Penn State Football Press Conference

Nov. 18, 2009

University Park, Pa.; -

Derek Moye, Sophomore, Wide Receiver

Q: It's been a rough few games for you personally. What have defenses been doing to contain you?
A: Ohio State switched it up a little bit and put a safety up top. Indiana played the normal defenses but for Daryll [Clark], other people were open before me. He made the right reads. The ball can't go to me every play.

Q: What are some of the things you need to do to still be a big factor in this offense?
A: I just need to go out and play within the offense. I can't try to do anything extra. Darryl will keep making the right reads. If they're going to do extra things to try and stop me, then other players will be open.

Q: Could you comment on the development of some of the younger receivers such as (Devon) Smith and (Curtis) Drake have come along nicely this year?
A: I think they're going to be great players here. I think they're showing right now what they can do. It is kind of unfortunate that they haven't gotten to play as much this year. Hopefully throughout this season and next season they'll get the chance to play a lot more.

Q: You had a few drops against Indiana. Have you been putting any more pressure on yourself because you've had a little bit more of a struggle these past few games?
A: No, I wouldn't say I put any more pressure on myself. I just have to take advantage of the opportunities that I get because I'm not going to get very many if defenses are playing extra towards my side. I've got to take advantages of the opportunities that I get.

Q: As the season winds down, have your results met your expectations?
A: I don't think I really had statistical expectations for myself. I'm fine with the season I'm having. As a team, I would like to obviously not have two losses on our record. As an individual, I'm fine with my statistics right now.

Q: Have you guys talked at all about bowl possibilities if you win this Saturday?
A: It is something that is in the back of our mind but we've got to focus on Michigan State. We can't have the same thing that happened two years ago when we went out there. We could have gone to I think the Outback Bowl but then we went out there and lost and ended up in the Alamo Bowl. So it's in the back of our minds but we've got to focus on Michigan State and play it like it's another game.

Q: You guys have had slow starts this year both at home and on the road. What do you have to do to avoid that this Saturday?
A: We just have to come out intense. I think we will. We know what is at stake. Like I said, it is a football game and if we don't come out intense, we're going to get smacked in the mouth. I think we know that. It's just something that we have to be prepared for.

Q: Down the line the next few years, are you looking to change your build at all?
A: Definitely. I would like to add some weight. Right now, I'm at 195 or 198. Next year, I would like to be 210. That's just a goal I'm going to set for myself in the off-season, but for right now, I'm fine with where I'm at.

Q: What do you think that could do for your game?
A: I could be able to play more physical. Right now, I think I play somewhat physical with some of the corners with my size. But at the same time, a lot of the corners are more muscular than I am. It would help me just be more durable and use my strength against the corners.