Meet the Sophomores

Feb. 1, 2010


Whitney Bencsko, So., Pompton Plains, N.J.
1. What are your goals for the season?
"BIG TENS, BIG TENS, BIG TENS!! SUPER SIX, SUPER SIX, SUPER SIX!! It is OUR year to WIN Big Tens!! And I want to help my team do it! Competing in Super Six is also a goal because we were so close last year. With time, this year is only going to bring better things than last!"

2.What is your favorite event?
"Well, I would have to say my favorite event sort of depends on the day! Overall, I think I like floor the best. Performing in a meet on floor is so much different than any other event. You get to use your energy and adrenaline to play with the crowd and judges, which just makes the event a fun experience."

3. What are you usually doing when you're not in class or at the gym?
"Hmmm, I would have to say I am probably either doing schoolwork or sleeping. If by chance I am not doing one of those things, then I am probably spending money somehow or just hanging around with friends."

4. What is your favorite gymnastics memory?
"I have a few favorite gymnastics memories. First would be competing at states my senior year. Our team beat the NJ State team record by numerous points. Our team had such amazing talent and chemistry that it was the most fun club competition I ever competed in. As a team I don't think we had ever smiled as much as we did during that competition. It confirmed how much fun this sport really could be!
"Another one of my favorite memories would have to be NCAA's last year. Knowing I was a part of a top collegiate team in the nation was one of the most rewarding feelings I have ever had. I was finally one of those girls that I had always watched on TV and dreamed of being like. Along with the team competition, competing in Event Finals was unreal. Being down on the floor with the best of the best on each event was an experience I can't put into words."

5. What is your biggest pet peeve?
"Since this is going out to the gymnastics world and people should know what I am talking about, my biggest pet peeve is casting over on bars. Total waste of energy and a turn!"

6. What is the best part of being a Penn State Nittany Lion gymnast?
"The best part of being a Penn State Nittany Lion gymnast is knowing I am part of such a legacy and tradition.I am not just representing myself but I am competing for my team and everyone who came before us."

7. What is your favorite sport to watch besides gymnastics?
"My favorite sport to watch besides gymnastics would have to be baseball. My family are Yankee fans so not only do I like going to Yankee games, but I like watching my brother play collegiate baseball as well."

8. Where is your favorite place to vacation and why?
"My favorite place to vacation would be anywhere warm! But in particular I loved Bermuda as well as the British Virgin Islands!"

9. What is your favorite home cooked meal?
"I got through phases for sure. Right now it would have to be my mom's salmon recipe. I don't know what it is, but let me tell you, it is GOOD!!"

10. What is the best advice you've ever received?
"I think the best advice anyone has ever given me is to live in the present because yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift."

Natalie Ettl, So., Waukesha, Wis.
1. What are your goals for the season?
"My goals for the season are to help my team win the first ever Big Ten Championship Title and compete in the Super Six!"

Natalie Ettl

2.What is your favorite event?
"Well this question is pretty easy for me, the uneven bars are my favorite event. Not only because it is the only event that I compete and train, but also because I just love the feeling of swinging around and flipping through the air. If I could choose another event, it would be floor because I used to love performing to the crowd."

3. What are you usually doing when you're not in class or at the gym?
"If I'm not in class or at the gym, I am either on my computer surfing the internet or taking a nap, that is if I don't have school work to do."

4. What is your favorite gymnastics memory?
"My favorite gymnastics memory is when I placed 3rd at Nationals on bars."

5. What is your biggest pet peeve?
"My biggest pet peeve is those people on campus who walk around like there head is in the sky and aren't aware of what is going on around them."

6. What is the best part of being a Penn State Nittany Lion gymnast?
"The best part of being a Penn State Nittany Lion gymnast is the fact that I am part of team with such strong traditions, as well as being on a team that has now become my family away from home."

7. What is your favorite sport to watch besides gymnastics?
"This is a very tough question for me since I am a huge sports nut! I really enjoy watching football, basketball, and baseball. If I had to choose a favorite to watch, it would probably have to be baseball because it's exciting and relaxing at the same time."

8. Where is your favorite place to vacation and why?
"My favorite place to vacation is the cabin that my Grandma owns in Northern Wisconsin. When we are up north, there is nothing better than fishing, water skiing, tubing, and sitting around a campfire with the family."

9. What is your favorite home cooked meal?
"My favorite home cooked meal is a broccoli and chicken casserole that my Mom makes. I requested it when I went home for Thanksgiving and Christmas break."

10. What is the best advice you've ever received?
"The best advice that I have ever received is `Live each day to the fullest and take every day as it comes'."

Daryl Konsevick, So., Rutherford, N.J.
1. What are your goals for the season?
"My personal goals are to compete with full confidence and perform the way I do in practice. I would like to be a steady contributor on beam and floor, as well as see action on bars this season. As a team, our common goal is to win Big Ten Championships and qualify for Super Six at NCAA Nationals."

2.What is your favorite event?
"It depends on the day, honestly. I would have to say beam and floor. There is no greater feeling than hitting a beam routine. And I love to perform, so floor is a great way to express your personality."

3. What are you usually doing when you're not in class or at the gym?
"Listening to music and hanging out with my friends. Some of my friends play instruments so we usually spend our time jamming out."

Daryl Konsevick

4. What is your favorite gymnastics memory?
"My favorite gymnastics memory would have to be coming in 3rd All-around at Level 10 Nationals my senior year."

5. What is your biggest pet peeve?
"Being late to anything."

6. What is the best part of being a Penn State Nittany Lion gymnast?
"I would say the best part are the traditions that go along with being a Penn State gymnast. From the Penn State chants to the blue and white leotards, it's an honor."

7. What is your favorite sport to watch besides gymnastics?
"Baseball. I am a big Yankee fan!

8. Where is your favorite place to vacation and why?
"I went on vacation to California a few years ago and I would have to say that was one of the best vacations I have ever been on. We drove from San Francisco to Los Angeles and it was beautiful! I am also a big fan of the Jersey Shore."

9. What is your favorite home cooked meal?
"That's a tough one! Both my parents are great cooks. I would have to say salmon and my dad's homemade chicken soup."

10. What is the best advice you've ever received?
"I have received a great deal of advice from my friends, family, and song lyrics. The best advice I have been given is to remain in the present. Only focus on what you have control over. Don't let your fears or doubts delay and distract you. Just let it be and enjoy the ride."

Alex Stine, So., Philipsburg, Pa.
1. What are your goals for the season?
"To contribute as much as possible. Also, to win Big Tens as a team."

2.What is your favorite event?
"It's very difficult to pick one event in particular but I enjoy Bars because everyone has their own unique style and there is very little room for error."

3. What are you usually doing when you're not in class or at the gym?
"If I'm not in class or at the gym, I am reading, doing school work and spending time with my family, friends and boyfriend."

Alex Stine

4. What is your favorite gymnastics memory?
"I would have to say competing bars last year at Nationals. Being there with my teammates and all of the support we had was an amazing experience."

5. What is your biggest pet peeve?
"That's a tough question. I would have to say when people are always late."

6. What is the best part of being a Penn State Nittany Lion gymnast?
"I love being part of the team. Getting to know all of the girls is quite an adventure. Nothing can beat competing at Rec Hall with all of our family, friends and fans. Also, knowing all of the great history and tradition of being a gymnast here at Penn State is incredible."

7. What is your favorite sport to watch besides gymnastics?
"Probably volleyball because it is so fast paced."

8. Where is your favorite place to vacation and why?
"New Orleans because I enjoy the delicious food, music and architecture."

9. What is your favorite home cooked meal?
"My moms Salmon and grilled vegetables."

10. What is the best advice you've ever received?
"The best advice I have ever received is to have a positive attitude and believe that everything happens for a reason."