Penn State Football Press Conference

Oct. 5, 2011

VIDEO: Q&A with Derek Moye & Devon Still


No. 71 - Devon Still, Senior, Defensive Tackle

Q: Will you approach this game any different because of Iowa's recent dominance in this series?
A: I feel like we're approaching this game like we would any other Big Ten game. We're not trying to dwell on the past too much, because we're trying to focus on the future. As long as we go out and practice as hard as we can this week, it should be a good game.

Q: Why has Iowa been a tough matchup for you guys? Why have they been different from other teams?
A: To be honest, they've just executed in different phases in the game better than we have. It's been real close games and they came down to the wire when they were able to beat us the last couple years. We're looking to work on flaws we had in previous years and just go out there and win this weekend.

Q: What do you remember specifically about the atmosphere, the crowd last year at Iowa? I know Glenn Carson talked earlier and said it stuck out to him.
A: If I remember correctly, it was a Blackout out there. It was a pretty intense environment. It was very loud. I'm pretty sure Beaver Stadium gets way louder than it was out there. We're just looking to show them what they showed us last year, that we have a great environment to play in.

Q: Joe said that you guys are trying to do something special. Those were his words. I'm just wondering what this game means to that whole process. You guys have been hanging on against Temple and Indiana. Where do you see this game fitting into the big picture?
A: When you start a season, you always set out to do something special. That's why you work so hard in the off-season. Obviously, we're trying to be the Big Ten champions and they're next on our schedule. So, obviously, we have to get them out of the way, so we can move on to get to that Big Ten championship. Like I said, we just have to go out there and play our game and come out with a win.

Q: You've lost a couple of key guys on defense. You're probably not going to have D'Anton (Lynn) again this week. How do you guys think you played? Did you miss (Michael) Mauti a lot?
A: Of course, we missed both of our defensive guys, Mauti and D'Anton. But, we had a lot of our second string guys step up and fill that void that we had. I think they did an excellent job last week. The defense continues to play strong and we're just looking to go out there and keep playing strong this weekend.

Q: Is the defensive line as good as it's been since you got here?
A: I think we've made a lot of progress from last year on the defensive line. We've been getting a lot more pass rush. We've been able to stop the run a lot more this year. We're looking to move forward and grow as the season goes on.

Q: There's a pretty strong sentiment despite the fact that you guys are 4-1. A lot of people seem to be pretty disappointed, looking at the close wins against Temple and Indiana. Can you guys come out and reverse that by making a statement in this game against a program you haven't beat much over time? Can you change the attitude towards the program?
A: Like everyone else, we're not satisfied with the way we've been playing, but the results have been wins. As I said, we're trying to grow out there. We're trying to play the best we can on Saturday. If that comes out as a 4-point win or 10-point win, whatever it is. As long as we get that win, we're happy. We're just trying to get better.

No. 6 - Derek Moye, Senior, Wide Receiver

Q: Can you sum up where the offense is at this point and how can you get better?
A: I think as an offense, we did some things well on Saturday and throughout the year. We've been moving the ball pretty well. I think on Saturday, we just kind of couldn't finish drives, which has kind of been a theme throughout the year. If we started finishing drives and clean up some mental mistakes, some mistakes here and there, missing a block, making a catch, not turning the ball over, than I feel like we'll be a lot closer to where we want to be as an offense.

Q: Why have you had more success when Matt McGloin has been at the helm?
A: Honestly, I'm not sure. I think it's just maybe sometimes the plays that are called, maybe sometimes a certain person is open when Rob (Bolden) is in the game, and a first read is open when he might not be when Matt is in the game. It's nothing really that I can explain, or I think anybody can really explain. It's just something that's just kind of happened.

Derek Moye

Q: Is the offense frustrated with struggles in the red zone?
A: It's frustrating. When you put a drive together and you get down in the red zone and you can't put six points on the board, you turn the ball over, it's very frustrating, especially for us as an offense, when our defense is going out and playing as well as they are. I think in order to be the team that we feel like we can be and we feel that we're going to be this year, we're going to have to start putting up points in the red zone.

Q: McGloin expressed frustration coming off of the bench. He is one of five quarterbacks in Division I with 70 or more passes and no interceptions. Do you think he has deserved the right to start a game?
A: That's up to the coaches, honestly. If they feel like what's working now is working than they'll continue to do that. If they feel like Matt should start than I'm sure they'll start him. They're not going to intentionally put us in a bad position. They want us to win games just like we want to win games. They're going to do what they feel is best for the team.

Q: Have you seen the video of Bolden and McGloin? Are they that close or is that a show?
A: Yeah, I saw it. I think it's pretty funny. I'm not going to sit here and say they're best friends, but they don't hate each other. They're cool; they like each other. I think, like I said, the video was pretty funny.

Q: What kind of impact does the quarterback situation have on leadership and chemistry?
A: As an offense, I feel like aside from quarterback, we just need to execute what we need to do. From an offensive line standpoint, they need to make their blocks. A running back, make their runs, make their blocks. Receivers: make catches and block for the running backs when they get in the open field. It doesn't really matter who's at quarterback. I feel like if we execute on our part it shouldn't really matter who is back there.

Q: Is anything extra riding on you for this game on Saturday having three losses to Iowa in your career?
A: It's definitely been tough playing Iowa and them having our number. At the same time, I feel like our main goal is to be 2-0 in the Big Ten. That's something that we are really striving for, really working hard this week in practice to get to 2-0 and get closer to our goals.

Q: You guys have had your share of false-start type penalties. Is there any difference in cadence between the two quarterbacks that you have to get used to?
A: I'm not really the person that gets to comment on that because as a receiver I'm more so just taught to watch the ball and go off the ball. That's something that more of an offensive lineman would probably have a better answer for you.

Q: Iowa has yielded a lot of points early on. What do you see from them on the defensive side of the ball that you guys might be able to exploit?
A: I feel like they do the same thing they do every year. They're not going to change. You said they've given up some points, but they still have a lot of good players and they know what they're doing back there. They just play some good defense. I think for us, if we want to exploit them, we just have to not make mental mistakes and just go out there and make plays like we should have been all year.

Q: How do you snap out of the offensive slump?
A: I don't really think you can just all of a sudden say, "Alright, I'm going to snap out of it today." It's just something that you have to work on consistently in practice and hopefully when we go out there on Saturday it falls into place for us and everybody executes and we make all of the plays and execute everything we need to do.

Q: Do you think the two-quarterback-system has anything to do with the offense being disjointed?
A: No. Like I said before, I feel like as other players, aside from the quarterback, we're taught to do a certain assignment on each play. It doesn't matter who's back there at quarterback. We should be doing what we're supposed to be doing no matter who is back there.