Thank You Seniors!

March 18, 2010

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - Several members of the Penn State women's gymnastics team took some time to put into words their appreciation of this year's senior class.

Melissa Klein, Jr.
Alex - Thank you for your strength, kindess, openness and honesty. You've helped me in and out of the gym, and I wouldn't be where I am without your support. You are an amazing gymnast and an incredible person. I hope we will stay friends forever.

Rosie - You are so strong. Your dedication and work ethic have been an inspiration to me and the entire team. Just by being yourself, you have taugh me things that will stay with me even after I leave Penn State.

Casey - It's been so great having you as a teammate. We have so much fun and you amaze me with your consistency. I'm going to miss you!

Brandi - You are a great gymnast and you have taught me so much about the sport. Good luck in the future. I know you will succeed at anything you do.

Allie - Your love for gymnastics and your hard work is inspiring. You have overcome many obstacles with a positive attitude and shown the team that it is possible to succeed if you want it enough. Good luck and thank you!!

Daryl Konsevick, So.
To all the seniors - You're irreplaceable. The team is not going to be the same without you guys. I want to thank you for all the love and support you have given me over the past two years. It is going to be so weird not seeing you each day. I am especially going to miss you guys when we run Mt. Nittany and Beaver Stadium!

Alex - I have known you the longest, since we were kids back in club. I am going to miss you enthusiasm and unpredictable conversations. You have always been there for me, like an older sister. I can't thank you enough for all your support. I will never forget some of the hilarious stories you have told me. You always crack me up. There will never be another Alex Brockway. You are one of a kind and I am so thankful to have you as a friend!

Rosie - I am really going to miss you in and out of the Gym Ro! It has been awesome being in the same major and taking some of the same classes. I don't know what I would have done wihtout you, especially in Neuropsych! You are such a smart girl and a great friend. You have alwats been there for me, and I can't thank you enough. Continue being you!

Natalie Ettl, So.
Brandi - I am so glad that we have developed such a great friendship over the past two years. It has been an honor to be your teammate. You are such a hard worker and truly a great role model. You are someone that I can look up to and admire in all aspects of life, not just in gymnastics. You have had an amazing career here at Penn State and have made such an impact on this program as well as in the lives of many. You are going to make a great Nurse because you are so caring and passionate about others. You have always been someone that I could confide in and someone that I could count on to be there to support me. I hope we keep in touch throughout the years because you truly are a great friend. I love you Brand!

Allie - Thank you for being such a great leader over the past two years. You are the definition of "livestrong". You have overcome so much adversity that has been put in front of you and I admire you for that. You are a strong-willed and dedicated individual and those qualities will take you far. I hope that I can make an impact in others lives like you have made an impact in mine. You are going to be such a successful person out there in the real world because you have a great head on your shoulders and can accomplish anything you set your mind to. I can't wait to hear about all your success! Love ya Al!

Rosie - Thank you so much for being such a great leader over these past two years! You have been a great role model and have demonstrated how to overcome adversity. You were someone that I knew would be there if I needed to talk or needed help. The leadership qualities that you possess will get you far in life and will help you achieve anything you set your mind to. You are going to make such an impact in many people's lives and have a very successful career! We have many great memories to look back on and I hope that you come back and visit!

Casey - I really enjoyed all the great memories that we have developed over the past two years. You were always one who could turn my day around and make me laugh, even if I was having the worst day ever. I could always count on you if I needed to vent or blow off some steam! Don't be a stranger, come back and visit!

Alex - Thank you for all the great times over the past two years. You are such a unique and independent person and I admire that. You were always one to speak up when everyone else was to afraid and that quality will get you far in life. I really enjoyed being your teammate and hope you come back and visit!

Madison Merriam, Fr.
Alex - Thanks for being your crazy self all the time and standing up for what you believe in! You have been through so many struggles and I admire you so much for fighting through all of the hard times. Thanks so much for all your support at practice and especially at the meets! You are always so proud of me and it really means a lot. I will miss you so much Al! Love you!

Rosie - You are one of the nicest people I have ever met in my life. Thanks so much for all your support in the gym. You are such a hard worker and I am so happy that you fought through your injury to compete this year. You are such a genuine person and I admire that so much. I'm going to miss you Ro!

Casey - Oh my goodness Case the weight room is not going to be the same without you! Now Josh can only pick on me. I know I can always come to you for support and advice, which I thank you so much for. I'm going to miss listening to R&B music with you and dancing. I have so much fun with you. Johnny and I will be here next year waiting for you to visit! I luhh you!

Brandi - You are such a strong girl. It seems like nothing ever affects you, you just keep on pushing. I think you have been a great leader for the team this year. We have had good times together like the time at practice when we decided to figure out what animal everyone was (Pumba was the best haha). You are an amazing gymnast and I feel honored to have competed for Penn State with you this past year. Thanks for believing in me. You will be missed so much! Baby Deer

Allie - I looove youuu! I am going to miss all the goofy laughs we had together and Pollock breakfast! You better not forget about the time at Ohio State when we walked into our room and we almost shriveled to death from the heat. Good times. I hope you come back and visit your baby deer because practice won't be the same without you there. I'm going to miss you so much Al!

Alex Stine, So.
To all of the seniors - I just want to say that being your teammate has been an honor. Your leadership and commitment to the team have inspired me so much. Each one of you brought your own personality, talent, and skill to the team which has shown in our amount of success and growth in the past two years. I wish all of you the best of luck in your future endeavors. I know that you will make us all Penn State Proud.

Alex - All I can say is that it's not going to be the same without you here! You have no idea how much of an impact you have made on this team and my experience here at PSU. You always speak your mind and that's just one of the many reasons why I look up to you. Despite the fact that we have only been teammates for two years, I will never forget the times we shared of laughter and craziness. YEE! I'll miss you!!!!

Brandi - Gym won't be the same next year without you! Your personal drive to succeed is amazing and it has shown throughout your career here at Penn State, not only as an athlete but as a great student. You were always there if I needed advice about how to improve in the classroom or in the gym. You are truly someone to look up to.

Allie - Your passion for gymnastics and relentless drive is evident. You have grown as a captain so much and you are a truly a special person. Good luck in the future! I know you will do great.

Casey - When you graduate, whose grip bag am I going to steal? I am really going to miss your sense of humor and your funny comments. I learned a lot from you as a person and as a gymnast. Thanks for always being there for me. You are so BOSS!!!

Rosie - You are such a kind and caring person. As a captain you have led our team through a lot these past two years. Your attitude in the gym has been incredibly admirable throughout my time here. I wish you the best of luck with everything!

Whitney Bencsko, So.
Brandi - There are so many things I could thank you for over the course of the past two years. You have helped me become the gymnast I am today. From the day I got here you showed me what it took to be the best I could be. I have looked up to you from day one and I hope to be as successful as you one day! You are such a well-balanced young adult and truly know how to separate all aspects of life. I admire that in you and how you set your mind to something and always achieve it. You are a girl in my life I can call a true friend, who believes in me and is always there to lean on. Words don't describe how thankful I am to be your teammate and friend. I love you and don't be a stranger next year!!

Allie - From one of the first times we officially met in North Stars bathroom, to all the trips up here to Penn State with Chels, staying with you, and the three hour and a half hour car rides to and from school, I would say we have gotten pretty close! Over the past two years I have seen our friendship grow. I have so much respect for you as a person and how you have learned to overcome adversity. You have given me much hope for my future in the sport. You are such a great person to talk to, and have become a great shoulder to lean on. You have been an awesome leader both vocally and in work ethic and you truly have amazing Penn State passion and pride! I can safely say you will be one of the most successful people out in the real world and I look forward to hearing about all about it when you come visit ALL THE TIME next year. P.S. Everything happens for a Reason =) Love you Al

Rosie - Thank you for being the role model you have become. Every girl who knows your story can figure out that you have an incredible mind and are an unbelievable worker. From earning your spot on this team to overcoming a major injury, it only shows you have a true passion for what you do. You are a great leader in the gym and I am thankful for all the memories we have built over the years, especially last summer!

Casey - You are truly an awesome competitor and always make the most of being in the gym. You are one of the most positive girls and when I look back at the past two years I am thankful for the fact you were almost always a smiling face to look at. Alex - You are a strong individual who always speaks what you think and there is something to be said for that. You are one to always keep things interesting and share a side of life that others could not get to. You are truly a unique individual and that is going to get you far in life.

Danielle Hover, Jr.
Allie - Seeing you grow as a gymnast these last few years has shown me a lot about hard work and dedication. Your ability to balance such a difficult major and gymnastics has served as such a tremendous role model for me. I'll miss you next year and your fabulous leotards that I love so much!!

Casey - Your welcoming and outgoing personality has made me feel at home in Penn State since the day I met you. Your ability to make people laugh and sing to us every single lyric to all rap songs has always been a welcoming relief from the seriousness of practice. I'll miss your smiling face next year and the laughs that we always shared.

Alex - I knew from my recruiting trip that you would be one of the most interesting and funniest people I had ever met. I will never ever forget this year's turk-o-weenie...haha! Seriously you are such an amazing gymnast and aggressive competitor. We will miss your consistency and ability to finish a day's plan before anyone has gotten to their second event! Best of luck to you and all of your future endeavors.

Brandi - I have never seen someone with such passion, drive, and love for this sport. Because of people like you, gymnastics is the athletic and remarkable sport it is today. You are the most talented gymnast I have ever worked with and it was truly an honor to be teammates with you for these three years. Your power, consistency and fearlessness are all things I have always admired about you. You are a very driven young lady and will truly succeed in all that you do.

Rosie - The inspiration that you displayed through your courageous comeback this year will truly be missed, but never forgotten. Every time I looked at you in the gym I remembered how to work hard and why. In my three years here, I have never seen you give less than 110% in anything you were challenged with. You were a great captain, leader and friend to me. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and I know you will succeed in anything you put your mind to. I'll miss you Ro!!