Meet the Juniors!

Feb. 8, 2010

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - Danielle Hover, Jr., Hamburg, N.Y.
1. What is the best part about being a Penn State Nittany Lion gymnast?
"Definitely being a part of the long tradition that Penn State gymnasts have created over the years. It is absolutely incredible to go down in the books next to all of the great athletes and peple that came through this program."

2.What is your favorite place on campus?
"Old Main. I've loved the building ever since my recruiting trip. It's such a beautiful spot all year round. In the summer the grass is always so soft and green, and in the winter the snow seems to fall so nicely on and all around the building. There is so much history and beauty in that one area that it makes you feel specal to be in its presence."

3. What is your favorite gymnastics memory?
"I would have to say the day that I received the call from Steve asking me to come to Penn State. At the time I had no idea that Penn State was an option, even though it was where I truly wanted to go, so when he called... I almost fainted. It was the greatest feeling in the world knowing that all of my work in high school had finally paid off and I was able to compete at this level in college gymnastics."

4. What are your plans for after graduation?
"I would like to work in an exciting resort or large hotel. Eventually I would enjoy event planning but for right now, I want to get involved with hotels and relocate to someplace warm and exciting."

5. What is something most people would not know about you?
"I played basketball and tennis for 6 years each. I even considered quitting gymnastics for both of them at one point. My gymnastics ability didn't develop until I was in High School so either sport seemed like a better match for me back then. If you would have told me in 6th grade that I was going to be a Division One College Gymnast, I would have laughed and never believed you!"

6. If you could travel anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go?
"Hawaii. I simply have always wanted to go there since I was young. I'm a huge sucker for sunshine and beaches in the day and skies full of bright, radiant stars at night."

7. What is your favorite home cooked meal?
"Not really a meal but I LOVE homemade soups, especially Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup."

8. Who is the best listener on the team?
"Most definitely Melissa Klein. She was a savior to me my freshman year when I needed someone to talk to and always has been there for me since. Good listening is such an important trait and sometimes rare to find in people, I've always been thankful for Mel on this team for that."

9. What has been your favorite class here at Penn State and why?
"I've really enjoyed many of my HRIM classes, but I would have to say that NUTR 119 was my favorite so far. It is a hospitality course where we learned solely about foods and even had a cooking lab once a week where we made real meals, desserts and other kinds of goodies. It was fun because it was a hands-on class where you could see your results right away."

10. Who have you looked up to most during your college career?
"Since I've gotten here freshman year I have looked up to Rosie Smith the most. I immediately respected her because she was a walk on, like I was, and because of her incredible work ethic. I have never seen her even think of giving up and she has always been there for this team in any way that she can. Her stamina through her almost career ending injury last year was so incredible and encouraging to witness. I will truly miss her next year when she is graduated, but will always remember her integrity and team spirit."

Melissa Klein, Jr., Oceanside, N.Y.
1. What is the best part about being a Penn State Nittany Lion gymnast?
"Pushing myself beyond my limits. Learning how to overcome fear with focus and positivity, and pushing past trials in order to grow. Being a Nittany Lion gymnast has helped me become a better athlete and a stronger person than I ever thought possible."

2.What is your favorite place on campus?
"Allen street because of the beautiful trees and Websters Cafe. Also the Visual Arts Building, because it's become a kind of sanctuary for me."

3. What is your favorite gymnastics memory?
"Beating Alabama, getting stuck in the airport and laughing for hours with my teammates, and winning beam last year."

4. What are your plans for after graduation?

Melissa Klein

5. What is something most people would not know about you?
"I play the flute."

6. If you could travel anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go?
"Either Barcelona or Hawaii, because my best friend is living there."

7. What is your favorite home cooked meal?
"Indian food."

8. Who is the best listener on the team?
"All of my teammates have helped me so much that it's hard to say. I'll narrow it down to Alex B, Daryl and Heather."

9. What has been your favorite class here at Penn State and why?
"Cultural anthropology because it gave me a radically new perspective on life. Also the class I'm in right now called Art and Healing on the Quantum Level, and a nanotechnology class from last semester. I love seeing how different areas of study intersect and connect to gymnastics, art and life!"

10. Who have you looked up to most during your college career?
"Alex Brockway, my good friend Morgan, some great professors, my coach Jess, and my parents."

Heather McElwee, Jr., Ponte Vedra, Fla.
1. What is the best part about being a Penn State Nittany Lion gymnast?
"The relationships with my teammates. We're like a family and I know many of these friendships will last a lifetime."

2.What is your favorite place on campus?
"The duck pond across from the Hintz Family Alumni Center because it is the most beautiful place on campus."

Heather McElwee

3. What is your favorite gymnastics memory?
"My favorite memory has to be the team's floor performance at Big Tens last year. We did amazing and really fought back after having one rough event. It was incredible to see one after another hit their routine flawlessly."

4. What are your plans for after graduation?
" I'm hoping to attend graduate school for either marketing or event planning. One day I want to own my own cafe."

5. What is something most people would not know about you?
"That I was in a Superbowl commercial."

6. If you could travel anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go?

7. What is your favorite home cooked meal?
"Salmon with a sweet potato."

8. Who is the best listener on the team?
"Mel and Alex Brockway. I know that I can always talk to them no matter what it's about. I can trust them to not judge me and to give me honest feedback."

9. What has been your favorite class here at Penn State and why?
"Finance wasn't my favorite class, but I think it will benefit me the most in the long run. I learned a lot in that course that I will be able to use in my personal and professional life."

10. Who have you looked up to most during your college career?
"I have to say both Rosie and Allie. They've fought back from some terrible injuries, but they've always been able to keep a smile on their faces and find ways to continue inspiring the team. I can only hope to be as strong as they have been."