FEATURE: Women's Gymnastics Seniors Primed for Final Meet

March 3, 2011

By Kaitlyn Knopp, GoPSUsports.com Student Staff Writer
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - The women's gymnastics team entered the season with a change by adding new coaches Jeff and Rachelle Thompson, and are about to exit the season with a similar change.

As seniors Danielle Hover and Heather McElwee near the end of their Nittany Lions gymnastics career, both girls reflect on their last year and what it means to be a Penn Stater.

"You can say you're a Penn Stater for life," Hover said smiling wide in a white and navy Penn State sweatshirt. "[I'll miss] the family feeling the entire campus has, how safe it is. That's something people take for granted."

Both Hover, a Hospitality Management major, and McElwee, a Recreation, Parks and Tourism Management major, leave the Nittany Lions team with a long list of accomplishments, though for them it wasn't accolades that made their gymnastic experience so memorable.

"This group of 14 girls has been the most rewarding experience," Hover said. "The trust is amazing ... you know someone has got your back."

"[The team] always will have your best friends," McElwee agreed. "It's a great bond."

Both gymnasts look forward to post-college careers, though their exact future is hazy.

"I want to figure out what I'm doing. I'm in an internship with marketing now," McElwee said. "I want to go to grad school."

McElwee explained she plans on traveling the summer, though she will be back next year to finish her internship.

For Hover, she has dreams and things she must finish before moving into her career.

"For my major, there's a 100 hour work requirement," Hover said. Because of her busy schedule with being a gymnast and school, she didn't manage to complete those hours. "In my perfect world I'd like to work with Starwood. But basically this summer I'm taking off to travel."

Both said that while gymnastics is a fallback option professionally, the end of this season signals an end to their competitive performances.

"The thing is we've been doing the same thing from five or seven years old," McElwee said. "It's exciting to do something new."

Both confirmed they will "definitely" put their daughters into the sport someday, but any personal future would be through being gymnastic trainers or coaches.

"It's bittersweet - definitely our bodies are saying it's time to move on," Hover said. "There's been some days and meets where you think `how can I live without this?' and then practices where I'm like ok, yea this is why I'm ready to move on."

For both young women, they view their last season on the team with thankfulness for being part of a great change - the new coaching staff.

"I'm glad we were a part of the change," McElwee said looking at Hover for a smile of agreement. "It keeps us connected. We're both part of the past and the future."

Looking around her eyes thoughtful, Hover paused before she said, "I think for us, who only got a year of it ... "

"We're jealous," McElwee said finishing.

McElwee and Hover agree the team has a bright future ahead of them; one they feel is headed to winning national competitions.

"Alumni and people who graduated last year comment and they see the changes," Hover said.

Though conversation focused on future and gymnastics, McElwee and Hover had plenty to say about Penn State in general. They couldn't think of anything missing on their Penn State "bucket list," but they both listed places and things they would miss.

"I wanted to go to [a game for] every sports team," McElwee said before informing Hover they would have to come to a hockey game when the varsity teams begin play. "Specific spots on campus I'll remember? In front of Old Main and by the duck pond - the duck pond is my favorite spot."

Hover laughed when thinking of her bucket list, and explained Berkey Creamery was one element already satisfied on her list.

"I'm going to miss that chocolate marshmallow," Hover said with a laugh. "And I'll miss the beautiful campus and just walking through it every day."

For the two departing gymnasts, they also wanted to be sure to thank everyone involved in their experience.

"Spectators and coaches who supported me, and people who stick out in your mind - thank you everyone," Hover said.

"I'm just thankful for the opportunity," McElwee said. "I feel blessed to be chosen. I feel like I was meant to be here."