Penn State Football Press Conference

Sept. 27, 2011

VIDEO: Q&A with Matt Stankiewitch and Malcolm Willis

University Park, Pa.; - No. 54 - Matt Stankiewitch, Junior, Center

Q: How much different is this year for you as opposed to last year when you were sick?
A: It's totally different last year from this season. My attitude, mentally, physically, the whole works. I definitely came back stronger mentally and stronger physically than last year.

Q: Why did your mono go on for that long?
A: Mono does take six to eight weeks and it all has to do with your spleen and how big your spleen is. My spleen was pretty big. It was about 23 centimeters, or something like that, and the average human's is from 12 to 13 centimeters. So mine was about double the size and I couldn't go on the field with that. It was a great risk to me. That's what the doctors were saying.

Q: Can you assess the progress of the offensive line as a whole? Do you think you guys are ready Big Ten defensive lines?
A: We are definitely ready for Big Ten defensive lines, but we have to keep getting better, of course. But, off last year and this year we definitely have been playing together for a long time, definitely with the seniors up front and myself. The gelling has definitely come along better that way in the spring and definitely now into our fifth game.

Q: Can you describe if there is any difference at all from quarterback to quarterback?
A: To be honest with you, my dad asked me, "Oh, did you see (Matt) McGloin or (Rob) Bolden throw that touchdown?" I didn't even realize that. I don't even know who is under me half the time. I don't even know who is taking a snap from me. It doesn't really matter because since spring, since down in Florida, since right now, they come in and out of practice, they come in and out of the game and it doesn't even matter for us. As for me, I don't think it matters for anyone else on the offensive line.

Q: How do you go about fixing the penalties you guys have had an issue with?
A: We definitely have to cut down on that. The last game, the defense was yelling cadences out, yelling out the word `shift' which would jump us offside because we were trying to push the pace and go on quick. When a defense would yell like that and try to get us to jump offside is actually illegal and we told the ref about that. It hurt us a couple times. We have to be ready for that though, too, if teams are going to do that. So, that's what we are going to be working on this week in practice and weeks to come.

Q: How would you describe your offense going into your Big Ten opener?
A: We definitely need to have the intensity that we've been having at practice and the intensity to get really ready for this Big Ten (schedule). The Big Ten schedule starts up this week and we have to have an intensity that surpasses every week. We have to be ready and be focused every practice and that's where it starts.

No. 10 - Malcolm Willis, Sophomore, Safety

Q: With D'Anton Lynn out, does your role change at all and do you see any more time in the nickel package?
A: Right now, yeah, I have to step up and try to get back in the nickel packages. With D'Anton being down, we're just going to move everybody back around to almost like it was at the end of last year.

Q: How important is it that Michael Mauti is still around the locker room even though he can't be on the field?
A: It's really important because he's a leader on the team on and off the field. Him being down doesn't really change his role from our standpoint. Like, yesterday he came into the locker room and he was like, "Ya'll ready to be coached up by Coach Mauti?" So, his leadership role is still the same. He's going to encourage us and we're going to stick behind him no matter what.

Q: How much Indiana film have you watched and what on offense do they do differently than they did last year?
A: We've been watching a lot of film. They have a fast-paced offense. I think their offense is more fast-paced than it was last year. We just have to get good reps in practice and make sure our foreign teams are really showing the tempo that they (Indiana) will be playing with on Saturday.

Q: How much does the loss of D'Anton Lynn hurt the secondary?
A: Of course it's going to hurt just because he's so experienced. He has had all of the experience with all of the games that he has played in...We have a lot of corners and a lot of people in the secondary that can step up and make plays as well, one being Derrick Thomas and Adrian Amos. They both have been really coming on in practice and showing they're ready to step up.

Q: What did you think of Adrian Amos when he first got here and what helped him get to the point where he's seeing the field this early?
A: He's an incredible athlete. He's a kid from Maryland just like I am. I tend to try to look on the recruiting sites for kids that are from Maryland that are getting recruited by here (Penn State). When he first came in, we could tell that he can cover people. He came into practice, in training camp and he started making plays. If you make plays and you're young, whether you're young or you're old, you're going to get some time on the field.

Q: Were you recruited by Maryland and did you not go there because of their uniforms? (laughter)
A: I was recruited by Maryland. It didn't have anything to do with their uniforms. Their uniforms weren't as ugly as they are now, I don't think back then. I was recruited by them along with a lot people from Maryland that came here, but it just wasn't the right fit.

Q: What do you contribute on special teams and how much did it improve last week?
A: We go so hard in practice in special teams with Coach (Larry) Johnson and Coach (Ron) Vanderlinden. They really try and emphasize that we can't take a day off, especially punts and punt returns and kickoffs and field goal blocks. They're really important parts of the game. If we're not executing at the best of our ability, then we're not going to have the upper hand on that part of the field.

Q: How are you handling not seeing as much time at safety this season as you did last season?
A: I'm fine. I'm just going to keep going at it in practice. I'm going to keep pushing everybody that's in front of me, making sure that they're playing at the best of their ability. Whatever it takes for us to win. We're trying to go out here and get a Big Ten Championship, so whatever I have to do to ensure that, I'm going to try and do it.