Miami Dolphins Player Quotes- Jared Odrick

April 22, 2010

NEW YORK, N.Y. - (On if he expected to be a first round pick) - "I wouldn't say that I was expecting to be a first round draft pick, but I got invited to the draft, that's something I was hoping for. I was hoping to be a first night guy, and it turned out that way. I'm happy about that."

(On if he is more comfortable at DT or DE) - "I can play both. It think that's one of the reasons the Dolphins took me, because I can and will play any position on the D-line when I'm asked."

(On who from the Dolphins called him to inform him he was chosen) - "I spoke to Coach (Tony) Sparano, I spoke to the General Manager (Jeff Ireland). I was so excited I might have spoken to two other people I didn't even know to be honest with you. It was an exciting call. I saw the 954 [area code] number and I went nuts."

(On if there is a chance he can play nose tackle) - "Any chance? Yeah, definitely. I played that technique in college; it's not something I'm opposed to whatsoever. I'm not opposed to playing anywhere eon the D-line. Whatever works, whatever the coaches want, let's do it."

(On his natural weight) - "Right now I'm 302. Natural weight is right around 300. I can go up, I can go down. I don't see myself going down too much, but whatever works for me or fits best."

(On what he considers his strengths to be) - "I think overall, my versatility. My strengths on the field, I think I'm a great pass rusher, I think I'm a great run stopper. I think that I'm a smart player on the football field and I make people around me better. It's hard for me to talk about myself because I try to do everything as good as possible and not specialize in something."

(On if he thinks he caught the attention of the Dolphins at the Senior Bowl) - "Definitely. I spoke to some of the staff while I was down in Alabama playing in the game and during practice week, and got good, positive feedback. I knew that they had a strong feeling about me, but I didn't know how strong. Obviously, it was pretty strong."

(On his ability pressuring the quarterback and defending the run) - "[If] You want to do both. I want to get after the quarterback every play that it's a pass. Sacks don't come every play, they come every so often. It makes you hungry to go get one, and that's why it's such an exciting play. Defending the run, that's just being a man. That's just hunkering down and getting dirty."

(On where the Dolphins rated on the places he would have liked to possibly end up) - "I really didn't go into this thing thinking anyone [specifically] was going to take me, because I didn't really have any idea. Everybody said the same thing. Everybody said `hey, we like you, hey, we like you, hey, we like you.' I just really went into it hoping that I could get drafted tonight and it happened."

(On if he was excited to see the call was from the 954 area code because it meant he was being drafted or because it was specifically the Dolphins) - "First of all, that I'm getting the call that I'm being drafted. Definitely because I'm being drafted by the Dolphins. I can't imagine a better situation right now."

(On the conversations he had with the Dolphins coaches at the Senior Bowl) - "They were pretty brief conversations just about `looking good.' The one time I asked coach Sparano what the first play was going to be. That was the day before the game, I said `hey, what's the first play going to be?,' and he turned to me and said `we're sure as heck not telling you' [laughter]."

(On what he thinks will make him a successful player in the NFL) - "I'm the kind of guy who's going to be professional, who's going to come to work every day, who knows what he wants from the league and knows what he wants to get to the league. Not just the league, but the Miami Dolphins. Coming to work every day and being a competitor. I think I'm a natural competitor, and that's what I do, compete."

(On who in the NFL he has leaned on for advice) - "I talked to Tamba [Hali] a lot. I speak to Tamba whenever he comes up and works out, he works out a lot up at the school [Penn St.]. Other players like Anthony Adams come back. I always speak to people and try to extract as much information as possible from former players. A lot of those guys always want to give open advice."

(On if there is a player in the NFL that he compares himself to) - "I wouldn't say so. I think what I do is I try to extract take different skills and qualities from players I like or from the skill sets I like and try to implement them in my game. It is just really a culmination of other players I watch on film. I really don't try to emulate anybody."

(On college teammate Aaron Maybin struggling in the NFL his rookie season and if he takes any lessons from that) - "I think it is unfair to say he didn't make it. He might have had a little rookie stumble like most rookies do. I think the difference with me is that I think I will persevere and I am not saying that Aaron didn't whatsoever, but I am just looking to work hard and get better."

(On how much playing in the Big Ten has helped to prepare him for the NFL) - "I think it prepares me a lot, I think it does. Especially for practice [when] I have to go against Jake Long, right? I think it prepared me a lot. The type of competition and the type of hard nose football that is played in the Big Ten I think would prepare anybody."

(On if he played any 3-4 defense at Penn State) - "We had some of our three down lineman sets and defenses, but we were mainly a 4-3 team and that is what we played."

(On if he has ever been to Miami) - "Yes I have been to Miami before. I visited over there when I was in Naples [Florida]. I visited over there and it was a good time, it was great city. I told one of my teammates `I would love to play for the Dolphins'. I think it is a great town, I am excited to play there and be with those kinds of fans."

(On if the Dolphins organization did anything to show that they liked him more than other teams did) - "A lot of teams showed interest. Everybody said the same thing...that is why I was so confused. I really didn't feel like it was anything out of the ordinary from other teams."

(On the connection to Naples, Florida that he referred to) - "I was training in Naples."

(On what the experience has been like in New York City where he has been for the draft) - "It has been great. I have traveled around [and] got to do things you don't get to do in everyday life. Doing the TV show at [Mt.] Sinai Hospital was pretty funny. It was good to interact with the kids there [and] getting to see sights that you don't see every day. I am no stranger to New York, my family lives over in New Jersey, but New York been great. It has been a great experience."

(On how glad he was to get drafted today and not have to wait all day tomorrow) - "It is relieving, it definitely is relieving. My goal was to not let any stress build. That is just the way it is, the lay of the land [but] it is definitely a relief to know that I am a Miami Dolphin when I go to sleep tonight."

(On if he expects to start in the 2010 season) - "I don't expect anything. The only thing I expect is for me to go down there and work my behind off to get better. That is what I want to do. I want to be a better player than when I left Penn St. and I think I will do that."

(On how often people mis-pronounce his last name) - "A good amount, but it is nothing I take offense to. My dad only learned how to say our last name right when he was 19 so I don't take too much offense to that."

(On if it is pronounce ODD-Rick) - "ODD-Rick, yes."

(On when the last time it was mispronounced) - "Probably earlier today."