Q&A With Sophomore Petra Januskova

Dec. 3, 2010

Q: If you're not playing tennis, what are you doing?
A: Just hanging out with friends, watching movies and relaxing.

Q: How would you rate the cleanliness of your dorm?
A: Usually pretty clean actually.

Q: What do you have up on the walls?
A: I have a Czech Republic flag, pictures of friends, family.

Q: What's your favorite T.V. show and how often do you watch?
A: My favorite show is gossip girl. But I don't have a T.V. in my room because it would be way too much of a distraction (laughing).

Q: Do you use your laptop as your distraction?
A: Yeah, I use Facebook and those sites a lot.

Q: How is college life different as a sophomore?
A: I'm just more used to everything, fitness, getting to classes. Just more comfortable with everything.

Q: What's the hardest part of the fitness training?
A: All of the conditioning; especially the long distance running.

Q: How have you improved your game from last year?
A: Just being more aggressive overall.

Q: How do you use a successful fall season to prepare you for the spring?
A: You can always think back on the fall. But I am hoping to be able to improve upon that for the spring.

Q: Who's the funniest person on the team?
A: I'd have to say Kristen Roth.

Q: Who's the best dressed?
A: Sarah Henderson.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
A: Probably back to the Czech Republic.

Q: What music do you listen to before matches?
A: We all just put in a song. Usually pump-up music.

Q: What's one thing the average person wouldn't know about Coach Denny?
A: She's actually really funny.

Q: Is there a specific tennis player that you look up to?
A: Caroline Wozniacki.

Q: What was your favorite place to play at last year?
A: Purdue. That was my biggest win and they have nice facilities.

Q: What are your toughest classes/easiest classes?
A: Hardest is probably Calculus. And the easiest is an online art class.

Q: What's your biggest class?
A: Marketing, it has about 500 people.

Q: How did it feel coming into the big classes as a freshman, was it overwhelming?
A: Yeah at first it was but it didn't take long to get used to.