Covering The Bases With Louie Picconi

April 13, 2010

Senior infielder Louie Picconi was the feature player in the April 9-11 game program against Northwestern. Picconi covers a number of bases in this short Q&A. Check back all season long as different Penn State baseball players continue to "cover the bases."

What is your favorite memory at Penn State?
 My freshman year, playing against No. 1 North Carolina. Being down a run in the top of the ninth inning, Rob Yodice came to the plate and hit a game-tying home run with two strikes. We eventually came back to win in the 10th inning. It was unbelievable.

What are you going to miss most about Penn State?
 The road trips and the guys I've played with over the years. I've made a lot of close friends and new relationships that I never would have if I didn't come here. Also, all the pranks and good times on the road and memories that we shared.

What are some of your biggest responsibilities as a senior captain?
 Trying to keep everyone "up" during a game. And if we're down, to try and talk to some of the younger guys who haven't been here before.

What do you like to do outside of baseball?
 I like to surf during the summer. That's one of my favorite things to do. I also like to weight life and hang out with friends and family. Mostly surfing.

How has the constant transition between shortstop and second base been?
 It's fine. I played shortstop my whole life, so I'm used to it. I'm still learning the position at second base since I didn't really play there before. It's fine; less stress on my body. It's fun playing either position as long as I'm out there. Whatever the coaches need to give us the best chance to win, I'll do.