being very, very physical with me. So when it comes time for game time, I've experienced that already, so it won't be as hard. It will get these guys open and they can knock down some big shots. We have Gizelle Studevent who is a great three-point shooter. We have Zhaque Gray. We have Meredith Monroe who can knock down any shot from around the elbow and the wing. Marisa Wolfe is a great shooter. Janessa Wolff is a great shooter. We'll be able to get some things done, and especially Nikki Greene will in the post.

Q: Coach Washington said you were someone who enjoys having the pressure on you. How much pressure to do you feel right now to lead this team?
A: A lot of it is self-induced. I don't feel a lot of pressure because I know that I have great teammates around me that are going to do a lot. I expect a lot from them because they have already proven a lot up to this point.

Alex Bentley

#20 Alex Bentley
Freshman Guard

Q: Your high school coach says you're one of the most competitive people ever. How do you think you've brought that here to Penn State?
A: We're all competitors here. Like you said, I am a very competitive player. If there was one word that I could describe about my game it would be that I am a competitor. That's just going to bring us closer to winning games and everything. We're all very competitive and we're not going to quit, so that is going to help us a lot at the end of games.

Q: Tyra Grant referred to you as her "mini me". What is it like learning from someone like that?
A: It's a great plus. Having her as a senior with her experience, she is teaching me things that I need to know at the college level. It's a new level and it's nice to be able to feed off of her as a senior. She's very talented. I'm glad I have the opportunity to play with her.

Q: What's the adjustment to college been like for you both on and off the court?
A: I'm a lot more tired, I would say. But I wouldn't have it any other way. You're going to school, you're playing basketball, you're doing the things you love. I'm having a really good time.

Q: How is it adjusting from your shorter high school to the collegiate level where the schedule is a lot longer?
A: I like that. The more games, the more fun you're having and the more experience you're getting on the court, which is great. I'm ready to play.

Q: What do expect having so many young people?
A: We're definitely a young team, we're going to need the experience on the court. As long as we keep getting better and better in practice and through games, we're going to reach the level that we need to be playing at.

#2 Emily Phillips
Sophomore Guard

Q: What is it like losing the seniors from last year?
A: Of course it is different, but I don't feel like it is what we lost, we gained more instead. It just feels like it is a whole new team. It's not necessarily better, but I feel like there is a new energy that is here. It feels good.

Q: Can you talk about Tyra Grant's role on this team as a leader?
A: I feel like, of course it is her senior year, so of course she is going to want to go out with a good year. Tyra is good. She helps with a lot of stuff not just on the court but also off the court. Tyra is good all around. I have high expectations for her all around.

Q: Can you size up the rest of the Big Ten and where Penn State lies in all that?
A: I feel like if everyone does what they're supposed to do and everyone is playing their role and just working hard and giving it their all, then we can be good. I'm not going to say where we're supposed to be but if all that happens, we can be good. We can be great.

Q: At the end of last year, Coach Washington stressed the importance of closing out games. What have you been doing to work on that?
A: We've been doing a lot of running. Coach puts emphasis on that finishing. Everyone wants to start. But it doesn't matter how you start a game, it matters how you finish. She is engraining into our heads that we have to finish strong. We have to be able think when we're tired. So we've been doing things like running a lot then shooting some free throws. We play games like Family Feud with the plays in the locker room yesterday, just thinking stuff off the court to get smarter.

Q: Coach pointed out your relationship with Alex Bentley. Can you talk about that?
A: Indiana, baby. That's all that is. We're from the same area. I feel like we have a lot of similarities. Just from being over that way, I feel like there is a lot that I have in common with her. That relationship on the court just clicks automatically.

Nikki Greene

#54 Nikki Greene
Freshman Forward

Q: Are the freshmen getting things pretty well so far?
A: Yes, we're starting to transition into Coach's offense and put in some more plays. We're ready to go.

Q: How is the college experience so far?
A: I'm still getting used to it. It's very different. I'm so used to having a very steady life versus busy days. It's more of basketball during the day and studying at night.

Q: How is the basketball experience going? How much of a transition has it been for you?
A: The transition, I'm still trying to get acquainted to it. It's more that I expected. It's very overwhelming. I know that for sure. I'm trying to adapt to it.

Q: How much snow did you get back in Texas?
A: Maybe a centimeter. We didn't get as much as we got here last week. I actually enjoyed it. Everyone else was kind of upset because it doesn't snow in October, they're not used to it until November. But I was happy that it was there. Coming to practice last week, a couple of players had a snowball fight before getting in their cars. It was awesome.

Q: Do you feel like you're in shape and prepared for the grinds of the season?
A: Coquese has prepared me pretty well, Maren too, in telling me what I should do and when I should take a break. I think I'm doing pretty well.

Q: Have the workouts been difficult?
A: It's been different than high school, of course. They're longer and there's more shooting involved when it comes to the post. But I am kind of happy that the posts get to shoot more shots.

Julia Trogele

#11 Julia Trogele
Junior, Guard/Forward

Q: How was the experience (with the German National team this summer) different from the other summer where you played nationally?
A: My position was a little different, our team was a lot better this summer. I didn't have to take on the scoring much this summer because I had another girl that helped me out a lot. My position was a lot more of being a leader on the court because our point guard was not as efficient as we wanted her to be. We played really well, we made the elite eight, which is a first for Germany. We made a statement. It was a really exciting experience.

Q: With all these younger players in, do you almost feel old?
A: I do, I do feel old. It is something that I enjoy though because I have already been through that and I can see what they are going through. So I can help them out a lot and make sure that they get their stuff together.

Q: What have the freshmen brought to this team?
A: The freshmen class is a very talented class by the ratings they have received nationally. They are extremely ambitious. I think that they have the same vision we have coming in. We have Nikki Greene in the post which is something we have been lacking. We have a shooting guard in Gizelle (Studevent). Her shot is extremely nice. We have Marisa Wolfe from the Pittsburgh area that is another body to bang down low. We have Mia (Nickson), who unfortunately will not be playing this year, I wish she would. She is going to be a huge asset to the team. Then we have Alex Bentley who is a very talented point guard and I think she will have an excellent career at Penn State.

Janessa Wolff
Junior, Forward

Q: How important is it to send the seniors out, like Tyra, in the right way?
A: It's very big. Those seniors have worked really hard for four years and we really want to send them out with a bang. I mean everyone else wants to win too, but it's there last year, so it's really important.

Q: What have you been working on?
A: I have worked on speeding up my shot from outside. With Nikki (Greene) here, I don't have to play against the really huge girls now. I will have to at times because she is a freshman and she will have her on games and off games. It allows me to play my natural position.

Q: So are you playing a lot of the four spot then?
A: Yes, that's what I have been doing, a lot of high-post shooting. I am facing the basket a lot more, which is a lot nicer for me.

Q: How nice is it to do something you are more comfortable with?
A: It's nice, I am really a lot more comfortable. I do whatever coach tells me to do. If she wants me to be the point guard, I will be the point guard. I will always do the best I can at something that is not my position. Now that I am at the four, I know that's the biggest asset I can be at that spot.