Q & A With Senior Lindsay Cullen

April 5, 2010

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - Senior Lindsay Cullen

Lindsay Cullen is a senior out of Allen, Texas. As a junior, Cullen played in 27 rounds for the Nittany Lions, recording a career-best round of 74 at the JMU Eagle Invitational.

Q: How did you get involved in the game of golf?

A: My dad got me started when I was probably five or six. I was more interested in driving the golf cart. I would play just for fun with my dad and then I started playing competitively in eighth or ninth grade.

Q: What was life like growing up?

A: It was hot. I'm from Texas. It was good. I did a lot of sports. I did soccer and golf until high school. I quit soccer sophomore year of high school to focus on golf because I was better at golf than soccer.

Q: Why did you choose Penn State?

A: All of the schools I looked at were Big Ten schools and I just liked Penn State the best. It was the nicest and I decided it would give me the best opportunity.

Q: What are some major challenges you have had to overcome either on or off of the golf course?

A: I've had surgery three times in four years on my ankle. I think I'm finally done with surgery after the one this summer. Now I have a nine inch scar on my ankle. I just started playing golf again.

Q: What is your most memorable experience so far at Penn State?

A: Probably Big Tens last year just because last year was really the first year that I actually got to play competitively for Penn State. I played really well and had fun.

Q: Who is your biggest role model and why?

A: I like Phil Mickelson a lot. But if it was a role model, I would probably say Justin Leonard because he's little and I'm little. I met him a few times. He's a really cool guy.

Q: What would you like to accomplish by the end of your Penn State career?

A: I would like to play in Big Tens again. It was fun, nice way to finish off the year.

Q: What are your plans for after Penn State?

A: Probably not any more competitive golf. Maybe occasionally but I have nine months of internship left so I'll be in Boston for the summer and fall. I think I want to do sports broadcasting or something with sports media.

Q: What are a couple things that you would like to do in your life?

A: Skydive. I really want to skydive. I would like to go to Australia or New Zealand or something funky and exotic like that, somewhere with accents. I really want to skydive and maybe do a helicopter drop-off snowboarding trip.

Q: What is your hidden talent?

A: I am like a human jukebox. Every song that comes on the radio, I know the words to it.