Women's Tennis Media Day Transcript

Feb. 17, 2010

Spring Sports Media Day
February 17, 2010

Head Coach Dawna Prevette

Q: What is the line-up going to be for this weekend?
A: We play Marshall on Friday at 5. Part of that depends on if Amy [Simidian] is healthy and in our line-up. Petra [Januskova] will definitely be in there. We've paired [Amy and Petra] up in the past and they've been a great team but I don't know if that is necessarily what we are going to do again this weekend. It really just depends on the health of the girls.

Q: Can you talk about the Big Ten this season?
A: Northwestern is No. 3 in the country right now; they just won the National Indoor. They're definitely a really tough team. Michigan is traditionally Top 20, Ohio State and Illinois are right there at 28 and 29 I believe. So, the conference is getting better. I think that's really exciting. Part of my philosophy is to play a tough schedule and Big Ten is playing right into my philosophy so I like that (laughs).

Q: What are your thoughts on hosting two ranked teams this weekend?
A: We're really excited about it. To have an opportunity to play them on our home turf is really great. I think Marshall is better than their ranking suggests right now. They are No. 69 and they just beat Virginia Tech, who is 49. They're definitely a tough team so we've got to be ready for them and, of course, Boise State on Sunday, they're No. 35 in the country. Definitely both are strong programs but we're optimistic and we're just preparing the best that we can and improving daily so that we can be ready for them.

Q: What are some of the challenges of transitioning from indoor tennis to outdoor tennis?
A: Obviously, the elements. I think it is a lot easier to go from outdoor to in versus in to out. You're dealing with sun and wind and we haven't been doing that much lately. Spring break we're looking forward to it, we always try to head south and play some outdoor tennis so that we're a little bit more prepared. I think these girls are up for the challenge. This team this year has been very positive, they've really supported each other. It's been a great experience so far and I look to them to remain positive and keep moving forward and I'm looking forward to the challenge.

Q: You guys started out 2-0 and have since been on a losing streak, how do you get back to the tennis you were playing at the beginning of the season?
A: To be honest, I think the competition has been a lot better the past three matches. I think one of the most important things is that you don't freak out and change everything. We've just got to keep our heads to the grindstone and support each other and make improvements. I think that's what this team is really focused on this year is the process goals and us moving forward and then the wins will come.

Q: How do you think the tough schedule helps some of the younger players out when it comes time for Big Ten play?
A: I just think it prepares them for the college level. Just the intensity and just being a part of having exposure to the tough program is going to prepare them for Big Tens. Like I said, the Big Ten is getting better and a lot of these teams we are playing are going to be very similar talent-wise so we want to be prepared and we want to be ready. I think this team is up for the challenges of a tough schedule and I think it just makes us better in the end.

Freshman Amy Simidian

Q: Can you talk about the transition from high school to college?
A: I think in the juniors [tennis competitions], it is very much an individual sport. Coming into college tennis has just been so awesome because you're not going out there by yourself, now you have a whole team there to support you. I think that's been really cool.

Q: Do you prefer singles or doubles?
A: Honestly, I enjoy both. Doubles is great, Petra [Januskova] has been awesome. I don't have a preference when it comes to singles or doubles.

Freshman Petra Januskova

Q: Can you talk about the transition from high school to college?
A: I'd have to say the same thing [as Amy Simidian]. Just being on a team is really different. It's better because you have everyone to support you and just being a student-athlete is different as well.

Q: Do you prefer singles or doubles?
A: I would have to say doubles. I won three national titles in doubles and I feel like I have someone to support me on the court when you mess up.