Highberger Earns True-Grit Award At SAAB Banquet

April 20, 2010

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa.; April 20, 2010 - Former Nittany Lion walk-on Adam Highberger (Blairsville, Pa.) collected one more piece of hardware Monday before ending his athletic career following graduation from Penn State.

The Nittany Lion Club presented Highberger its True Grit Award for his perseverance and dedication in overcoming adversity during his career at the annual Student Athlete Advisory Board banquet. Highberger suffered a pair of injuries to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament in both knees during his career prematurely ending his freshman and sophomore seasons. He returned to 100 percent health in 2009-10 and earned a scholarship due to his tenacious play in practice. In his final season with the Nittany Lions, Highberger saw action in nine games, including many quality minutes in the first halves of games.

Highberger was also one of 88 student-athlete seniors honored at the banquet for having achieve a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 or higher. The Life Sciences major posted a 3.7 GPA and earned Academic All-Big Ten honors for the second time. He was also named the Nittany Lion's "Scrappiest Player" at the basketball post-season banquet.

The former All-State quarterback at Blairsville High School plans attend dental school following graduation and follow his father, Bruce, into the field of dentistry.