Outback Bowl Media Day Players Transcript

Dec. 11, 2010

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Outback Bowl Media Day
December 10, 2010
Players' Transcript No. 2

No. 61 Stefen Wisniewski, Senior, Guard

Q: How much are you looking forward to the match-up with Florida?

A: I was really excited to hear we were playing Florida. Big-time program, and like us, they kind of had a little bit of a down year, but it gives both of us an opportunity to end the season on a high note, beating a solid team. So, I'm really excited about it.

Q: Would it feel good to send Urban Meyer out with a loss?

A: I don't care about that. I don't know, maybe somebody else does, but I just want to beat the Gators.

Q: At one point did you think the offensive line changed?

A: I think it kind of happened after the Illinois loss. We really got together and weren't happy with the way we were playing and decided we need to change it. Over that bye week and over the next few weeks, I feel like we really kind of started playing at the level that we knew we were capable of.

Q: This is a big game for some of the younger guys on the team.

A: Absolutely. Those guys need to use this opportunity to really get better and it's big-time for them. I think we get 15 practices so, you can get a lot better in 15 practices. Hopefully those guys are looking at this with an attitude not to just get through, but to really get better.

Q: How much do you think having two new quarterbacks to break in affected the rest of the team?

A: It's definitely a huge learning curve at quarterback, maybe bigger than any other position. You could probably point to that as some of the reasons for our struggles, quarterback's learning, but there are other reasons as well - offensive line learning, just not playing to our best. But those guys, (Matt) McGloin and Rob (Bolden), we saw that they got better as they played more and McGloin, his learning curve did seem very big. He stepped in and played very well, but definitely, we're happy with the way they were playing by the end of the year.

Q: When you look back at the last 3 ½ years, how rewarding has this whole Penn State experience been for you?

A: It's been awesome. It really has been. I loved it. I've been busy, but always having a blast and definitely really going to miss this place, really going to miss my teammates. It's sad to be leaving, but excited to be moving on to the next level.

Q: Do you see the humor in Urban Meyer stepping away at 46 and Joe at 83?

A: Yeah, absolutely. I almost laughed when I heard that. I was like, "he's retiring and our coach is 83 and our coach wants to come back." It's funny, it's ironic, but hey, if that's what he's got to do, that's what he's got to do. I don't think it will affect us too much. They're still Florida and he's still coaching them in this game. Maybe it affects their team a little, but I think we're going to look at it the same way.

Q: After playing another SEC team in Alabama on the road, how do you think it's going to be going down to Florida in a game that's like a home game for them?

A: I don't think it will be too much like a home game (for Florida). I'm sure we'll have at least half Penn State fans (in the stadium) so any home field advantage, I think, won't exist.

Q: You are one of the only players that played as a freshman and will graduate in 3 ½ years. How will this game feel for you?

A: This being my last one is weird to think about. I've played in so many, I think this is like 40 starts now, something like that, and it's weird to think that this is my last one. I'm definitely sad, definitely going to miss wearing the blue and white. It's been an awesome experience and sad to be leaving my teammates and all, but I'm definitely excited to move on to the next level.

No. 19 - Justin Brown, Soph., Wide Receiver

Q: At one point during this time off do you prepare for Florida and get in actual game shape?

A: I'm sure we are going to practice some of that stuff today. We will probably do a lot of it when we get down there next week.

Q: What has the schedule been like since the Michigan State game?

A: We have just been focusing on maintaining being in shape. We weren't actually playing until a couple of days ago. We were just conditioning and lifting weights up to that point and trying to keep our bodies in shape.

Q: Do you think you made a lot of strides this year as a receiver?

A: Yeah, I think I did pretty well. There is always room for improvement, but I think I did okay. I'm a lot better than I was last year.

No. 48 - Chris Colasanti, Senior, Linebacker

Q: Coach Vanderlinden has been a good head coach in the past. Just being a player of his, how good of a head coach do you think he would be?

A: Coach Vanderlinden is a great coach. He is very strict on fundamentals. I think that is the foundation of the game. It's good that he is being strict on fundamentals, but he is also allowing us to play and be safe at the same time. He just has a presence with guys. He not only cares about us on the field, but he also cares about us on a personal level.

Q: Are there any examples of how he is he is personally with you off the field?

A: After the season is over, every year, he has us over for barbeque. We will just watch basketball. Anytime we need him, we can just give him a call and we can just go up there and watch film with him. He always has the door open to talk to us.

Q: Have you heard about any all-star games yet?

A: Not yet, I'm not sure when I am supposed to hear. I would definitely want to play. If I can get that opportunity I would definitely take it. I would just go out there and compete and try my best.

No. 42 - Michael Mauti, Soph., Linebacker

Q: How are you feeling? How's the shoulder?

A: Good, good. I've just been rehabbing the last couple of weeks and practicing normally, so I'm good to go.

Q: Could you talk about how it happened at Ohio State and what the diagnosis was after it happened in the first half? A: Yeah, it was like the first or second series, I think, and I just kind of hit the ground and my shoulder came out of the socket. I played with it until halftime and then it just got to the point where I couldn't really do anything more so they kind of just made that call.

Q: Did you separate your right shoulder?

A: No, I think they said it was a subluxation, so I guess it just came out and went back in. I've been rehabbing ever since and I'm good to go. ... That was the first time I've had any kind shoulder issue. I guess I know what it feels like for a shoulder to pop out of the socket, and it didn't feel good.

Q: When were you officially cleared to play because you made a small cameo in the Michigan State game?

A: I was good to play against Michigan State. I mean it was really just coach's call about when I was going to go in and I guess that was during reserve time or whatever. But yeah, that was the coach's call.

Q: Having missed a few games, are you fresher now?

A: Maybe in my legs a little bit, but it was a long season, I think, for everybody with injuries and stuff like that.

Q: How frustrating was this season for you personally, because when you weren't injured you played really well?

A: Yeah, I mean, injuries are part of the game. I think it doesn't always pan out the way you wanted it to, but you've got to bounce back from injuries. That was really the only thing - the ankle and the shoulder- but there's nothing I can do about it. I've just got to come back and play and take the opportunity still.

Q: Do you ever think back to the Ohio State game and think how things could have been different if you didn't get hurt?

A: I try not to think about that kind of stuff because it will just make me crazy about it. But, I think that in that first half, that was probably the best football we played for most of the year. The game didn't turn out the way we wanted it to, but there's nothing I can do about it.

Q: This is another SEC opponent, a lot of talk about speed again. Does that start to bother you?

A: Anytime you're going to be talking about us, you see that that's the first thing you say, but we've got guys that can move, too. Our bowl record in the last couple of years against SEC teams - we can hold our own against teams like that. But (Florida's) obviously a talented team so we're looking forward to it. It's a challenge for us every year. That's why you come to Penn State so you can play against teams like that in big bowl games, so I'm looking forward to it.

Q: Talk about Urban Meyer's last game and how you think they are going to come out?

A: I mean, if that's our coach, we want to send our coach out with a win so I'm sure they want to do the same. That guy, they obviously respect their coach a lot so that's what I would want to do.

No. 68 - Doug Klopacz, Senior, Center

Q: How excited where you when you found out you would be playing Florida?

A: That was a little bit of a surprise. We knew it was either going to be them or South Carolina, but we were all very excited to hear that Florida was going to be picked as the other team.

Q: Have you taken much of a look at Florida yet?

A: We haven't taken a whole lot of time as of right now. I'm sure next week and obviously the weeks following we will be watching them a lot.

Q: How much more attention will be focused on this game because it will be Urban Meyer's last?

A: I think that's going to bring a lot of extra attention to the whole bowl trip. We're going to try and not let that distract anyone in any way. So, hopefully, we will be able to just look past that and just get done what we want to get done.

Q: How gratifying was this season for you?

A: It was great. It felt great to finally get my shot and everything. I was dealing a lot with injuries and everything. It was nice to finally overcome all of that and get on the field.

Q: What was the best part of being a starter this year?

A: Everything. I'm going to miss everything that goes along with playing. That stadium, the bus rides, the away games, everything.

No. 59 - Pete Massaro, Soph., Defensive End

Q: Talk about this matchup with Florida. Are you excited to get down there?

A: I'm really excited to get down there. They've been having the same type of year that we've had. We both have been getting the same type of criticism from the media. I think it's going to be a great and physical game. It's going to be a great chance for both of us to show how much we have improved.

Q: You are going to be one of the guys coming back. Are you looking to establish momentum from this game for next year?

A: I think this is an important game for us to definitely establish some momentum going into next year. Not only for the guys playing this year, but for the younger guys, it gives them a chance to get better in the bowl practices.

Q: Do you guys as a defense feel like you need to make a statement here?

A: We do need to make a statement. We have not been making enough plays all year. This game we are going to try to go out there and show people that we can make plays and we have the playmakers to do it.

No. 6 - Derek Moye , Junior, Wide Receiver

Q: How important are these next 30 days as far as practice for the bowl and for next season?

A: I think it's going to be very important for us. We've been out here working and conditioning. We've got a chance to get on the field to practice. We've all been taking advantage of everything. A lot of the younger guys have been trying to get themselves better.

Q: What is it about Matt McGloin that impresses you the most?

A: He's not a typical quarterback size-wise, but he's a good pocket passer. He's a smart quarterback in the sense he goes through his progressions and for the most part takes what the defense gives him and gets the ball out pretty quickly.

Q: What have you seen from Florida's secondary on tape, especially on Janoris Jenkins?

A: I haven't started watching anything yet. I've seen them just a little bit just from being a fan of college football and watching them. He's a good player and I think it's going to be a great opportunity for us receivers to go out there and get experience going against a good corner.

Q: What kind of presence has Matt McGloin had?

A: He's had a great presence. He's really confident. He's not scared at all to get in someone's face and let them know that it's his huddle and he's in control in there. I think that's one of his greatest attributes is his ability to be a leader and to just not be scared and get in someone's face.

Q: Does the offense need a little bit more of that leadership?

A: I definitely think it helped us. With him (McGloin) in the huddle, I think it just kind of gave us a little bit more energy out there. I think it some cases it rubbed off on the defense as well.

No. 34 - Nathan Stupar, Junior, Linebacker

Q: What do you look forward to doing down there for fun?

A: The beach maybe, but I doubt it. Just hanging out with the guys. The guys on the team are real fun to hang out with, just having fun and talking.

Q: How do the linebackers view themselves this year compared to past years?

A: From the beginning of the year until now, I think we've grown tremendously at the linebacker position. This year we don't have the two or three-year experienced linebackers like Paul (Posluszny) or Sean Lee or Dan Connor. We have the young guys that started the year now turning into those guys for next year. I think we've grown tremendously as linebackers and that's going to move on towards these next couple practices and to the bowl game and after the bowl game to next season. I have a feeling that you guys are really going to see that next season.

Q: Who has made the most strides at linebacker?

A: I would say all of us. We were all young in the beginning of the season. Chris Colasanti, from last year to now, has really proved himself as a leader out there and has been making plays, making tackles. From the beginning of the season until now, I think he's proven himself to be a real good linebacker.

Q: Given the season, are you happy to be playing in a bowl as good as the Outback Bowl?

A: I'm happy. You always want to play in a New Year's bowl game. Everyone's watching. Everyone's on vacation with nothing to do and watch a football game. You get a lot of people watching you. With our season, I wish we won all of them, obviously, but it didn't happen. We knew it was going to be a tough, tough schedule. We played the cards that we were dealt and this is where we are now. We have Florida ahead of us and that's what we're preparing for.

No. 36 - Collin Wagner, Senior, Placekicker

Q: Does Urban Meyer's announcement change anything?

A: I don't know. I feel like they want to make him a winner going out. As far as our focus, I don't really think that affects us a bunch.

Q: What are you guys doing now to prepare?

A: We're working out four days a week running, lifting, and then practicing on the weekends. So I'm kicking twice a week now. We'll all be getting back into it once we head down to Florida. Next week I'll probably kick three times.

Q: Is there anything that can prepare you for the game-day situations?

A: Yeah, I mean we can, if we put out a defense out there. We do live field goals. That's just like a game-situation. But yeah, it's not the same. They're not coming off the edge as fast. We're not trying to get hurt during practice like that.

No. 9 - Michael Zordich, Soph., Fullback

Q: How do you feel about going into a game with a program like Florida?

A: I'm so excited. It's awesome to be able to go into a bowl game, first of all, and then to play a team like Florida is just something special. I've been fortunate to be here these last three years, playing against USC, then LSU and now Florida. It's a great opportunity, not only for Penn State, but for all college fans just to see these games.

Q: Is it different for you because you have a greater role in the offense?

A: I'm much more excited about this year because I've been playing a lot more this year. I'm excited to get in there and actually play a big team like this in a bowl game. It will be fun.

Q: Can this set a tone for winter, spring and then next season?

A: Absolutely. I was here for USC and we went into winter with a loss and then beating LSU and going into winter last year, you could absolutely tell a difference. A big win like that sets the tone not only for next year, but for winter workout, for all the practices and everything and just the team morale. It kind of just boosts everybody's confidence.

No. 5 Graham Zug - Senior, Wide Receiver

Q: Given the way your season played out, was getting into The Outback Bowl the best case scenario?

A: Yeah, it's a great opportunity for us. We're playing a great team in Florida and The Outback Bowl a great bowl. This is where I started and now I get to finish my career there. It's a great thing for me.

Q: So you have great memories from Tampa. Talk about that for a bit.

A: It's a great place. There's lots of stuff to do down there. They take care of you really well, they have a lot of activities for us to do so, I'm looking forward to it.

Q: When you heard that Urban Meyer was retiring did you think that added fuel to the fire for the Gators?

A: It's understandable what he's doing. He's a great coach, he's done great things and I think he'll come back someday and coach, but it definitely does make it that much more special for their team to try to win his last game.

Q: How do you guys counter that?

A: We just have to realize that we have to come out - they're going to be playing at their best potential and we have to play at our maximum potential also and just hope that it's a great game.

Q: Do you guys still feel like you have a little something to prove after this season?

A: Absolutely. I still don't think we played as well as we could have, but we are definitely better than what our record shows and this game can kind of show that if we can come out and play to our best potential.

Q: Do you find it ironic that you guys are the team with the 84-year-old coach who's staying and they have a guy half his age who's leaving?

A: I understand exactly what he's thinking, what he's going through. Being a player, being here for five years, you realize how much time it takes to be an athlete here, but for a coach, that's a whole different level. So I understand what he's saying and what he's going through.

Q: Does it make you more amazed that Joe has stayed as long as he has?

A: Absolutely. That's just amazing that he's stayed here for this long and he continues to do a great job.

Q: Matt McGloin was announced as the starter for the bowl game. What is it about Matt McGloin that has made him successful?

A: He's just a fiery guy. He's always excited, he's always pushing to get better. He does a great job getting in there and being a leader and enjoying the moment and taking advantage of it.

Q: As a senior, what can these practices do to help a team in the long run?

A: You can prepare for a long time for one specific team. During the season, you have one week to prepare for a team, but during a bowl game, you have a lot longer to prepare. So it gives us a lot of time to watch film, to practice and just really get every little detail down.

Q: This is going to be like a home game for them and you've played in pretty hostile environments during the season. Does that help going into a situation like this?

A: Absolutely. Playing in big games on the road, that prepares you for a bowl game and basically in their territory, but our fans are great. I'm sure we'll have a big crowd there.