Meet the Freshmen

Jan. 25, 2010


Madison Merriam, Fr., Gaithersburg, Md.
1. At what age did you start gymnastics and why?
"I started gymnastics when I was 4 years old. I was watching the 1996 olympics on tv and I told my mom I wanted to do gymnastics so she started me in classes."

2. Why did you pick Penn State?
"I chose Penn State because when I came to the campus I fell in love with it and could really see myself going to school here."

3. What was it like to put on your Penn State uniform for the first time?
"It was really excited and nervous at the same time since I knew it meant I was about to go out and compete for Penn State for the first time."

4. What are you most looking forward to in your first season at Penn State?
"I'm looking forward to our team being very successful this season and hopefully winning Big Tens!"

5. What was the best advice you were given before coming to college?

"The best advice I got before coming to college was to enjoy it while your there because it's the best time of your life and it doesn't last long."

6. What is your favorite event and why?
"I would say floor is my favorite event because I get to go out there and really perform for the judges and the audience."

7. Who is your craziest teammate?
"Probably Alex Brockaway."

8. What are your goals for this year?
"My goals for this year are getting over a 3.0 for both semesters and working hard in the gym to make line ups to contribute to the team."

9. What was your first semester of college like?
"It was hard to adjust to at first but once I got the hang of the hectic schedule and got to know people I had a good time."

10. What is your favorite gymnastics memory?
"One of my favorite gymnastics memories is definitely winning bars at JO nationals my senior year."

Susan Martens, Fr., Phoeniz, Ariz.

1. At what age did you start gymnastics and why?
"I started gymnastics at about 18 months because my sister, Casey had attended a birthday party at the gym and really liked it so she started gymnastics. When she really liked it, my mom decided to do the toddler classes with me and my other sister, Katie."

2. Why did you pick Penn State?
"I picked Penn State because when I was up here on my official visit last year, the girls all made me feel like I fit in with them and they all made it seem like they really enjoyed it here so I knew that this was where I wanted to be."

3. What was it like to put on your Penn State uniform for the first time?
"It's really exciting to finally be a part of a team and to know that you are working not just for yourself but for your school."

4. What are you most looking forward to in your first season at Penn State?
"I think that home meets are going to be a lot of fun because from what I have learned from the girls, they are really exciting and we get to go out in our own gym and just have fun with everything."

5. What was the best advice you were given before coming to college?
"I think the best advice that was given to me would be to make the most out of all the opportunities that are given to me so by the time I am done with school, I won't think I missed out on anything."

6. What is your favorite event and why?
"My favorite event is probably beam. It's really exciting when you get up on the beam and hit your routines and all of your skills."

7. Who is your craziest teammate?
"I think Alex Brockway is probably the craziest teammate."

8. What are your goals for this year?
"My goals for this year are to be able to contribute in any way possible."

9. What was your first semester of college like?
"It was a challenge at first to get used to how far apart all my classes were. I had a lot of classes in-a-row so I had to rush to get to my next one on time."

10. What is your favorite gymnastics memory?
"My favorite gymnastics memory was from when I was younger and I made a kip for the first time and my coach took us all out for ice cream because our team made them all in a row."

Sharaya Musser, Fr., Colorado Springs, Colo.
1. At what age did you start gymnastics and why?
"I started gymnastics at the age of 3 and it was because my mom always felt bad putting us in the nursery when she worked out so she just put us in a gymnastics class."

2. Why did you pick Penn State?
"? I picked Penn State because since I was a little girl I've always wanted to go here. My dad went to PSU and so did other relatives."

3. What was it like to put on your Penn State uniform for the first time?
"It was an awesome feeling because I've waited a long time for this so it was very exciting."

4. What are you most looking forward to in your first season at Penn State?
"I'm looking forward to having an amazing freshman year and really just enjoying every moment of this opportunity."

5. What was the best advice you were given before coming to college?
"The best advice I was given was to always stay on top of my work because it's hard to catch up once you fall behind. Also, I've been given such an amazing opportunity so use it to my best ability and make the best out of it."

6. What is your favorite event and why?
"I honestly don't have a favorite event because each event is so different that I enjoy each of them in their own way."

7. Who is your craziest teammate?
"I would have to say Alexandra Brockway, I love her."

8. What are your goals for this year?
"My goals are to get good grades and win Big Tens as a team."

9. What was your first semester of college like?
"My first semester of college was pretty challenging, I wasn't really sure what to expect coming in, I definitely learned a lot in just one semester but it was great at the same time. I really enjoyed it. "

10. What is your favorite gymnastics memory?

"My favorite memory of gymnastics would probably be the first time I ever had to travel far away for a competition. I was so excited to actually get to fly on a plane to go to a competition and compete somewhere completely different for the first time. It made me feel grown up even though I was just a little one."