Nittany Lion Fencers Find Success At Temple Open

Nov. 8, 2010

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - This past weekend the Penn State fencers traveled to Philadelphia to compete in the largest individual collegiate meet in the nation. Temple University hosted the event, which spanned two days, and hosted nearly 600 fencers.

Nittany Lion Alyssa Vongreis dominated the senior women's epee finishing first among over eighty competitors. Teammate Anne Stephenson finished in 32nd.

The women's team found success in the foil competition, with four Nittany Lion's finishing in the top 25. Danielle Little, Lauren Bauch, Daniela Goldenberg and Freshman Erica McKee placed 12th, 16th, 19th and 22nd, respectively. Teammate Brigid Frey earned herself a fifth place finish in the women's saber.

Four freshmen on the men's team proved themselves to be tough competitors this weekend with all of them finishing within the top ten for their weapon.

In the epee competition Freshman Mitchell Culler tied for third with Isaac Joseph of the University of Pennsylvania. Freshman Samuel Zucker placed fifth followed by freshmen Ben Freiman who took sixth and Roger Kristof who took ninth.

Freshman Rylan Delap came out strong finishing eighth in the men's foil. Garrett Buell and Nick DePinto rounded out the top 25 for the men's saber, coming in 24th and 25th, respectively.

The Nittany Lion's will look to find success this weekend, Nov. 13-14 hosting the 39th annual Garret Open. The event will be held in the White Building with action beginning at 8:30 a.m. both days.