Covering The Bases With Jordan Steranka

May 6, 2010

Sophomore third baseman Jordan Steranka was the feature player in the April 20 game program against Duquesne. The Pittsburgh native covers a number of bases in this short Q&A. Check back all season long as different Penn State baseball players continue to "cover the bases."

Being a Pittsburgh native, is it extra special facing the schools from that area like Duquesne and Pittsburgh? Are there any former teammates on those squads?
JS: It is very special playing teams close to home such as Duquesne and Pittsburgh because I have grown up around those schools my whole life. I do also have numerous friends on each of those teams and it is always fun playing against them.

Why did you choose Penn State?
JS: I chose Penn State because it has a great athletic program along with strong academic standards. Also, I can grow the most as a baseball player here through the coaching staff and facilities.

How special was it to be named to the All-Conference team as a freshman last season?
JS: It was very special to be named All-Conference and is something that can I always look back on. I was very blessed to have a successful season last year and am looking forward to keep improving my game and getting better.

What has the biggest transition been for this, your sophomore year?
JS: My biggest transition this year has been adjusting to being a middle of the order hitter. I am getting pitched to differently this year and have to use better pitch selection. Everything is a learning experience and the adjustments I have been making are going to help me become successful now and in the future.

What are some things you like to do outside of baseball?
JS: Outside of baseball, I like to do all sorts of things. I really enjoy listening to all types of music. Also, I love hanging out with friends and working out.