Q & A With Freshman Courtney Kordes

Feb. 22, 2010

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - Freshman Courtney Kordes

Courtney Kordes is a freshman from Natrona Heights, Pa. She has competed in three rounds so far this season for the Nittany Lions, recording a low round of 83 at the Nittany Lion Invitational.

Q: How did you get involved in the game of golf?

A: I was just with my dad and he would always go to the driving range. So, I was like why not? I'll just go just for fun. I didn't really do much in the beginning but then as years passed, when I got to 12 or so, I started actually playing competitively.

Q: What was your first competitive golf experience?

A: I was really nervous. It was fun. I didn't play well because my nerves were really high but it was a lot of fun.

Q: Where did you grow up and what was it like?

A: I grew up in a small town northeast of Pittsburgh called Natrona Heights. It's nice in a small town. Everything is around there and where I golf is only a couple blocks from my house so I can just walk there. It's very convenient.

Q: Why did you choose Penn State?

A: Since I was little, I've always loved Penn State. I really didn't think it was possible if I was going to pursue golf that I would be able to come here. Then, the offer came and it was like a miracle. It was a dream come true almost.

Q: What are some of the challenges you have had to overcome both on and off of the golf course?

A: Basically just trying to balance between golf and schoolwork because schoolwork is a lot different than high school. I didn't have to try much in high school because it just came natural. Here, it's a different story.

Q: What is your most memorable experience so far at Penn State?

A: I guess just being around the team and just being here as a team player. In high school, I always played on a guy's team, so it's a lot different. I just really enjoy being with the other girls.

Q: What would you like to accomplish before the end of your Penn State career?

A: Just to get a good education and come out of here and be able to get a high quality job. Golf wise, just be on the starting team and play well. I want to support my team and be there for them.

Q: What are a few things you would like to do in your life?

A: I definitely want to go across seas and venture out there. Not for a long time, just to go out there and see what it's like for a small vacation. I've never been really outside of the United States. I want to get a good job and just have fun and enjoy life.

Q: What are a few things you couldn't live without?

A: I couldn't live without family, obviously. I don't know what I would do without sports in general. I've been very active in sports my whole life so I would definitely be lost without sports. The third thing is just being here.

Q: Do you have any hidden talents?

A: I don't know if it's really a talent, but I participated in karate for 11 and a half years. I was a third degree black belt.