2011 NCAA Women's Basketball, Dayton Post-Game Quotes

March 19, 2011

University Park, Pa.; - , Tickets , University Park Tournament Central


Interview Room

Jim Jabir, Dayton Head Coach
Opening Statement:
Hats off to Penn State. They're a great team. They have length and scoring. Alex Bentley is amazing. We've had nightmares about Bentley for a long time. I love the way they play. I thought we battled them in the second half and got back into the game. I'm also amazingly proud of our program, where we've come, where we are, and the kids that are in it. I thought it was a really hard fought game and I'm really just proud of our kids.

Q: How did Penn State's pressure throw you out of the game in the first half?
A: We got the ball and some easy shots in the press. We didn't make some of those pull-ups and offensive rebounds in the press. We wanted to go and we got some shots, but we didn't make all of them.

Q: How would you evaluate Penn State's Alex Bentley?
A: I've seen her on tape throw up shots from her hip as she's falling down while going to the right. I'm sure she didn't see the rim, but the ball went in. While going to the left, she's got that fade away off the bounce. You can't stop it. She's a great scorer and a very clutch player. She causes us nightmares. We've talked about her since the basketball brackets came out. She's a great player.

Q: What is going on with Justine Raterman's knee?
A: She's the toughest kid I've ever been around. I think there might be more damage than we think. She must've landed wrong and I think she was done. She wouldn't say it on the bench, but I could tell she was really hurting. I didn't want to put her in any further danger. She gave us everything she had and she's a great kid.

Q: Justine Raterman came back in around the 10 minute mark and it looked like she took another shot to the knee. Did she say anything about it afterwards?
A: It showed more in her facial expressions. She started slowing down and her shot was flat the whole day. Her shot didn't look like Justine's shot during the game. In the second half, I thought she was slowing down more and was in obvious pain. I didn't want to put her in a situation to do more damage to herself.

Q: What does the exclusion of Raterman do for Dayton?
A: She's the best player on our team. It's like taking Alex Bentley away from Penn State. She was averaging 16 points a game this year. Everything goes through her. Everyone on the team now has to change their roles and take on a little more of the workload. To try to do that in a game is hard to do. We need time to practice and work people into different spots. Emotionally, I think Justine is our leader. Late in the year, we lost to Charlotte and Temple badly. She didn't play those two games because of a concussion. Then we got better when she came back. She is very important to us.

Q: Where do you feel like the game got away from you?
A: I think we turned the ball over way too often. I think that was our biggest problem in both halves. We made a run, got it to a two point game, and got a post-up again. I thought the defender went over the back but there wasn't a call. We probably should've put a bounce pass there and maybe tie the game up. We missed some critical foul shots at times as well. Overall, all I ask is that the team gives us their best effort and they do it all the time. I can't be more proud of them.

Q: How do you think Dayton's season has been and how do you think it will be next year?
A: I think it's hard to make that evaluation 10 minutes after the last game, but I'm happy with where our program is. We'll lose Kristin Daugherty from our starting line-up, but we have a McDonald's All-American coming in next year and we have a really good recruiting class. I like where we are and I think our future is really bright. I couldn't be more proud to be a Dayton Flyer today.

Q: What does Kristin Daugherty mean to the team?
A: Everything. Kristin was the first local kid to decide that we were good enough to go there. A lot of kids laughed at me when I tried to recruit them, but Kristin believed in what we were doing and has been a great model for our program. Whether it's talking to a five year old or taking the last shot of the game, she's a great student. She represents everything we want the University of Dayton women's basketball program to be. She's the face of our program and how we want to be. She's a great kid, comes from a great family, and we're going to miss her.

Q: You were down two, had the ball, and the ball went out of bounds. What explanation did the referee give you overturning that call?
A: She said the lead referee had gotten it wrong and overruled her. She said the ball touched our guy and I think it might have. I'm not sure.

#40 Kristin Daugherty, Sr., Guard
Q: You guys were within two points at one time. Where do you think it got away from the team?

A: I think we had mental lapses whether it was turnovers or missed blocks. Just little things that got to us towards the end and gave Penn State a pretty sizable lead.

Q: How was Justine Raterman's knee and how did it play a factor in the game?
A: She's just been a great leader although she wasn't able to be on the floor with us. She was talking to make sure we were focused.

Q: How big was it for the team to come back in the game?
A: At the end of the second half, that pressure really got to us. Patrice (Lalor) said you're not tired when you're coming back, but you're always thinking in the back of your head, "Man, that was quite a comeback." Allowing them to score 18 points in the last three minutes was tough to come back from. It was a heart breaker when the game got away from us like that.

Q: How do you evaluate Dayton's season as a whole?
A: We've had a great season. We did have some ups and downs, but we shined in the Minnesota tournament and we really came together. We were definitely clicking at the right time but we just couldn't pour it out today. I'm so proud of all the girls and how hard we've worked the entire season. It's going to be hard coming back next year.

#20 Patrice Lalor, Jr., Guard
Q: How much does the exhaustion of energy affect you later in the game?

A: I would say not at all because you're just so intense at the end. You have more energy and you're excited that you're coming back and that it's a good game.

Q: What was Dayton trying to do against Penn State's Maggie Lucas defensively?
A: We were denying her strong side, trying to get into her head, and stopping her from getting the ball. We knew that she was an excellent three-point shooter that broke records in the Big Ten conference. We were really trying to not let her get any touches to frustrate her so she wouldn't have a good game.

Q: How did Penn State's pressure throw you out of the game in the first half?
A: We just hesitated too much instead of attacking. Sometimes we would hesitate and turn the ball over allowing Penn State to gain momentum. Our turnovers in the first half were the biggest thing.

Locker Room Quotes

Justine Raterman, Jr., Forward
Q: Justine, typically one of the top scorers, this game you only had three points and played only four minutes in the second half. Why was this?

A: I have been playing on an injured knee. I wasn't very effective in the first half and people were stepping up huge. Our bench played amazing today, so it was great having those players in there instead.

Q: You guys came out very strong. You had a lead of eight points. Then by the second part of the first half, you lost the lead. What happened?
A: I think we came out in the first half with a lot of excitement. The first five minutes might have been telling to the fact that we were here before. Penn State got the wind knocked out of them the first minutes. But they're a great team and bounced back quickly. They have some really great players who can hit some really nice shots. I think that they came back really strong and were just able to catch us off guard. They're a great team.

Kari Daugherty, So., Guard
Q: The bench really stepped it up today. Your sister was injured for a good portion of the game. Why do you think the bench had such an impact today?

A: We have had such a balanced team all year. I think like nine different players over the course of the year have started. Each of us is invaluable to this team in our own way. With Justine's knee being hurt, we had to come in and do our part. It's the NCAAs and you just have to give it your all. It's one and done. I think everyone one of our players played as hard as they could.

Q: How do you feel after the loss, with this being your sister's last game?
A: It was very hard. My sister is a senior, and it's really hard because I just love this team and I'm not going to be able to play with Kristin (Daugherty), Aundrea (Lindsey) and Ebony (Gainey). It's just really hard to see them go, but I've been very appreciative to be able to play with them all for the two years that I've had.

Q: What was it like playing on the court with your sister for those last minutes of the game?
A: It was really special. At the end of the game we were both working at half court trying to get defensive stops. I love playing with all of them, but with Kristin it has been really special because she was the reason I came to Dayton. To be able to end the game with her on the court and to be able to spend so much time with her, it was so special.

Q: You still have two years ahead of you. What will you take away from this game to help you in the future?
A: As I team, I think we know what we need to improve on; just five-on-one defense more. Not letting teams and their runs get to us. I think Penn State made a couple of runs and we freaked out a bit. I think we'll be able to learn from this game. Next year we're going to be even older as four of our starters were juniors this year and we have a lot of sophomores. I think the fact that we made the NCAA tournament the past two years will really help us as a team.

Kristin Daugherty, Sr., Guard
Q: It was the last game and unfortunate loss, how are you feeling?

A: We knew coming in that Penn State was a great team and we had to come in with a great game plan. Unfortunately we had some mental slip ups, especially the end of the first half. We just dug ourselves in a hole. I'm so proud of all the girls for their effort. I could not have asked for better teammates.

Q: As a team, you came out very strong, only to fall behind after the first seven minutes. What was the change?
A: I think it was a mental lapse, turnovers and little things that we didn't take care of. I think that they just got some momentum and it was tough to come back from that.

Q: How was it playing those last minutes with your sister on the court?
A: It was special. We have played together for so long. I'm so glad that she came to Dayton so we could experience a few more years together. I know that she'll do great things next year too, just like the whole team will. I'm happy that she's here, but I have fifteen other sisters on the team too.

Patrice Lalor, Jr., Guard
Q: You had one of your top scoring games. What did you do to have this success?

A: I was definitely pumped for it. It's the NCAA tournament and I was just really trying to play loose and free. I just went out there trying to have fun. I think that was the biggest thing, just playing loose and free.

Q: How are you handling the loss?
A: It definitely hurts, but I think we are going to be okay. We're going to regroup, hit the gym, and be ready to get back here next year.

Q: What will you take away from this game to help you for the future?
A: I would just say sticking together. Just playing together as a team and a family and just doing our thing, playing basketball.