2010 Capital One Bowl Media Day

Coach Paterno's Press Conference in All-Access
Media Day Photo Gallery
Full Transcript from Head Coach Joe Paterno Quotes from Senior Quarterback Daryll Clark
Quotes from Senior Linebacker Sean Lee

Quotes from Senior Defensive Tackle Jared Odrick
Penn State Capital One Bowl Notes
More Quotes from Offense, Defense and Special Teams Below

Dec. 11, 2009; UNIVERSITY PARK, PA.


Andrew Quarless

#10 Andrew Quarless
Senior Tight End

Q: What was you reaction when you heard you would play LSU in the Capital One Bowl?
A: It was a little disappointing to get overlooked by the BCS, but to play an opponent like LSU still makes it a really big game. I am very happy to be contending against them. It's going to be a great game.

Q: How much time did you spend thinking about the scenarios with you guys not playing for those two weeks?
A: It was just a waiting game. We had to wait for the rest of the season to finish. We had practice a couple days a week. We were just staying fresh and getting ready to play.

Q: LSU has a really good secondary that is really fast. Are you ready for that challenge?
A: That's what they say every year. It's always about the speed in the SEC. We feel like we can match up against anybody in the nation. We are not really worried about that. That's just what it is. It's always been about the SEC always being quicker and bigger. We are ready to play and show the nation what we can do.

Q: Do you guys need a chip because you don't have a signature win yet?
A: We have ten signature wins. Every win counts. We are looking to go 11-2 and finish a great season.

Stephfon Green

#21 Stephfon Green
Junior Running Back

Q: What do you think of Trindon Holliday's speed?
A: Oh wow, he is in a class of his own. We've got speedy guys on defense that I think can handle those guys. Like I said, it is a big test for us. The SEC is all about speed; they're big, fast and strong. We've just got to get out there and show the nation what we can do.

Q: Have you ever given any consideration to coming out as a sprinter on the track team?
A: To tell you the truth, I got a scholarship from LSU for track. But I don't know. I mean, it could probably happen. I just need to get everything with football and academics straightened out first before I look to a third option, which is track.

Q: With Brandon [Beachum] out, has that affected your preparation for the bowl game?
A: Even before we knew LSU was our opponent, we just practiced hard. We went against each other one versus one sometimes as well as nine on seven drills. We just brought [the intensity] every time we went against each other.

Q: What has the schedule been like preparing for the bowl game? When are you heading down to Florida?
A: The plan is to be there no later than the 20th at 2:00. But I'll be there on the 19th getting settled.

Q: Are there underclassmen who have stood out at the on-campus workouts?
A: It's too early to tell who will stand out right now. The young guys didn't get many reps in practice last week because like I said, we didn't know who we were playing, so we were mostly going against each other. But today, we're starting to prepare for LSU now that we know who our opponent is. Yesterday was just getting the feel back from last week and getting recognition of the plays and stuff like that. Today, we will practice for LSU.

Stefen Wisniewski

#61 Stefen Wisniewski
Junior Center

Q: How much do you feel that you guys have something to prove at the bowl game?
A: We've got a lot to prove. We haven't beaten a Top 25 team yet and here's our shot. It is the last game of the year and we're excited for the opportunity.

Q: Are you disappointed it was not the BCS? What were your thoughts on selection day?
A: We definitely wanted to be part of the BCS and thought we were a worthy choice. But that being said, Capitol One is by far the best of the non-BCS bowls and we're excited to be part of it.

Q: You hear a lot about the SEC's speed and how the Big Ten matches up with that. What are your thoughts on that?
A: I would be surprised if their front seven is any faster than ours. Playing against those guys in practice, they play as well as anyone else in the country.

Q: What are your thoughts on Jared [Odrick] getting Big Ten Player of the Year?
A: I thought he absolutely deserved it. Going against him in practice, he is by far the best defensive lineman I have ever played against. I really do believe he is the best defensive player in the Big Ten. I was glad to see he got the recognition he deserved.

Q: What makes him so tough to handle?
A: He is really physical and plays really low. He is explosive and is very good with his hands at getting off blocks. He's very tough to handle.

Q: What about this senior group. Your uncle played here and your dad played here, but is it important to send these guys out on a high note?
A: Absolutely. We've got a lot of great seniors and a lot of guys we're really going to miss. We really take it as a personal responsibility as the underclassmen to make sure we send them off right.

Q: How challenging was your switch to center and just adjusting to a whole new position?
A: It was tough, but I felt that as the season progressed, I really got more and more comfortable to the point where the last half of the season, I really felt good there. I felt like I knew what I was doing and could just go out and attack as opposed to trying to work out some of the little details.

Q: Were there times you wished you were at guard instead of center?
A: Sure, absolutely. I would be lying if I said I didn't. But center is fun, too. Being the boss is kind of fun. You're in charge of everything, which is kind of a cool thing. I imagine it is a little bit like what the quarterback feels like, but on a smaller scale. That's definitely fun and it is still the O-line. You still get to smack people and drive them into the ground and all that good stuff.

Dennis Landolt

#73 Dennis Landolt
Senior Tackle

Q: What do you see in LSU?
A: They've got a great defense. They're big and fast. It's one of the best defenses we'll see all year. It should be a fun challenge.

Q: Do you guys have something to prove playing a ranked team?
A: I think whenever you get a chance to play a team that good in a bowl game, you want to take it as a chance to really prove yourself on national television and on the national stage.

Q: Does playing a good opponent like LSU make up for the fact that you're not playing in a BCS game?
A: Yeah, definitely, because if you went to a bowl and you're playing somebody that's maybe not as good, the bowl doesn't really help you much. If you play somebody like this, you can really make yourself look good by winning.

Q: Does playing an SEC team make it look better if you win?
A: I think so. It's probably one of the best if not the best conference every year. If you can go down there and beat an SEC team, it shows a lot.

Q: Are you guys excited about playing their defense?
A: Yeah, definitely. They're big and they've got plenty of speed down there. It should be a good challenge. They're a good, sound defense. They play a heck of a game.

Q: Is it amazing to you that this is your last game?
A: You look back and [realize] it does go fast. You're not thinking about it at the time, but once it's all over, you look back and it has gone fast. It's an emotional last game.

#79 Ako Poti
Senior Tackle

Q: What do you see from LSU's defense and defensive line?
A: We haven't seen a whole lot of film. We are going to see a lot today. But from what I've seen, they are active, they fly around and they play hard, so we will have to match their intensity on offense.

Q: How do they compare to the defensive lines from Iowa and Ohio State?
A: They are just as active as Ohio State's. I don't know if they are as big as Iowa's, but they are really active.

Q: When you went through the process of earning the starting spot, did you go out to the practice field knowing you had to work as hard as you could because you knew someone else could take that starting spot from you?
A: Yeah. Everyday at practice was a competition. I don't see myself as too much better than anyone behind me, so I need to give it my all on every play on the practice field.

Q: As a California guy, how eager are you to get out of this icebox and go down to Florida?
A: Oh my goodness, it's freezing outside. I can't wait to go down south where the sun is. Maybe the sun will hit my skin again.

Q: Do you sense the playbook opening up at all against LSU and wrinkle in some new plays?
A: I imagine so. We will have a lot of time looking at their weaknesses and [things like that]. I'm pretty sure we will open it up a little bit.

Senior Cornerback

Q: This is your last game, so how much more important does that make this bowl game for you?
A: I'm absolutely excited; I just can't wait to get out there. We're practicing hard getting ready for the bowl game. It's going to be a fun game. Playing an SEC team, they have a lot of speed so we're just working on matching up with them.

Q: You mentioned that there is a perception out there that the SEC is all about speed and the Big Ten is about big, plotting guys. What do you think about that?
A: They have the warm weather, so they get to run all around and don't have to feel the other elements. I think they've got it a little easier than Big Ten people because most of the times when we're playing late in the season, it will be cold and the sun won't be out. I guess you could say that about either one.

Q: You guys have a lot of speed though, right?
A: We have a lot of people, surprisingly that run sub-4.4 or sub-4.3, so we have a very fast team. Not just as a skill group; our linebackers can fly as well. We have running backs that fly and our defensive line is extremely fast. We can see that on the field so yes, we have people with speed.

Q: A lot of fans were disappointed that you guys didn't get in the BCS. How did the players feel about that?
A: I think we just took it in stride. We wanted to get into the Orange Bowl, but that wasn't our slot so we just have to deal with what we have and we've got to make the best of it.

Q: You missed some time at the end of the season with a concussion. How are you now?
A: I'm fully recovered now. At first, I was seeing a little bit of double so the doctor told me to sit out for the rest of the half. Then, I just kept having little headaches, so he told me to sit out because it wouldn't be safe.

Q: Have you seen much tape of LSU? Do you know anything about their big receiver? They put you specifically on [Minnesota's] Eric Decker in October; would that be an assignment you would welcome?
A: He's a good player; I'm looking forward to being able to compete against him. Absolutely, you always want to welcome competition just to be able to prove yourself among the best. That is what it's all about, just going out and competing. If they give me that assignment, I will be more than happy to take it.

Q: Do you think the bowl game is an opportunity to show the [NFL] scouts what you can do for the next level?
A: Absolutely. Anything I do from here on out is just an opportunity to show them. That would be a great opportunity to show that I can lock down one of the top SEC wide receivers.

Navorro Bowman

#11 Navorro Bowman
Senior Linebacker

Q: Is there anything specific you guys are watching out for in LSU?
A: Not really at this point. We haven't really watched too much film on them. We've been practicing, trying to keep our guys focused and prepared knowing that we have another game yet to play. I guess we're getting film in early this week to help prepare and see what those guys like to do.

Q: Are the weeks off before the bowl game a factor at all?
A: That's what I've been saying. We've had a couple weeks off and some teams have still been playing and are still in that football mode. I think the coaches have done a great job of keeping us [moving forward] and keeping the pads on. Not too much, but enough to know that we're still in football season. I think the weeks that we had off is going to benefit us in the end.

Q: What do you think about how Joe Paterno is doing?
A: Joe is a guy who knows his stuff. This is a program he built from the ground up. I think he will continue to strive with the team and put this program in the best position possible.

Q: What do you guys have to prove in this game since you haven't beaten a Top 25 team yet this season?
A: That we can beat a Top 25 opponent, that we can play with the best and that we're a team that deserved a BCS bowl bid. We let two big games slip up from underneath us and you can't do that if you want to be the best. You have to win and we didn't do that in the games that we needed and it cost us in the end. We've got to pick up and let those games go and give it our best shot.

#5 Jerome Hayes
Senior Defensive End

Q: When did you really think you got back to full strength this year?
A: I would probably say around the Michigan game. I was at full speed and able to cut and move without any pain. I've definitely had dreams of playing in the NFL for a long time and I've had different people tell me that the opportunity is still alive. Depending on how I do in the bowl game, we'll see how things happen down the line.

Q: Coming back, do you think you would end up playing the same spot? Penn State is losing all three linebackers.
A: I'm not sure. Ultimately, that would come down to Coach Paterno. We have not discussed it in full length yet because he is not going to discuss a possibility for next year when we still have a big game on our hands against LSU. That is a very realistic possibility that if I did come back, my position would be changed. We'll just have to wait and see until after the bowl game.

Q: Was it hard sitting and watching other teams hoping some would lose [to help Penn State to a certain bowl game]?
A: We haven't necessarily been rooting for certain people to win or lose. It's definitely a different time for us because we're sitting back watching other teams play and we're definitely chomping at the bit wishing we were out there. But, it is a good time to rest and get your body back to 100 percent. The training staff has done a great job with the strength and conditioning aspect of things. We have just really been keeping in shape and getting ready for LSU.

Q: Was there a little bit of disappointment when you heard Iowa's name called for the Orange Bowl?
A: We waited all together at 8:00 that night and waited to see if our name would get flipped over, but it didn't. Iowa beat us head-to-head so they deserve what they got. They got the Orange Bowl bid, but we're playing in a great bowl game with a great opponent and that's ultimately what we wanted. We wanted a great team from a great conference and that's what LSU is.

Q: Is it a little bit of a consolation prize that you guys can up the Big Ten [image] more by beating LSU than someone like TCU or Boise State?
A: Most definitely. LSU has great tradition, a great coaching staff and great speed. It will be a challenge and that is what we're looking forward to.

Q: Did you know coming into this year that it might be a while before you were 100 percent after your injury?
A: Mentally, you never want to think about it. Coming into the season, I wasn't really thinking about any deficiencies in my play as a result of my injury. But, it definitely took a while for me to get to full speed. Coach Paterno and Coach Johnson really had faith in me that I would get back to 100 percent and I was able to do that.

Q: A couple of the other seniors are packing up - they've already graduated, they're not going to be coming back. What's your living situation right now and how emotional is this for you?
A: My lease is up at the end of this month, so I'm in the process of packing up right now. But I don't live too far from here, only about three hours. I'm bringing my stuff home and if I have to come back, then we just have to load the U-Haul and come back. It's not a problem.

Q: If the NCAA doesn't grant you a sixth year, what are your plans in terms of the [NFL] combine?
A: My dream is to ultimately play in the NFL. If the NCAA doesn't grant me my sixth year, then I would go to a training facility and get ready for what lies ahead.

Drew Astorino

#28 Drew Astorino
Sophomore Safety

Q: What are your early impressions of LSU?
A: I haven't seen them much on film, but just seeing ESPN highlights, they're big time guys and they make big time plays. Those are the people who we want to play. Those are the people that we like to prove ourselves and our abilities against. We're really looking forward to playing those guys.

Q: How much incentive is it to have the chance to beat a Top 25 team?
A: It's big. We haven't played our best football games against the best teams we've played, so we're really looking forward to playing a big time team, a big time SEC team especially. We definitely have something to prove because we [had some struggles] during the season against those really good teams.

Q: Have you been following the bowl predictions since the Michigan State game?
A: To tell you the truth, I really wasn't following all that. We have no control over it if you know what I mean. Wherever we go, we go. Obviously, the BCS is awesome, but we're excited to play in the Capital One Bowl. We really just wanted to play against a big time team and we got that in LSU.

Q: Was it your shoulder and neck that was bothering you and do you feel like you're close to 100 percent now?
A: It's been a season of nagging injuries, so these next weeks are big for me. I think it is big for a lot of people to just rest and get in the rehab room and work some of those things out. We'll have to take a look at it at the end of the season but it really is not a factor.

#43 Josh Hull
Senior Linebacker

Q: How will the team get together and enjoy themselves in Orlando?
A: It provides us with a great opportunity to have a little camaraderie amongst our teammates. We'll get to do some great things. Maybe spend a couple days at Disney World and possibly reach out to a couple local hospitals and talk to some underprivileged kids. It's going to be a great experience down there.

Q: What was it like to get away from football for a week or so to heal up?
A: Yeah, 12 weeks definitely took its toll on my body. It felt good the first three or four days. After that, it's funny to say that after my fifth or sixth day at home relaxing, I was ready to get back to Penn State and get into our routines of lifting and playing football. I've come to love this sport so much that it's hard to leave it and hard being away from it for six or seven days. I'm really looking forward to getting down to Orlando.

Q: How much pride do you take in what you were able to do during your senior season?
A: I've taken a lot of pride in the hard work and dedication I've put in to end up where I am right now. Hopefully after the bowl game, I'll be put in a situation that I'll be able to do the same exact thing in the NFL that I did at Penn State.

Q: Are you going to play in any All-Star Games?
A: Yeah, I'm actually in the Texas versus Nation game.


Jeremy Boone

#41 Jeremy Boone
Senior Punter

Q: What are your feelings headed into your last game as a Nittany Lion?
A: I think once we get down there and we're practicing and pulling some two-a-days and as game week nears, that's when it will really start to hit that it's the last time we're ever going to put on a Penn State jersey. It will be emotional, but it's been an unbelievable journey for not only myself, but the other seniors as well.

Q: How excited are you for the trip down to Florida?
A: I can't wait. I want to go somewhere warm. It will be nice to go to Orlando. I've heard some great things about the Capital One bowl talking with (Jeremy) Kapinos. He said it's one of the best experiences he's had. Just to be with the seniors and the rest of the team one last time will be nice.

Q: What will special teams and punting mean against LSU?
A: [It has been important] every year dating back to when I first got here and (Jeremy) Kapinos was playing in the Orange Bowl [where] he had 11 or 12 punts, I believe. That's a lot of punts for one game. He had one put where it landed on the one [yard line], we held them and they had to punt away. We ended up going in to score and take the lead. That's what it's all about. We take great pride in our special teams and we'll get ready for LSU because they have some great returners.