Penn State Player Quotes Women's Basketball Media Day

Oct. 11, 2010

#24 Mia Nickson
RS So., Forward

Q: This past year, did you learn some things? What do you feel like the year maybe helped you with?
A: I learned patience. I feel like as a player on the court, the game's always going a certain speed, but you don't have to go the speed of the game, you have to go the speed of what you can do. So I learned just to calm down, be patient, things like that.

Q: This group as a whole, what's the excitement level for the season?
A: We're very excited. We feel like we're fast, athletic, physical. It's going to be a great year.

Q: What did you work on over the summer? What are you looking to add when you get on the floor?
A: This summer we did like a 10,000 shots type of selection, so I worked on my jump shot, finishing in the paint more efficiently. A little bit of ball handling to help bring the ball up the court, not get trapped.

Q: How much are you looking forward to the physical play of Big Ten basketball? Do you like to shove people around?
A: I'm excited. I'm supposed to be the physical person, that's the nickname they gave me. So I'm really excited to hit and bump people other than my teammates and the practice guys.

Q: How frustrating was it to not be able to contribute on the floor last season?
A: It was hard. I really just wanted to get out there sometimes, especially to help with the rebounding and the posting up on the bigger players, but I learned a lot so now I'm excited to go and play the game.

Q: What do you think you did that stuck out on your teammates' and your coaches' minds [captain selection]?
A: I think I'm a leader by example, so they took that and thought that was good. I also help my teammates calm down, boost them up, everything like that. I'm a well-rounded person so I think that had something to do with it.

Q: Do you guys allow yourselves to think about the NCAA Tournament? Is there any pressure at all [since PSU is hosting]?
A: I don't know if there's any type of pressure because it's here. Our goal is always to be in the NCAAs. So the fact that it's home is great and that we get to play in front of our home fans, but that's always the ultimate goal, to get into NCAAs and hopefully win the championship. Our goal is always to make it as far as we can. It's just great that it happens to be in our backyard.

#25 Renee Womack
Jr., Guard

Q: Do you feel like you're getting back on the horse with your injury?
A: I'm feeling good. I did a lot of rehab over the summer and I'm starting to work back in with the team, in practices I've really been going, been trying to go full speed. But yeah, I'm getting back.

Q: Do you feel cautious when you hear about others who've reinjured themselves?
A: I actually thought about that. My mom actually asked me if I was a little worried about tearing mine again, but I'm not because even though there's people who tear their ACLs maybe once, twice, there's other people who just do it once and then they're fine for the rest of their career, so hopefully I'll be that person.

#25 Gizelle Studevent
So., Guard

Q: Talk about your possible role as a point guard...
A: I never played point guard. I've always been a wing player but if I'm thrown out there to play point guard then hey, PT [playing time] is PT. If I'm thrown out there to play that then I'll take that responsibility if I have to.

Q: Have you had any idea of instruction, have you worked with anybody on it, other than just watching [Alex] Bentley?
A: Well more so, being here, just how Coquese tells the point guards to be aware of everything that's going on the floor. Point guards are basically the coach of the floor so I kind of have an idea of what point guards have to do. So pretty much here is where I learn some of the stuff.

Julia Trogele

#11 Julia Trogele Sr., Guard/Forward

Q: You said it feels a little weird being the only senior on the team; can you talk about that a little more? Is it more of a parental role or mentoring role?
A: Everyone always wants to call me the "mom" but I don't see myself as a nurturing person, they call me "sergeant." It's more that I give out the commands and I think my teammates have gained a lot of respect for me through working with them, seeing how hard I work at workouts and pushing through things, doing the right thing, setting the example, they're willing to follow. So, that is the role I have taken on.

Q: Was it difficult for you to grow into that role, or do you see yourself naturally as that type of person?
A: That's the type of person I was in high school, so it is something I was familiar with, but not at the collegiate level. It is a little different, a lot more riding on my back, more meetings with coach and a lot more expectations. It's definitely more challenging than anything I've ever done. I'm always busy making sure everyone is doing what they're supposed to, so it is definitely a step up from what I'm used to but not something I'm unfamiliar with.

Q: What do you think your expectations are on the court this year as your personal role?
A: I've started the last two years, so that is something I would like to continue to do. Even if I don't start, the ultimate goal is to win, so whatever I need to do to win is what I'm going to be doing. [I want] to continue to lead the team in rebounding, play hard defense; possibly add to the scoring aspect because we lost Tyra [Grant]. I'm not really that concerned about the scoring though because as I've seen in practice we don't have an issue with that. It will be more so filling in areas that we may need work in.

Q: Which of the freshmen has stood out especially?
A: So far in practice, obviously Maggie [Lucas], she's not afraid to shoot it and has a great shot and floor awareness. Ariel [Edwards] is super athletic, crashes the board, someone I can see taking on my role later on in her college career. She crashes the board hard, plays great defense, and knows how to score as well so I really have been seeing great things from those two. Talia [East] has just been working on her knee, trying to get back into everything.

Q: You and Mia [Nickson] are the two captains, and Mia hasn't played a minute for this team so what is it about her that everyone else about the team respects?
A: Ultimately it was Coach Quese's decision as to who was going to be captain, alongside me. One thing you can see in Mia [Nickson] is a certain type of toughness she carries herself with. She is a very physical player, which makes you want to respect her. Last year, when she was a practice player, she would hurt us a lot on both offense and defense. That's just the type of game that she plays, so that generates a lot of respect on the court. Off the court, she is a very genuine person, a good friend, someone that will always look out for you. So, I think that is something that will contribute to her capability of being a good captain.

Q: Coach mentioned that you have a lot of versatility this year, a lot of players that can play different positions, how do you think that benefits the team, and how it is going to help you down the road playing some of these Big Ten teams that may have some more size than you may have?
A: We're pretty tall, we have six players over six feet tall, that is pretty good for us, and we now have a lot of solid shooters. Some big mismatches too, especially me and Ariel [Edwards]. She is a tall forward player that can go inside and out, and Nikki [Greene] has been getting a lot stronger in the off season. Everyone has been improving and we have added a lot of great assets to the team with the incoming freshman.

Q: You mentioned you see a lot of similarities in Ariel to yourself, do you see yourself maybe taking her under your wing this year and trying to guide her and prepare her for when you leave?
A: I think Ariel [Edwards] is going to be a better player than I ever was. She is already coming into college at a different level than I was, but I think that she is going to get a lot of playing time this year because I know for a fact my knees can't play 40 minutes a game, and I think that is going to help her grow and mate into a greater player. I think she is far more athletic than I am. I said versatility wise I see her capable of going inside and out, so I do see her being a lot like me.

#5 Talia East
Fr., Forward

Q: What do you feel the freshman have to add to the team as a class?
A: As the freshman class, I think versatility. I think Maggie [Lucas] can go 1 or 2, Ariel [Edwards] can go 2 or 3, and me 4 or 5, so that is a lot of versatility. I think we can bring a lot of energy, we've kind of done that already. We're getting them pumped up, and everyone seems to love us so I think we'll be good this season.

Q: Coach talked about the overall talent and depth of the team, what do you have to say about number of players you can count on off the bench in addition to the starters?
A: Depth is definitely there, I think for every player that comes in, there is someone you can flip back out, so it is going to be hard for teams to match up because if one player is tired we have another one in. So, I think it is going to be hard for teams to keep up with us.

Q: How has the transition been from high school to college so far, basketball wise and overall?
A: The transition was the hardest the first two weeks, just basic things like waking up early. Work out wise, it has been a lot more intense, and the focus is a lot more serious, more in tune, and ready to go from drill to drill, so that has been a good transition.

Nikki Greene

#54 Nikki Greene
So., Center

Q: Maggie said that other teammates are no different that they're a freshman. How talented are the three girls?
A: Maggie [Lucas] is definitely gifted. She has a shot just like Ray Allen, a quick release and everything. Talia [East] is working on some of her rehab so we're looking forward to seeing her position around the basket. Ariel [Edwards] is really good off the dribble, she likes to penetrate and shoot her outside jump shot and she's able to finish around the basket.

Q: Coach talked about the length of the season, something that you and Alex noticed last year compared to high school years, it's a lot longer. What can you say about that for importance of nutrition and sleep?
A: Take advantage of every second that we have off the court. Practices can be long, when it comes to outside activities; make sure you stay hydrated, relaxed and stay off your feet.

Q: What do you have to say about the chemistry of the team? Is everyone getting along?
A: Chemistry is pretty good. Everybody is just like a family we have our times but when it comes down to it and we're trying to compete we all stick together as one.

Q: What's it say about Mia being a captain without ever playing in a game here so far?
A: I think it's good because Mia [Nickson] has a lot of leadership skills. She motivates people.

Q: Can you recall instances last year where maybe she was on the bench within a game kind of pulling you guys aside, being an extra coach and showing that leadership?
A: I'm not sure exactly what game it was, but a couple of games before we hit the floor, she would come over and stretch us, motivate us, give us words of wisdom and tell us to go out and compete.

#23 Ariel Edwards
Fr., Guard/Forward

Q: How much has Julia worked with you so far? Has she taken you under her wing and helped you on the floor and off?
A: Julia [Trogele], she's a great captain. She is a great leader. She's told me a lot about being competent on the court and how when she was a freshman, she was really thin like me and had a hard time with that aspect of the game. If you see her now she's strong and she knows that I'm going to get there. She's been very helpful.

Q: The two captains, what do you like about their leadership style? What kind of leaders are they on the floor?
A: Whenever you need anything, they're always there. They know a lot about the game so you can always ask them questions if you have anything you don't know or anything you don't understand.

Q: Coach said this team is really athletic and versatile, have you noticed that in practice and how do you think that's going to help the way you guys play this season?
A: We are a very quick team. If you look around we don't have anybody that's seven-foot running around the court, so we get up and down the court really quickly.

Q: Some of the Big Ten teams have a lot of size, do you think being athletic, versatile and fast is going to help you guys in situations?
A: Oh definitely. Even coach was saying in practice the other day, the practice plays we play with the guys, we would run up the court and they'd be tired. We'd still be in good shape, and still ready to play and go.

#33 Maggie Lucas
Fr., Guard

Q: Is this the type of team and program you were expecting when you came in?
A: Yes. I wanted to come into a program that hasn't won a national championship yet. I saw it as a great opportunity because I think we are going to be putting ourselves in that position if we know what to do to compete for a national championship eventually. That's the goal for all of us. And I think with this team we definitely have a chance at having a very successful season.

Q: How much time do you spend shooting?
A: My dad is one that always helped me with my form. My dad has always wanted me to shoot like a boy. He never wanted me starting my shot down by my waist. He wanted me to have the strength to start my shot up high. When I was younger, we never focused on the three too soon, we knew that would come. We really focused on my form and once I got that down, I was more comfortable moving out. It's something I work on a lot. I'm in the gym most of my free time taking as many shots as I can.

Q: What's an estimate of how many shots you put up a week?
A: I would say around 1,000 probably (laughter). It's all shots, not just threes.

Q: How important is it for family to see you play as often as possible?
A: It's definitely a huge thing. I'm really close with my family, my dad, mom and brothers. It's really good that I'm staying close to home. They're going to be at all my home games and then my dad is going to fly out to Dayton for that first game. I'm really happy to have their support. Without it I wouldn't know what to do.

Q: How have you found the physical preseason work coming in? Was it expected? Harder than expected?
A: It was hard. [Strength coach] Brad [Pantall] really pushes us. Some days we walk off the court workouts and say, "How did we just run that many sprints?" But we all made it out of it. It really brings the team together. You are pushing each other through it and you are running for your teammates. It brings the team even closer together. It's good for us.

Alex Bentley

#20 Alex Bentley
So., Guard

Q: How much more comfortable are you in year two now?
A: I'm pretty comfortable in both my teammates and myself. So it's going to be a fun season.

Q: What are you looking to build upon from last season? Do you think having a winning season helped the program move in the right direction?
A: Oh definitely. Having a winning season definitely helped the program. It's a confidence booster first off. We are trying to change the program around and get back to winning titles. We are on the right track.

Q: Coquese talked about this being an athletic team. As someone who likes to bring the ball up with pace, what does this group offer you this year?
A: It's great. We are really athletic this year. It's going to be fun to just run the floor and push the ball up. I know that my teammates are going to be there running with me. So it's going to be really great.

Q: You don't have an experienced backup behind you this season playing your position. Does that do anything different to the way you play or do you have to try to stay on the floor a little bit more?
A: I'm definitely going to have to be in a lot more shape than I was last year. That's a given. I'm going to have to step it up and play more minutes. Also, Zhaque (Gray) is going to be playing at the point as well. I have the most confidence in her to handle the weight of that position.

Q: You like to play aggressive defensively too. Do you have to choose your spots more often?
A: I wouldn't say choose my spots. It's more like playing smart and knowing the times of what I need to do and knowing the times of where I can just feed my teammates and let them go. It's just going to be something I'm going to have to be conscious about.